Japanese modern technology and tradition

Japanese modern technology and tradition
Japanese modern technology and tradition

In terms of technological development, Japan is now one of the leading countries. But it was not always so. A few centuries ago, the state was rather backward, it concerned both technology, industry, and education and science in general. In just a few centuries, Japan managed to reach the level of European powers and overtake them, while maintaining its culture, customs and way of life.

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comment on the principle of japan eastern morality western technique

From history

Japan has been an isolated country for a long time. From the 17th to the 19th century, entry into it for residents of European states was prohibited. Over the years, the lack of imports, exchange of experience and knowledge had a negative impact on the development of Japan. But the era of complete isolation had to end sooner or later.

At the end of the 19th century, the United States was forced to sign a peace treaty with them and open several ports for trade. As a result, the country in the East has become more "open". Imports of goods not only from the United States, but also European countries have increased dramatically. The government of the country has radically changed the course of policy.

Gradually, trade with other states was established. Japan has undergone significant reformschanging the routine of people's lives.

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japan principle eastern morality western technique

Special attention was paid to the education system. The government focused on the West, students and young professionals went to gain experience in other countries. At the same time, Japanese military equipment was being improved. This affected the further successes of the country in numerous wars.

Foreign influence

The striving for the West was expressed not only in the improvement of Japanese technology, but also in changing the canons of building construction, copying European style in clothes and hairstyles. To this day, it is considered fashionable to dye hair in light blond colors, so unusual for Asians. There were special shops where you can buy goods from Europe. Japanese cuisine has also changed somewhat, becoming more diverse since new foodstuffs began to arrive from overseas.

Following principles

Despite the fact that the education system adapted to European countries, the government sought to preserve the national features of the state. The main principle of Japan was respected: "Eastern morality - Western technology." From a young age, the Japanese were taught the basics of Confucianism. Special attention was paid to Shintoism - this is the oldest religion, the essence of which is the worship of nature, represented by various deities. And now, already in the 21st century, most of the inhabitants of the state believe and observe the customs of Shinto, passing them from generation to generation.

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japan technique

When the accelerated upgrade process,focused on the Western model, ended, the country became more independent. However, cultural characteristics were preserved. Now the inhabitants of other powers are attracted by the national identity of Japan, its unique art, moral standards. Not every state can combine such different extremes: absolute adherence to traditions, respect for the religion of ancestors and the highest level of technological development with a constant increase in innovation.

Modern technology of the country

Following the principle of "Eastern morality - Western technology", Japan has managed to become a high-tech and developed country. It is no secret that it is she who stands at the foundations of robotics. Every year Japan hosts international festivals and exhibitions of robotics. The latest inventions surprise and inspire professionals around the world. Robots are able to perform more and more functions and look more aesthetically pleasing than 10-15 years ago.

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japan oriental morality western technique

Another area in which the Land of the Rising Sun has reached incredible heights is information technology. More than a third of its inhabitants have access to the Internet. The government is aware of the importance of developing this area and makes significant contributions from the budget, supports the projects of individual specialists and large corporations, allocates grants and subsidies.

One can comment on Japan's principle of "Eastern morality - Western technology" by looking at the activities of large manufacturing corporations. The company "Canon", specializing in photographic equipment, was founded in Japan. And the first inventionswere made by analogy with German technology. In the future, the invention was improved and surpassed its "prototypes". The very name of the company reflects the true Japanese identity: it is the name of a deity in Buddhism.
