Culture 2024, September

Who is an intellectual. It needs to be known

Who is an intellectual. It needs to be known

Some people say: "He is a real intellectual!". Does this mean that a person is educated or smart, morally stable or a patriot? Let's figure out when this concept arose and what is the meaning of it

The meaning of the expression "white flies"

The meaning of the expression "white flies"

White flies is a poetic or colloquial idiom. Appeared in Russian thanks to the observation of ordinary people. What is popularly called white flies? And what is the history of this phraseological unit?

U.S. Customs and Traditions: Features of American Culture

U.S. Customs and Traditions: Features of American Culture

Many holidays and traditions in the US are no different from those in other countries. These include, for example, New Year and Christmas. But there are others that may seem unusual and funny to us. How about throwing a parking lot party before a football game, pinching people on St. Patrick's Day, or blowing up a huge pumpkin?

Crawling is The meaning of the word

Crawling is The meaning of the word

The article gives different interpretations of the word "grovel" and analyzes in detail. Based on the meaning, conclusions are drawn about the context in which this verb should be used

Belarus, National Library. Libraries of Belarus

Belarus, National Library. Libraries of Belarus

Under Soviet rule, the republics that make up the country, like the great Union itself, were considered the most widely read in the world. And this was true. Being well-read was considered natural and even fashionable

Arab woman: lifestyle, clothes, appearance

Arab woman: lifestyle, clothes, appearance

The way of life of Arab women has always aroused great interest among Europeans, as, indeed, everything unusual and outlandish. The attitude towards them among the inhabitants of the West is twofold

Japanese tea ceremony: photo, name, accessories, music

Japanese tea ceremony: photo, name, accessories, music

Everything seems to matter in Japan, even a simple tea party boasts a rich history and tradition. The Japanese tea ceremony is rooted in the deep Middle Ages to Buddhist monks who spread it throughout the land of the Rising Sun. What is this art and what are its features?

Manna from heaven. Where did this phraseology come from?

Manna from heaven. Where did this phraseology come from?

Often in the process of conversation with someone we use certain phraseological units, the origin of which we do not even guess. However, a very large number of them came to us from the Bible. They are distinguished by an unusual imagery of thought, and today we will talk about the phrase "manna from heaven." This phraseological unit is usually used in the meaning of "wonderful help" or "unexpected luck"

Spanish surnames: origin and meaning

Spanish surnames: origin and meaning

Spain is an amazing country with an eventful history, a unique culture and a special mentality. In this article we will touch on such an interesting topic as Spanish surnames. Their meaning, origin and inheritance traditions will help to better understand this country

"Chic" - what's the word?

"Chic" - what's the word?

We could often hear a person being said to be gorgeous. What does this word mean? In what other cases can it be used? You can find out from this article

Bro is a literary word or colloquialism?

Bro is a literary word or colloquialism?

The richness of the Russian language in its diversity. Not only book literary norms make it unique. Words that are used day by day in ordinary life penetrate into speech, changing it every year. In this article, we will pay attention to the word "bro", we will understand its meaning and scope

Impeccable - is it very good or something else?

Impeccable - is it very good or something else?

"Irreproachable" is a beautiful, refined word that comes up intermittently in conversation, but few think about its true definition. It is usually used in the sense of "excellent" or "beautiful". However, this formulation is not entirely accurate

4 February. Holidays, significant events February 4

4 February. Holidays, significant events February 4

Every day people wake up, go to work, have lunch, watch TV. But not everyone thinks about what place a specific date, for example, February 4, occupies in the history of Russia and the world. What key events happened on this day? What kind of people were born? What holidays are celebrated? Answers to all questions and many more interesting facts will be given below

Ignorant - what is it? Meaning and types of ignorance

Ignorant - what is it? Meaning and types of ignorance

The prestige of education in the modern world is doubtful, although it is precisely it that allows us to answer the question: what kind of concept is “ignorant”? By the way, a fun fact: according to statistics, Russia is the most educated country, if we take into account the percentage of people with higher education. Interesting, right? And now to the point

Kazakh guys. The most beautiful Kazakh actors, models and singers

Kazakh guys. The most beautiful Kazakh actors, models and singers

Today, women also put forward their own criteria for male beauty. In our publication, attention will be focused on the male beauty of Kazakh guys. Features of the appearance of young people, their talents and services to society will be described in this material. So, let's start and finally find out who they are - the most beautiful Kazakhs

Yellow rose: the meaning of a beautiful flower

Yellow rose: the meaning of a beautiful flower

Many people are interested in the language of flowers. In the minds of many, the yellow rose is not the best value. However, it is a mistake to attribute to a luxurious flower such a base characteristic as a homeowner or a traitor

Olympic rings bring peoples and continents together

Olympic rings bring peoples and continents together

There is probably no such person on Earth who would not know that the logo in the form of five multi-colored interlaced rings is the emblem of the Olympic Games. But that's what they specifically symbolize and why exactly these colors, not everyone will say. And not everyone knows when the Olympic rings first appeared at the games

What is a barber, or a hairdresser today

What is a barber, or a hairdresser today

The profession has pretty good prospects. True, they depend largely on the skill and desire of the specialist. Gaining theoretical and practical knowledge, constantly improving, he can move forward, increasing the number of regular customers and increasing demand. That's what a barber is in our modern world

Red tulip: all about the symbol and its meanings

Red tulip: all about the symbol and its meanings

What associations do people have when they hear the phrase "red tulip"? As a rule, it is associated with spring, sunshine, good mood, love and wonderful aroma. What do we know about this flower? What is its history? What is the legend about? What does it mean as a gift or a tattoo? What does this miracle have to do with the execution? Read on and get answers to all your questions

Indian patterns. More than decoration

Indian patterns. More than decoration

The amazing color of the beautiful and mysterious pearl of the East is reflected in national ornaments. Indian patterns, widely used in national art, among which drawings on the body occupies a special place, are in many cases symbolic. What explains the surge of interest in Indian images?

Symbol "World Tree" Slavs

Symbol "World Tree" Slavs

The tree of the world, or the cosmic tree (translated from Latin arbor mundi) is a very characteristic image of mythopoetic consciousness, which embodies the whole picture of the world in its universality. This image is captured almost everywhere - variantly or in its pure form, often with some particular function emphasized: the Russian Tree of Life, the ancient Tree of Fertility, as well as the Tree of Ascension, the Tree of the Center, the Shaman Tree, the Heavenly Tree, the Tree of Knowledge, and finally

Ancient Russia: myths and legends about heroes and gods

Ancient Russia: myths and legends about heroes and gods

The most interesting of the cultural treasury of civilizations are myths. All countries and peoples had their own legends about the power of the gods, about the courage of heroes, about the strength of rulers. Ancient Russia is no exception. Her myths speak of twenty thousand years during which she perished and was reborn. Our time is the moment of the revival of a long-gone faith, and it began with the publication of books about ancient Slavic traditions

Where is the fabulous Smorodina River

Where is the fabulous Smorodina River

If we turn to the history of the creation of myths, legends and epics, then many of them are based on real facts. Over the years and centuries they have been embellished, modified and endowed with new details, but the outline of the story has always remained the same

Proverbs about life - the ability to notice the main thing

Proverbs about life - the ability to notice the main thing

Proverbs about life are an indicator of how people are able to notice the most important thing that is in people: both good and bad, and funny, and sad - after all, all these components are part of being

To whom and why was the Order of the Great Patriotic War 1st and 2nd class awarded

To whom and why was the Order of the Great Patriotic War 1st and 2nd class awarded

Award is a sign of bravery and courage, recognition of a person's merits to the Fatherland, his activities. The awards issued in Russia are expressive, special monuments of our history, which remind us of the struggle against enemies, of great works for the good of the country and transformations

What is the inscription on the monument

What is the inscription on the monument

Here is an article about where the tradition of making a posthumous inscription on a monument came from, as well as about the meaning and significance of such inscriptions. Some historical facts are also given

How to hold Chinese chopsticks and how to eat them correctly

How to hold Chinese chopsticks and how to eat them correctly

The article explains how to hold Chinese chopsticks and how to eat them. You will also learn the rules of etiquette associated with these devices

Tolerance - what is it? Benefit or harm?

Tolerance - what is it? Benefit or harm?

The material offers the author's view on the problem of tolerance and a multicultural society in Russia and the world

How old is Putin, or what is the secret of family happiness of the powerful?

How old is Putin, or what is the secret of family happiness of the powerful?

As for the biography of Lyudmila Alexandrovna, everyone knows that she was born on January 6, 1958. Before marriage, she bore the surname Shkrebneva. For those who studied at school, it will not be difficult to independently calculate how old Putin is. However, it is unlikely that anyone will succeed in penetrating into her soul and trying to understand what is happening there, what feelings and emotions this woman experiences

What is the name of the inhabitants of Russia in different countries of the world?

What is the name of the inhabitants of Russia in different countries of the world?

There is a special section of science that is able to give a scientifically sound answer to the question of what the inhabitants of Russia are called in different countries. This science deals exclusively with national nicknames

National holidays in Canada. Unusual Canadian holidays

National holidays in Canada. Unusual Canadian holidays

Are there many holidays in Canada, and how often do residents have a rest? Do holidays coincide with Russian ones or are there many differences? All this can be found in the article

Monument to the heroes of the front and rear in Perm - a symbol of unity of the people in the face of trouble

Monument to the heroes of the front and rear in Perm - a symbol of unity of the people in the face of trouble

In 1985, on the site of old demolished houses in Perm, a monument was erected to the heroes of the front and rear by the famous sculptor V. Klykov. As in all his numerous works, the author managed to convey the main idea in images: in the face of trouble, our people become united and invincible

Museum of the History of Moscow: where and what to see?

Museum of the History of Moscow: where and what to see?

Much more often than Muscovites themselves, guests of the capital visit museums. First of all, tourists go to the Tretyakov Gallery, the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin and other famous cultural places. But many of them do not ignore the Museum of the History of Moscow. Why is he remarkable?

Civil society: Country examples. Examples of formation, manifestations of civil society in Russia

Civil society: Country examples. Examples of formation, manifestations of civil society in Russia

Civil society is the basis of modern civilization, without which it is impossible to imagine a democratic state. Initially, it was positioned as a counterweight to the military, command and administrative systems, where all citizens obeyed the instructions of the authorities and could not influence them in any way. But civil society looks very different

Monuments of Lugansk: history and description

Monuments of Lugansk: history and description

Each city has its own history and places that keep it. Often, walking through the streets of your favorite city, you can see that every detail has its own meaning, is attached to something and is an integral part of it

Male and female German names. The meaning and origin of German names

Male and female German names. The meaning and origin of German names

German names sound beautiful and interesting and often have a worthy origin. That's why they are loved, that's why everyone likes them. The article provides 10 female, 10 male German names and briefly describes their meanings

Coat of arms of Astrakhan: description, history, photo

Coat of arms of Astrakhan: description, history, photo

The coat of arms is a distinctive sign that depicts various objects and symbols that carry a certain meaning and characterize the person to whom this emblem belongs (it can be a person, city, country, society or organization). In the article, we will consider the coat of arms of Astrakhan: photo and description, its history, which has more than five centuries

The tallest monument in the world. Attractions from around the world

The tallest monument in the world. Attractions from around the world

Humanity has always sought to perpetuate its best representatives. This tradition has been preserved since ancient times. It was then that man began to create huge monuments. And today there are creations of human hands that are impressive in their size. Among them is the tallest monument in the world. About him and others like him will be discussed in the article

Lychakiv cemetery, Lviv, Ukraine. Description, famous burials

Lychakiv cemetery, Lviv, Ukraine. Description, famous burials

Lviv is one of the most beautiful cities in Ukraine, which, in addition to having the status of the cultural capital of the country, is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. This unique city is a real cultural treasure

How many lives do cats have? History and facts

How many lives do cats have? History and facts

Everyone knows the expression that a cat has 9 lives. Why does this belief exist? And how many lives does this mysterious animal really have?