Culture 2024, September

What do the names of lions mean to their owners?

What do the names of lions mean to their owners?

The proud and noble lion has long been admired by people. The strength, fearlessness and grace of this animal are sung by writers. And artists and sculptors decorated many castles, squares and streets around the world with images of the king of beasts. Therefore, it is not surprising that the names of lions are very popular among many peoples and in various languages

Oak wreath is a symbol of courage

Oak wreath is a symbol of courage

The oak tree represents the masculine principle, and its fruits (acorns) represent fertility and we alth. A wreath of oak leaves was used as a talisman against evil spirits, to strengthen the body and fortitude of a warrior

Organization is an artificial system

Organization is an artificial system

Organization is an artificial system formed by man. The creation of the structure is carried out in accordance with a specific plan (project)

Which means lol. Youth and computer slang

Which means lol. Youth and computer slang

Parents are finding it increasingly difficult to understand their children because of the emergence of special computer slang, although they themselves once spoke the language of hippies and informals that is incomprehensible to adults. What does lol mean and where is it appropriate to use this word

Scallops are a decorative element in clothes and not only

Scallops are a decorative element in clothes and not only

If you saw a strip of carved pattern with ledges in the frame of a woman's dress or in the edging of a curtain, know that these are scallops. But the term also applies to architecture, painting, applied arts

From botany to linguistics: the meaning of the idiom "fig leaf"

From botany to linguistics: the meaning of the idiom "fig leaf"

The Fall caused Adam and Eve to be ashamed of their own nakedness and quickly cover it up. As you can see, the meaning of the phraseological unit "fig leaf" is closely related to this story. The expression reinterprets the event, raising it to a metaphor

Toy Museum in Moscow: a magical universe

Toy Museum in Moscow: a magical universe

Childhood is a time of joyful surprise of life, not burdened by practicality, a time of insatiable craving for knowledge, deep and strong faith in miracles. Isn't that what true happiness is all about? By visiting the Toy Museum in Moscow, you will touch the fragile magical world, become its hero

American names: origin and variety

American names: origin and variety

Today, American names are popular all over the world. but few people know that they arose by transforming the usual names of colonists from around the globe

Grunge style features

Grunge style features

Grunge style in the interior is gaining more and more popularity lately. Everyone who follows fashion trends pays attention to it. So if you are moving to a new apartment or have started a major overhaul, then this article will come in handy

Morning greeting for children and adults

Morning greeting for children and adults

A new day and a new life begin in the morning. It is wiser than evening and brings new hope. You can start the morning with a confession, forgiveness, or a reminder of your love. A morning greeting to a dear person is a great way to convey a good mood and just pleasantly surprise

Ukrainian ornament on the wedding towel

Ukrainian ornament on the wedding towel

Ukrainian ornament on a wedding towel. Traditions of using wedding towels and the rules for their manufacture

Japanese ornament (photo). Traditional Japanese ornaments

Japanese ornament (photo). Traditional Japanese ornaments

Japanese ornaments and patterns have been formed for several centuries. Their outlines are connected with the history and customs of the country. Now it is very clearly possible to determine the traditional oriental ornament among the patterns of other countries. The Japanese style stands out in some ways against the background of other drawings. It is distinguished by a special pacification and deep philosophy of thought

Where Dreams May Come, or The Success Story of Mangaka Masashi Kishimoto

Where Dreams May Come, or The Success Story of Mangaka Masashi Kishimoto

Japanese manga artist Masashi Kishimoto is world famous. For the most part, the reason for this was his multi-volume manga called "Naruto", which is published in almost all languages of the world. But what do we know about the author himself? How difficult was his path to success? And are there any worthy works in the mangaka's arsenal?

Speech errors

Speech errors

Since ancient times, the beauty of presentation and simplicity of thought were considered the highest virtue. It is hardly possible to find a person who would not think that owning a word is very important

What is tartare: a sauce and a French dish?

What is tartare: a sauce and a French dish?

Quite a few Russian words have multiple meanings. This one is no exception! What is tartare? In fact, if the word is capitalized (and the emphasis is on the first syllable), then Tartarus is the place where, according to Greek mythology, Zeus cast down the titans and Kronos. But in cooking, a different meaning of the word "tartare" is used

Coffee Museum in St. Petersburg on the Robespierre embankment

Coffee Museum in St. Petersburg on the Robespierre embankment

A lot has been written about coffee. There are many fans of this product, most of whom consider themselves unconditional connoisseurs and sophisticated coffee connoisseurs. But you can always discover something new and interesting by visiting the coffee museum. Petersburg provided in 2008 such an opportunity to residents and guests of the city

What to say to "thank you" and how to say thank you

What to say to "thank you" and how to say thank you

What to say to "thank you"? Why is the answer “nothing for nothing” always appropriate? And what is the right way to say thank you? The answers are in our article

"Identify" - what does it mean in different areas of life?

"Identify" - what does it mean in different areas of life?

To identify means to identify something with something. However, this word in different spheres of human life has a more specific meaning

What is a rump? What does the word "rump" mean?

What is a rump? What does the word "rump" mean?

Historically, in our country, pure meat breeds of cows were practically not grown - only dairy or, at best, milk-meat. The matter was not developed, they were not engaged in aging and fermentation of meat, which would allow it to acquire a good rich taste and tenderness

Chechen surnames - male and female. Origin and meaning of Chechen surnames

Chechen surnames - male and female. Origin and meaning of Chechen surnames

Have you thought about the origin of your last name? Chechen surnames have ancient roots, so if you dig deeper, you can find out the incredible history of your ancestors

Atomic Worker's Day is a professional holiday in Russia and Kazakhstan

Atomic Worker's Day is a professional holiday in Russia and Kazakhstan

With the beginning of autumn, you can hear the question: "What date is the day of the nuclear scientist?" This is due to the fact that the citizens of the country are used to: professional holidays are celebrated on weekends in a certain week of the month. Here the situation is different. The Decree of the President of the Russian Federation (03.06.2005) determined a specific date - September 28. Since 2008, the Republic of Kazakhstan has joined the celebration

Ray is one of the geometric concepts. Etymology and origin of the word

Ray is one of the geometric concepts. Etymology and origin of the word

According to the dictionary of the Russian language, a beam is a stream of light that comes from a source, or a narrow band of light that comes from a luminous object. For example, the rays of the setting sun

Zhukov: the origin of the surname and its meaning

Zhukov: the origin of the surname and its meaning

In the list of the hundred most common Russian surnames, the name Zhukov takes an honorable 61st place. However, for most bearers of the surname, its origin is covered in a thick mysterious fog. Let's try to break it down, shall we?

Governor's Award and support for socially significant projects

Governor's Award and support for socially significant projects

Moscow and the Moscow region have always been famous for their high level of development and modern approach to life. The leadership of the region strongly supports the participation of citizens in the social development of their native land. In order to increase the initiative of residents of the cities of the Moscow region in 2013, the governor of the Moscow region A. Yu. Vorobyov introduced a project called "Our Moscow Region"

The smartest person on earth: geniuses among us

The smartest person on earth: geniuses among us

Every day we meet thousands of people on the street. They go about their business, talking among themselves. They have the most ordinary typical appearance, they do not stand out in any way. But this is only at first glance. Who knows, suddenly among the passers-by there are people whose IQ is approaching 200? This article will talk about geniuses whose mental abilities are phenomenal

Hairy guys: what's so attractive about them? How to treat body hair in men and women

Hairy guys: what's so attractive about them? How to treat body hair in men and women

The beautiful half of humanity perceives the hair on their body as unnecessary and unattractive vegetation. They are ruthlessly removed with the help of wax, razor, hair removal and other tricks. What about hairy guys? Let's find out

"Friendship" - a park in the center of Moscow

"Friendship" - a park in the center of Moscow

In the north of Moscow, in the Levoberezhny district, there is a small green area, which was given a good name - "Friendship". The park has a small area - 50 hectares. It was founded in 1957 according to the project of three young architects - Valentin Ivanov, Anatoly Savin and Galina Yezhova

What are torchlight processions?

What are torchlight processions?

Probably, each of us at least once in our lives heard about events such as torchlight processions. But to define this concept, it turns out, is not so simple. What do the people proudly marching in the column want to demonstrate? Why are they carrying fire? And why are they gathering at such a late hour?

February 5th. Traditions, signs, holidays and events in history on this day

February 5th. Traditions, signs, holidays and events in history on this day

Every day in human history is remarkable. Not a single day passed without events. Moreover, every minute, every second something happens in the world. Therefore, the fifth of February is also no exception. What happened on this day? How important is it for Russian history? What events are associated with this date in the context of the development of the world community? What famous personalities were born?

Peoples of Southeast, Central and Middle Asia

Peoples of Southeast, Central and Middle Asia

Asia is the largest part of the world and forms the continent of Eurasia with Europe. It is conditionally separated from Europe along the eastern slopes of the Ural Mountains

Winter Palace in St. Petersburg: photo, description, history, architect

Winter Palace in St. Petersburg: photo, description, history, architect

St. Petersburg is the northern capital of vast Russia, accustomed to surprise us with its special individuality, originality of tastes and ambition. Hundreds of magnificent sights annually attract the views of many tourists and indigenous people. One of them is the Winter Palace, which is an invaluable monument of history and architecture of the past

Russians and Americans: mentality, differences

Russians and Americans: mentality, differences

Recently, there has been much more talk about how different worldviews Russians and Americans have. The mentality is really different, but is it fundamentally different?

Priscilla Chan as the embodiment of the American dream

Priscilla Chan as the embodiment of the American dream

Priscilla Chan suddenly became famous, becoming famous on all continents of the globe. Her husband, Mark Zuckerberg, is America's youngest billionaire. In addition to the state, he has an attractive appearance, charisma, an extraordinary sense of humor and wit

Yakut names: a brief history

Yakut names: a brief history

The Yakut language comes from the Turkic. But it became widespread among Russians, Evenks and Evens living in the territory of Yakutia and adjacent republics. There is a peculiar dialect in the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Yakut culture is a mixture of shamanism and Orthodoxy

The highest mountain in Russia: name and photo

The highest mountain in Russia: name and photo

The highest mountain in Russia, a natural monument, one of the largest extinct volcanoes in the world, the "Mecca" of pilgrimage for Russian and not only climbers and just a very, very beautiful mountain - this is the minimum set that comes to mind when you say about Elbrus. This icy beauty conceals under its ice the hot breath of the fiery abyss - after all, Elbrus, in fact, is an extinct volcano. Or just asleep? There is still no consensus among volcanologists

Monument to Yermak - the conqueror of Siberia: history, interesting facts

Monument to Yermak - the conqueror of Siberia: history, interesting facts

A rather fascinating story is connected with the monument to the conqueror of Siberia, the Cossack chieftain Yermak, erected in the city of Novocherkassk. This monument to the Russian folk hero belongs to the objects of the national cultural heritage. Much to my surprise, this old sculptural work has been preserved intact and has long become the hallmark of the Don Cossack region, Siberia and all of Russia

The words "do not blame me" - a request for an apology

The words "do not blame me" - a request for an apology

"Not" and "demon" mutually form a double negation, characteristic of the Russian language. Thus, the expression “do not blame me”, expressed in a joking and sometimes serious form, is nothing more than a call to think, reason, understand and, of course, as a result, apologize

The dilemma game is a great way to understand human psychology

The dilemma game is a great way to understand human psychology

The dilemma game is a way to understand the structure of the human psyche. What to choose: selfishness or common benefit? Is it worth trusting or is it more profitable to betray?

National costume: Buryats in different periods of life

National costume: Buryats in different periods of life

The national costume of the Buryats is adapted to nomadic life, showing age and social status. This is the best protection from the cold. There are costume options for boys and girls, married women, adult men and the elderly

How to behave in the cemetery on parental day and other days? How to behave at a funeral in a cemetery?

How to behave in the cemetery on parental day and other days? How to behave at a funeral in a cemetery?

Visiting a cemetery is associated with some traditions and superstitions. It is believed that this land belongs to the dead, and they have their own laws that should be observed by the living. How to behave in a cemetery? What can be done, and what is strictly prohibited?