Culture 2024, September

Where did Santa Claus come from? How old is Santa Claus? History of Santa Claus

Where did Santa Claus come from? How old is Santa Claus? History of Santa Claus

We are already so accustomed to such signs of the New Year holidays as a Christmas tree, garlands, salad Olivier, etc., that we hardly think about how they became traditional. But we often answer the question of our children about where Santa Claus came from. We'll talk about this today. So

Wedding in Egypt: features, traditions and customs, photos

Wedding in Egypt: features, traditions and customs, photos

A wedding in Egypt is a lot of rituals and traditions, the roots of which go back to the distant past. Egypt is a Muslim country and many traditions, including weddings, have a religious connotation. The ritual of matchmaking is strictly observed here, and the bride, even at the present time, is most often chosen by the groom's family. In society, it is unacceptable for a girl to date a man to whom she is not engaged. The article will discuss the wedding in Egypt, the traditions and rituals associated with this event

What color does lilac match with?

What color does lilac match with?

"What color goes with lilac?" is a question that makes many designers think. After all, with different styles of apartment design, it will look different. Therefore, before you start buying purple paints, wallpapers and varnishes, select the appropriate “partners” for them

Who built the Cathedral of the Annunciation in the Moscow Kremlin. Annunciation Cathedral of the Kremlin: description

Who built the Cathedral of the Annunciation in the Moscow Kremlin. Annunciation Cathedral of the Kremlin: description

The centuries-old history of the Russian state is reflected in the monuments of art, architecture, literature. The capital of a huge country is Moscow, its center is the Kremlin, which today is not only the seat of the government and the president, but also a museum that reflects all the milestones in the formation of a great power. The complex, unique in its architecture and history, can tell the visitor a lot of interesting things

The Bronze Horseman: description of the monument to Peter the Great

The Bronze Horseman: description of the monument to Peter the Great

The city on the Neva is actually an open-air museum. Monuments of architecture, history and art are concentrated in its central part and are mostly compositional. A special place among them is occupied by a monument dedicated to Peter the Great - the Bronze Horseman

Name Olga: origin and meaning of the name

Name Olga: origin and meaning of the name

It is generally accepted that a name is not just a set of letters written in a certain sequence, but the future of a person. Character traits, abilities, success in business and relationships are programmed at the stage of its assignment

Order of M alta and its knights

Order of M alta and its knights

The oldest of the spiritual and knightly orders, the Order of M alta, acquired its current name not so long ago. The Knights of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem were called M altese only from the moment they settled on the island of M alta. True, their stay there did not last long, given the entire nine-hundred-year history of the Order of the Hospitallers - only 268 years

The best cinemas in Khimki

The best cinemas in Khimki

This article will present the best Khimki cinemas and the most popular premieres that you can watch there. If you're ready, then let's get started

Insignificant peoples of Russia - list. The smallest people in Russia

Insignificant peoples of Russia - list. The smallest people in Russia

The territory where the indigenous peoples of Russia live lies along 28 subjects of the Russian Federation. It stretches from the Far Eastern regions up to the Kola Peninsula

Tatar holidays. Culture of Tatarstan

Tatar holidays. Culture of Tatarstan

Tatarstan is one of the most distinctive regions of the Russian Federation. The culture of the region is of interest both within the country and in the rest of the world. Undoubtedly, there are separate Tatar holidays that are unique. Like the culture of all this people, they are of particular interest

Car Museum in Moscow: photos and reviews of tourists. Museum of Automobiles on Rogozhsky Val

Car Museum in Moscow: photos and reviews of tourists. Museum of Automobiles on Rogozhsky Val

The Automobile Museum in Moscow has concentrated within its walls all the achievements of the country's automobile industry. Most of the exhibits presented in its pavilion belong to the 20th century, but relatively new models of the 21st century can also be found

Gypsy barons. Houses of gypsy barons. Gypsy life

Gypsy barons. Houses of gypsy barons. Gypsy life

Gypsy barons are authoritative representatives of a tribe (camp) or an entire clan. The Roma people, although considered wild and uncontrollable by Europeans, are in fact not alien to some kind of organization and submission to their own laws, “customs and customs”. Therefore, ordinary gypsies allowed a fairly solid, respected person to “stood” over them, who could speak flamboyantly and brightly, who knew several basic languages of the area in which the camp usually roams or where the clan settled

Worm to freeze: the meaning and origin of the phraseological unit

Worm to freeze: the meaning and origin of the phraseological unit

The expression "to kill a worm" is familiar to each of us from childhood. This verbal turnover is used in the sense of satisfying hunger, having a light snack before the main meal. It turns out that the creature hiding under the mask of an unknown worm is not so gluttonous, but why should it be starved, and not appeased or appeased?

Information culture is the most important part of society

Information culture is the most important part of society

The term "Information culture" is based on two basic concepts: culture and information. In accordance with this, a significant number of researchers distinguish informational and cultural approaches to the interpretation of this term

Moldovan surnames: the history of appearance and examples

Moldovan surnames: the history of appearance and examples

Moldova has long been the center of the intersection of many cultures. This was reflected in the local anthroponymy, which includes heterogeneous elements. Below we will talk about what the Moldovan surnames are

The origin of the surname Mazur: history, meaning, representatives of the genus

The origin of the surname Mazur: history, meaning, representatives of the genus

The surname is the name of the genus, it is the same for many relatives. Translated from Latin, the word "surname" means "family". Each generic name is unique, with its own unique and interesting fate. Knowing the origin of your family name means respecting the memory of your ancestors, honoring your name and family, passing on knowledge about your predecessors to your descendants. So, the article will discuss the origin of the surname Mazur, its meaning, history and representatives of the genus

Stadiums in Krasnodar: the story of two arenas

Stadiums in Krasnodar: the story of two arenas

Today, the stadiums in Krasnodar are among the five most capacious arenas in Russia. Football is definitely loved in the city, and local Premier League clubs are ready to impose a fight on the capital's giants for the championship title in the near future

How to make cosplay at home?

How to make cosplay at home?

Cosplay is a new fashion craze that came from Japan and took over the entire globe in a few years of existence. Its essence lies in playing the characters you like from anime, cartoons, comics, movies and even real personalities: singers, actors, politicians and so on. How to make cosplay at home depends on the degree of complexity of the costume, details and image

Who are anime people and what do they do?

Who are anime people and what do they do?

In a society of young people, peculiar subcultures often spread. They are united by common interests, a number of values, manner of communication, style of dress and even their own slang. Among such people there are adherents of Japanese cartoon characters. But with a more thorough study of the question of who anime people are, one should delve into their ideas about the world, way of life and subject of study

SS cap: varieties and insignia

SS cap: varieties and insignia

Each branch of the military had a different form of headgear. They could be round, cone-shaped with crowns of different heights. Initially, the kepi had a band that could be turned off in inclement weather, secured with buttons or buttons. With the advent of new species, this part of the SS cap began to be purely symbolic

VDNKh, Kyiv: interesting about interesting things

VDNKh, Kyiv: interesting about interesting things

In the south-west of the capital of Ukraine there is a huge exhibition area - VDNKh (Kyiv). To visit this expo center means to combine acquaintance with the monument of the Soviet era and the latest achievements of culture and economy. In addition, this is an opportunity to make the necessary purchase at a bargain price

New Museum of the Great Patriotic War in Minsk

New Museum of the Great Patriotic War in Minsk

In 2010, at the initiative of the President of Belarus, a new building was laid, within the walls of which by 2014 the Museum of the Great Patriotic War was located in Minsk

Westerners are thinkers advocating the prosperity of Russia

Westerners are thinkers advocating the prosperity of Russia

In the 19th century, two diametrically opposed social currents took shape, which began to be called "Slavophiles and Westerners." These are two extreme points of view on the main ways of Russia's development. More than 150 years have passed, but the confrontation has not yet been overcome. What is the essence of the ideas of Slavophilism and Westernism?

What does the expression "Demyanova's ear" mean?

What does the expression "Demyanova's ear" mean?

Using popular expressions, we do not always understand their deep meaning, we do not know the history of their appearance. We propose to consider the expression "Demyanova's ear"

Monument to Alyosha - a symbol of the heroism and courage of Soviet soldiers, as well as the gratitude of liberated Europe

Monument to Alyosha - a symbol of the heroism and courage of Soviet soldiers, as well as the gratitude of liberated Europe

The second largest city in Bulgaria, Plovdiv, is familiar to many of our compatriots due to the fact that a monument to Alyosha, a Russian soldier, was erected there. What is the history of the monument and its fate in our turbulent time of change?

Panorama of Sevastopol: getting acquainted with the sights of the city of Russian glory

Panorama of Sevastopol: getting acquainted with the sights of the city of Russian glory

Crimea. The panorama of Sevastopol is a historical and artistic monument that every tourist should visit. The museum, dedicated to the heroic pages of the city, itself has an interesting and fascinating history

Blessed are those who believe - how to understand the expression?

Blessed are those who believe - how to understand the expression?

How to understand the expression "blessed is he who believes"? Who said it and in what context? Let's do some research together

Tiffany's sophisticated style in modern life

Tiffany's sophisticated style in modern life

When talking about Tiffany's style, it's impossible to have just one thing in mind. It manifests itself in many areas of life. It inspires couturiers, interior designers, photographers, artists and many others who are somehow connected with art

Proverbs are the wisdom of the people. Why are proverbs needed?

Proverbs are the wisdom of the people. Why are proverbs needed?

Proverbs are the great heritage of our ancestors, which has been passed down from mouth to mouth for more than one generation. In these small sayings lies deep wisdom that can reveal the essence of many things. And yet, despite the fact that proverbs and sayings are used regularly in conversation, many still cannot realize how useful they are

What color goes with beige?

What color goes with beige?

Soft and strict, airy and practical beige color. What color goes with beige in clothes? And in the interior? Everything will depend on what role he was assigned

Hermitage lecture hall: address, reviews

Hermitage lecture hall: address, reviews

Detailed story on how to visit the lecture hall of the Hermitage. On the territory of the Winter Palace and in the storage of the museum in the Old Village. Addresses, metro, how to get there, reviews

What branches are the Slavic peoples divided into? Ancient and modern Slavic peoples

What branches are the Slavic peoples divided into? Ancient and modern Slavic peoples

Slavs today are the largest ethno-linguistic community in Europe. They inhabit vast territories and number about 300-350 million people. In this article, we will consider what branches the Slavic peoples are divided into, we will talk about the history of their formation and division. We will also touch a little on the modern stage of the spread of Slavic culture and those religious beliefs that the tribes adhered to in the course of their development and formation

How to express condolences on the death of a loved one

How to express condolences on the death of a loved one

A person who has someone died experiences mainly his own grief, his misfortune and his own shock, therefore, no matter how cynical it may be, but at such moments you need to think not about the deceased, but about the mourner. How can you console a grieving person and express your condolences on the death of a loved one? Some thoughts on this subject are presented in this article

Roc bird - the winged monster of antiquity

Roc bird - the winged monster of antiquity

What is the Rukh bird, the Europeans learned after getting acquainted with the fairy tales "A Thousand and One Nights". When this happened is hard to say. Perhaps after Marco Polo's many years of eastern voyage in the thirteenth century, or maybe a little earlier or later. The magical world of fairy tales, which absorbed the thousand-year-old folklore of the Eastern peoples, captivated Europeans

Lornet is Lornet: description, history and application

Lornet is Lornet: description, history and application

Just because a word is outdated doesn't mean it can be forgotten. This is especially true of the lorgnette, a necessary attribute of the upper classes of the nineteenth century. In order to feel the spirit of the era as much as possible, you need to know the meaning of the word "lorgnette" - this will definitely come in handy in life

Klein bottle: what is it

Klein bottle: what is it

The geometric object, later called the "Klein bottle", was first described in 1882 by the German mathematician Felix Klein. What does he represent? This object (or rather, a geometric or topological surface) simply cannot exist in our three-dimensional world. All models that are for sale in souvenir shops have a view that only gives a vague idea of what a Klein bottle is

What does 24/7 mean? About service departments and lovers to talk

What does 24/7 mean? About service departments and lovers to talk

The term "24/7" which means "twenty-four by seven" has now become popular. There is another option - "24/7/365". Also, modern people use the speech turnover "talk 24/7". What is the meaning of these expressions?

What is kurtosis? The kurtosis of the perpetrator of the crime

What is kurtosis? The kurtosis of the perpetrator of the crime

Excess is something extreme, a phenomenon that goes beyond the usual concepts. This may refer to behavior, to events in society and nature. The word is also found in literature and criminal law

The word "fuzzy": meaning, origin

The word "fuzzy": meaning, origin

In the Russian language there is a stable combination of insulting words "jewish mangy". Where did it come from, why does it sound offensive and for whom? Consider the etymology of these words

Choice between two evils: what is this choice?

Choice between two evils: what is this choice?

People have to choose between two evils all the time. What does it mean, why is this expression so popular?