The smartest person on earth: geniuses among us

The smartest person on earth: geniuses among us
The smartest person on earth: geniuses among us

Every day we meet thousands of people on the street. They go about their business, talking among themselves. They have the most ordinary, typical appearance, they do not stand out in any way. But this is only at first glance. Who knows, suddenly among the passers-by there are people whose IQ is approaching 200? This article will talk about geniuses whose mental abilities are phenomenal.

Development of intelligence

Let's turn to history. In the early stages of development, mankind was not distinguished by great intellectual abilities. All ancient people were at about the same stage of development, so their level of intelligence was almost the same.

smartest person on earth
smartest person on earth

The emergence and development of science, culture and religion led to the stratification of society depending on mental abilities. So-called geniuses appeared, people who far surpassed their contemporaries in development and abilities.

The concept of "the smartest person on earth" has established itself in the value system of societymuch later, when scientists began to study the human mind. So, in accordance with the research, children in whose upbringing the main role is played by parents, and not by any other relatives from older generations (grandparents), develop faster than their peers. The vast majority of abilities are transmitted from the mother, and 20% of them depend on the environment in which the child lives and grows.

An interesting fact - the average IQ of women and men is the same and is equal to 120 points, but among the representatives of the stronger sex there are more radical manifestations of mental abilities: genius and stupidity.

Intelligence scores

Determine who deserves the title of "the smartest person on earth", the researchers are helped by a system of tests for the IQ level. You can decipher this abbreviation in translation into Russian as follows - this is the coefficient of intellectual development.

Research of scientists in this area began in the 30s of the last century. Initially, they were not embodied in the form of a test. These were experiments, the purpose of which was to establish a connection between the human nervous system and different types of human reactions, the dependence of the mental development of children on the genetic inheritance of their parents.

smartest man on earth photo
smartest man on earth photo

Later, the smartest person on earth began to be determined using special IQ tests. At the present stage of development, they consist of various mathematical problems in which it is necessarydetermine the pattern and restore the sequence of numbers, find an "extra" geometric figure that does not fit the given series, etc.

It should be noted that IQ tests are often not objective, as they must be calculated for a certain age of the recipient. If there is no indication of age, the test may give false results. It is also believed that this method of determining the level of intelligence cannot provide reliable information also because it contains many similar tasks, the solution of which can be brought to automatism.

Brilliant Russian

the smartest person on earth is
the smartest person on earth is

Our country has always been famous for gifted people, so it is not surprising that a phenomenon was born in its open spaces, the smartest person on earth. This is Grigory Perelman. He devoted his entire life to mathematical research. But his uniqueness lies not only in the incredible level of intelligence. This person does not strive for fame, therefore, most often he refuses interviews to journalists. He does not need prizes and all kinds of recognition of his talent. Perelman does not even care much about his appearance. Its main goal is mathematics, calculations using complex formulas. This is the smartest person on earth. You can't find a photo of him in the newspapers, because a true scientist does not need recognition.

The smartest man in the world

It's hard not to say who became a real phenomenon. The smartest person in the world in the entire history of mankind is an American with Ukrainian roots, William Sidis. Hewas born in 1898 in New York and amazed others with his extraordinary abilities from the age of one and a half years. At the age of 18 months, he managed to read the Times newspaper, and at the age of eight he was already the author of four books, among which was a serious scientific monograph on human anatomy.

the smartest person in the world in the history of mankind
the smartest person in the world in the history of mankind

U. Sidis is one of the youngest students at Harvard, having managed to enter this prestigious educational institution at the age of 11. By 1912, the young man was already lecturing on higher mathematics in one of the circles of this university. He was promised a great future in the field of mathematical research.

But his scientific activity was not limited to mathematics. He is also known as the author of works on history, psychology and cosmogony.

The smartest kid

smartest person on earth 3 year old girl
smartest person on earth 3 year old girl

There are also geniuses among children who show extraordinary talents at an early age. In 2007, thanks to some authoritative intelligence tests, the smartest person on earth was determined - 3-year-old girl Eliza Tan-Roberts. She became the youngest member of the Mensa Club in the UK since its inception. Her IQ is 156, while the great Albert Einstein has only four points higher.

Genius perspectives

The smartest person on earth will never have difficulty getting a job. Everyone needs progressive specialists in technical fieldsenterprise, including the military-industrial complexes of different countries.

Another career option for geniuses is the creation of theoretical treatises, textbooks and monographs designed to systematize knowledge from various fields of science.
