Anna Zhukova is not only the wife of the famous rocker and the permanent leader of the Mumiy Troll group and the mother of two daughters, but also a professional gymnast, a well-known model in Europe, and in the past also a journalist. From this article you can learn about the life and work of Anna.
The future Madame Lagutenko, Anna Zhukova was born on July 5, 1979 in Chita. Her father left the family before her birth, Anya and her older sister Nina were brought up only by their mother - Valentina Vladimirovna Zhukova, who was once a well-known rhythmic gymnastics coach in the USSR. Therefore, both Zhukov sisters have been involved in this sport since early childhood. But if Nina was only superficially fond of gymnastics, striving for the podium from adolescence, Anna devoted herself entirely to sports.
Sports and creativity
Under the supervision of a talented mother, Anya graduated from a gymnasium with a sports bias, took part in various competitions at the local and state levels, having achieved some success. But after graduating from the State University of Physical Culture and He alth named after P. F. Lesgaft, the girl decided to leave her sports career. Anna Zhukova in the photobelow.

By this time, sister Nina had already successfully worked as a model and moved to permanent residence in Paris, so Anna also wanted to try herself in this field. She settled with her sister, and soon the girls began to work together - they had several contracts with fashion brands such as Dior, Cavalli and Cartier. A year has not passed, and the gymnast, unknown in her homeland, has already turned into a well-known and highly paid model, famous in Europe.
However, having had a restless character since childhood, Anna, having reached heights in this field, immediately began to look for a new occupation for herself. Besides, she was just tired. “If you want to stay on top in the modeling business, you need to remember every face and name,” Anna said in an interview. “One day I didn’t recognize a Chanel agent and eventually lost my contract with this fashion house.”
The choice of a new profession fell on journalism. Zhukova returned to Russia and for some time wrote articles and reviews for the Bolshoy Sport magazine - this was not a difficult job for a girl with a higher sports education, so Anna achieved some success as a journalist.
Anna Zhukova and Ilya Lagutenko
Anna met her future husband on the set of the St. Petersburg magazine "Sobaka. Ru", which advertises the design store "Day and Night". This store was owned by the late Alexander Fadeev, a good friend of Ilya Lagutenko. He called the musician to these shootings, and the model Anna Zhukova, for his part, invitedthe magazine itself. “I consider this photo session the worst in my career,” Lagutenko admitted in an interview, “but with Anya, we instantly had mutual understanding. On these shootings, I suddenly realized what kind of woman I had dreamed of seeing next to me all my life.”

In 2007, Anna and Ilya got married, the wedding ceremony was held in Cape Town, South Africa, on the beach. The couple still fondly remember the shooting where they fell in love at first sight, and Alexandra Fadeeva and Natalia Romanova (she was the producer of the photo shoot and it was she who came up with the idea to invite Anna as a model) are called their "cupids".

In 2008, the couple had a daughter, who was given the double name Veronica-Valentina, the second - in honor of Anna's mother. In the family, the girl is abbreviated as ViVi. And two years later, in 2010, Veronica-Valentina had a sister, who was dubbed the equally beautiful name of Letizia. Since 2011, the family has been living in Los Angeles, but recently, in an interview, Anna Zhukova said that they were planning to move to their new home in Vladivostok. “This does not mean that we will live there for the rest of our lives,” Anna said, “but it is necessary that the girls do not forget their roots and can sincerely love their homeland.” In the photo below, Anna and Ilya with their daughters.

Now Anna has temporarily retired from her modeling career, devoting herself to her husband and raising her daughters. She is tryingto instill in them many diverse interests and hobbies - from sports to embroidery, both girls are very smart and developed for their age - to match their parents.
The family travels a lot around the cities of the USA and Europe, periodically changing their place of residence, but practically do not make acquaintances. Anna admits that they have enough communication in their narrow family circle, and the moments spent together are so rich and valuable that there is no room for other people.