Culture 2024, September

Cossack clothes. Clothes of the Don and Kuban Cossacks. What did the clothes of a Cossack and a Cossack look like?

Cossack clothes. Clothes of the Don and Kuban Cossacks. What did the clothes of a Cossack and a Cossack look like?

The history of the country or region was displayed in each costume. The clothes of the Cossacks - Don or Kuban - are also of interest - just as we are interested in their history, way of life, customs. Let's get acquainted with the costume of the Cossacks, which you will meet now only in films

Islamic statuses: the beauty and nobility of the wisdom of the East

Islamic statuses: the beauty and nobility of the wisdom of the East

Every day, Islamic statuses and quotes are gaining more and more popularity. At the same time, they are used not only by true Muslims, but also by people who believe in other gods. What is the secret of this growth in popularity? Why is society so drawn to the poetry of the East? And what Islamic lines can be called the standard of beauty and eloquence?

The golden rule of life that everyone should know

The golden rule of life that everyone should know

When there is a rush at work, and endless chores at home, you often want to run away to the ends of the world - away from the hustle and bustle. We begin to get nervous, take out anger and aggression on loved ones. To avoid an unfavorable scenario, you should develop the golden rules of daily life

What is Eden? Let's find out

What is Eden? Let's find out

What is Eden? According to the Bible, this is the Garden of Eden, which was created by God for the first people - Adam and Eve

Rainbow flag today and in antiquity

Rainbow flag today and in antiquity

Like everything else in this world, the flag, painted in the seven colors of the rainbow, has gone through a series of transformations, obeying the spirit of the times. A symbol of the divine principle, peace and tolerance. A hallmark of hippie heritage and an identifier for gay affiliation are all rainbow flags

Household items in Russia

Household items in Russia

A person's entire life - from birth to death - is surrounded by household items. What is included in this concept? Furniture, dishes, clothes and more. A huge number of proverbs and sayings are associated with household items. They are talked about in fairy tales, they write poems about them and come up with riddles

Chuvash names are derived from the Christian religion and the influence of Islam

Chuvash names are derived from the Christian religion and the influence of Islam

The formation of names in Chuvashia was greatly influenced by the presence of two religious cultures at once. Initially, when Islam dominated the republic, Chuvash names were in tune with Islamic traditions. After the conversion to Christianity, the situation changed dramatically, and people consulted Orthodox books

The Cap of Monomakh in history and today

The Cap of Monomakh in history and today

"You are heavy, Monomakh's hat!" - we often say, referring to the heavy burden of power or some kind of responsibility. The above phraseological unit primarily concerns people in leadership positions. Although no less often this phrase characterizes any difficult situation. How did this common expression come about?

Salisbury Cathedral: history, description, photos

Salisbury Cathedral: history, description, photos

The small city of Salisbury is located in the south-east of England. It is famous for the fact that in its center there is a magnificent monument of English Gothic known far beyond the borders of the country and a recognized landmark - Salisbury Cathedral of the Virgin Mary

What materials are lacquered coffins made of? Product Description

What materials are lacquered coffins made of? Product Description

Lacquered coffins are used for we althy citizens. They are usually made from more valuable woods with beautiful color and texture

Art of Byzantium. a brief description of

Art of Byzantium. a brief description of

The art of Byzantium began its development from the slave system. The smooth transition from antiquity to the Middle Ages also left its indelible imprint on the improvement of culture

Greek Independence Day is the country's most important holiday

Greek Independence Day is the country's most important holiday

For the Greeks, the most significant holiday is the Independence Day of Greece. It is celebrated at the end of March, namely on the 25th

Composition is the words of its creator

Composition is the words of its creator

Perhaps every person is familiar with the concept of composition. This is the basis of any branch of fine art, which helps to make the picture understandable and accessible to perception

American guys: cultural features, differences from Russians, photo

American guys: cultural features, differences from Russians, photo

American guys have recently attracted a fairly large number of domestic girls. Against the background of many Russian men, they are distinguished by stable income, self-confidence, opportunities to realize themselves and see the world around them. What are their main differences, which appear with a closer acquaintance?

Mexican patterns: the heritage of the Spaniards and the Aztecs

Mexican patterns: the heritage of the Spaniards and the Aztecs

Mexican patterns are the result of the fusion of two cultures. The Aztec and Mayan heritage mixed with Spanish traditions and sparkled with colorful colors. Bright colors combined with geometric patterns created a unique Mexican style recognizable all over the world

Kitsch style: features, history, interesting facts and recommendations

Kitsch style: features, history, interesting facts and recommendations

Extravagance, in harmony with outright bad taste, a combination of exoticism and nihilism, the brightness of colors and the loudness of external forms. This is how you can characterize the kitsch style - one of the youngest and brightest. How to create an interior in this style? What decorative elements can be used? What is needed to create a fashionable kitsch look?

Byzantine ornament: features, colors, motifs

Byzantine ornament: features, colors, motifs

We want to tell in our article about the Byzantine ornament. We can still see the ancient motifs of Byzantine patterns today in the ultra-modern interiors of apartments, on decorative tiles that adorn walls and floors, on expensive dishes, on jewelry. Such patterns are always associated with brilliance and luxury. But the origins of a special Byzantine style originate in the desire of mankind for spiritual harmony, which manifested itself in special external forms

Do Vegetarians Eat Fish? Types of Vegetarianism

Do Vegetarians Eat Fish? Types of Vegetarianism

Vegetarianism is not only a food system, but also a way of life. Recently, many varieties of this movement have appeared, so some people cannot understand whether vegetarians eat fish, meat, milk and other animal products. But it turns out that every kind of vegetarian has its own diet. What will be discussed in this article

Subculture "bikers": history of occurrence. Who are bikers?

Subculture "bikers": history of occurrence. Who are bikers?

The subculture "bikers" can only be fully understood by ordinary people who have nothing to do with the corresponding people and motorcycles, only if you plunge deep into its history

Darwin Museum in Moscow. Darwin Museum, Moscow - address

Darwin Museum in Moscow. Darwin Museum, Moscow - address

The Darwin Museum in Moscow is one of the largest and most technically equipped in the world. The initiator of its discovery was Alexander Fedorovich Kots, a professor of zoology at Moscow State University. 1907 is considered to be the year of its foundation

The population of the USSR and Russia - whose life is better?

The population of the USSR and Russia - whose life is better?

The Soviet Union was called the "Evil Empire", the name Stalin was slandered and covered in mud. But did the population of the USSR really live in constant fear of the government, and was the Stalinist regime so terrible when compared with the current democratic system?

Portuguese male and female names

Portuguese male and female names

Portuguese names originated in the distant past and mixed with the traditions of Spain. Names can consist of several variants and surnames at the same time. Moreover, they are selected only from a list approved by the government. In this list, only the names of Catholic saints and those who have passed the spelling check. In Portugal, there is a separate list of prohibited items, and it is updated annually

Venice Biennale: description, features, history and interesting facts

Venice Biennale: description, features, history and interesting facts

What is a biennale? Why is it held in Venice? Why is this event so valuable in high art circles?

Ossetian surnames: examples, origin, history of Ossetian surnames

Ossetian surnames: examples, origin, history of Ossetian surnames

Ossetian surnames are distinguished by a long and difficult process of formation. Sources testifying to him are very limited. The origin of Ossetian surnames has long been of interest to prominent scientists of the world. To study the features of the formation of Ossetian surnames, the study of ethnographic, folklore and linguistic materials is of great importance

Fantastic fireworks festival in Moscow: description, venue

Fantastic fireworks festival in Moscow: description, venue

An amazing fantastic spectacle can be seen in the summer sky over the city of Moscow. Since August 2013, the Fireworks Festival (international) has been held annually in the capital of Russia under the name "The Best City on Earth". The location of the volleys for the entire period of the festival changes. From July to August it happens in every district of the city

Yoshkin cat: now in bronze

Yoshkin cat: now in bronze

Probably only one out of ten residents of the CIS countries, united by similar languages, did not mention some well-known animal in their vocabulary. The appearance of this beast means events that are far beyond the predictable. Often this is a small scale problem. So what kind of animal appears among the Eastern Slavs in unpredictable situations? Well, of course! This is Yoshkin's cat! Let's stop at this non-standard phenomenon

Solyanka Club, Moscow

Solyanka Club, Moscow

Club "Solyanka" is considered one of the best nightclubs in Moscow. You can not just relax there. As one of the visitors said, you can live there. It is about this club that we are talking about in our article

Who is this bogeyman? Translation of this expression

Who is this bogeyman? Translation of this expression

Every or almost every person has heard the expression "Ekar babai". It actually sounds very flowery and with its help you can swear without using obscene words. Has anyone thought, who is this ekarny babay and where did this expression come from? In our article, we have presented several well-known versions of its origin

Types of exhibitions. Organization and holding of exhibitions

Types of exhibitions. Organization and holding of exhibitions

Fairs and exhibitions are one of the most popular cultural programs in many countries of the world, which are held both within the state and at the international level. The demand for such events is steadily growing, and only in the global catalog there are more than 3.5 thousand exhibitions that take place on an annual basis

Female and male Japanese names and their meanings

Female and male Japanese names and their meanings

Cultural traditions of Japan have long developed independently of alien phenomena that took place in European and Asian countries. Thanks to this, a special worldview was formed here, absolutely unlike anything else, which, in turn, served to create original architectural ensembles, household items, clothes, and even names

Beautiful Indian men: description of appearance and photo

Beautiful Indian men: description of appearance and photo

In Indian films, bright colors, seething passions, a lot of songs, dances and fights. They are a little naive: good here always triumphs over evil, and justice triumphs. How I want to sometimes believe in a fairy tale! How about really? What do Indian men look like in life, without makeup and decorations? In India, they will never give an unequivocal answer to your question. This is such a country

The most popular name for a bear is Misha

The most popular name for a bear is Misha

It's not difficult to come up with a name for a bear. To do this, you should look at the predator, pay attention to its habits and come up with a nickname that suits this particular animal

Scandinavian names for women and men: a list

Scandinavian names for women and men: a list

The world of names is diverse, there are popular options that are in demand among our contemporaries, and there are names with a long history that came from the distant past and have a secret meaning. We offer you to get acquainted with Scandinavian names, very sonorous and unusual

The most common name in Russia and the world

The most common name in Russia and the world

Throughout life, more often than other words, a person hears his name. It can determine fate and become a talisman, it has its own energy, meaning. That is why his choice should be taken responsibly. Many questions are worth considering. No need to rush to give the baby the most common name, following the fashion. But rare, exotic can complicate his life

Roman names. Features, examples

Roman names. Features, examples

Today, Roman names are not very popular. This is partly due to the fact that most of them are forgotten, and their meaning is completely unclear. If you delve into history, then at the dawn of the Roman Empire, children and adults were given names throughout their lives, and later they turned into family names. The peculiarity of Roman names is of genuine interest to historians so far

God of the sea in myths and legends

God of the sea in myths and legends

Myths of Ancient Rome and Greece, ancient Slavic myths and legends tell readers about the life of gods, spirits, heroes. The god of the sea Poseidon argues with his brother Zeus. The water one drags people to the bottom of the sea. Do people still celebrate Neptune Day?

What is chauvinism - history and role in the modern world

What is chauvinism - history and role in the modern world

Chauvinism is a fairly common word these days. What is chauvinism, what is the history of its occurrence, this article will tell

Celtic holidays: list, dates and description

Celtic holidays: list, dates and description

Recently, interest in Celtic holidays is quite large. Many see in them similarities with the sacred rites of other peoples, trace analogies, drawing appropriate conclusions. A large role in the popularity of druidism is played by the recent interest in pagan culture. At the same time, it must be admitted that it is extremely difficult to single out originally Celtic traditions that would not be inherent in other states of Western Europe

Statue of Pharaoh Amenemhet III and other exhibits of the Egyptian Hall of the Hermitage

Statue of Pharaoh Amenemhet III and other exhibits of the Egyptian Hall of the Hermitage

The statue of Pharaoh Amenemhat III is one of the main exhibits of the Egyptian Hall of the Hermitage. It is excellently preserved and, perhaps, is its main decoration. But, in addition to this, the museum contains many different antiquities of this culture

The true lady - who is this?

The true lady - who is this?

In the modern world, an elegant woman is called a lady, but is it right? We advise you to read this article and find out what is actually customary to mean by this word