Today, more than ever, various ratings of countries and cities are popular. With their help, you can find out the list of Russian cities where it is comfortable to live and work, find out the environmental situation or understand which cities are attractive for business, and which are high risks. Errors and inaccuracies are possible in each study, therefore, when studying each of the lists, it is necessary to understand which categories, indicators and estimates influenced the position of a particular city in the table.
Methods of forming ratings
Methods of forming city ratings are different, and the results of research, depending on the chosen method, may change exactly the opposite.
Rankings are compiled in different ways:
- based on opinion polls and polls;
- based on the analysis of statistical data, according to specified criteria, with the involvement of experts;
- combined methods.
Most of all trust is caused by ratings compiled in a combined way, since they take into account both the opinion and feedback from residents of the city, region andcountries, and the results of the analysis of the criteria by public opinion specialists.
When considering this or that rating, one should pay attention to who made it and what methods were used. References to competent sources give great confidence in the results. For example, to professional organizations working with public opinion, such as RosStat or the Ministry of Economic Development.

Today, there are many research parameters for making an estimated opinion about cities and other subjects of the Russian Federation.
Types of ratings
Any lists are compiled for specific goals and objectives of the study. And to cover all the topics of study is almost impossible. In general, the rating of Russian regions is represented by the following topics for study:
- by standard of living;
- the level of socio-economic situation of the subjects of the Russian Federation;
- development of science and technology in the regions of Russia;
- labor market in regions;
- rating of investment attractiveness;
- environmental situation in the regions of Russia.
For each of the ratings, a special table is compiled, where anyone can see the current data for each of the items studied and understand which areas are leading in the specified direction, and who is far behind and by what parameters. The rating of Russian regions in terms of living standards, the labor market and other research data are often published on official resources.

Winners and outsiders
Each region is fighting for the right to be the best in everything, but this is almost impossible. And according to different criteria, the first and last positions change exactly the opposite.
The economic rating of Russian regions (according to RIA Rating) at the beginning of 2016 included 85 positions. The leading place in the socio-economic situation of the subjects of the Russian Federation is occupied by Moscow, the second place is taken by the northern capital of Russia. The last four places were taken by: the Republic of Altai, the Republic of Ingushetia, the Jewish Autonomous Region and the Republic of Tuva.

In terms of employment, the rating of Russian regions is confidently opened and held by the capital, and a high unemployment rate was noted in the Chechen Republic, Dagestan and Kalmykia.
In terms of family well-being in Russia, the top three are: Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug and the capital. Ivanovo region, Republic of Dagestan, Pskov region occupy the lowest levels of the rating.
Environment level
In Russia, as well as throughout the world, there are many problems associated with the preservation of the environment. Especially in those parts of the country where there are heavy industries and where minerals are mined. Emissions into the atmosphere and soil are clearly not doing better for the planet and its inhabitants.
The ecological rating of Russian regions is presented by various studies, there is even a national ecological map of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, where all regions and the degree oftheir pollution. According to the all-Russian public organization "Green Patrol", the leading positions in terms of the level of ecology in the Russian Federation are occupied by the Tambov region, the Altai Republic and the Altai Territory. Outsiders in this list are: Norilsk, Leningrad, Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions.

Innovation ranking
This rating reflects the state of development of science, education and the introduction of modern technologies in the regions. The highest levels are rightfully occupied by those parts of the country in which scientific activity is well developed, a large number of new research laboratories, institutes and, of course, higher educational institutions.
The rating of innovative regions of Russia (according to the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia) includes 83 subjects, the study of which was carried out according to 23 indicators. Among the indicators reflected: the state of scientific activity, the creation and implementation of innovative developments, the development of universities and socio-economic conditions.

The list of cities in Russia, as well as regions, republics and territories recognized as strong innovators in 2016, includes: Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Republic of Tatarstan and the Nizhny Novgorod region. The following subjects were recognized as weak innovators: the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the Republic of Ingushetia and the Chechen Republic. There is a special Association of Innovative Regions of Russia that supports and develops this industry. With the support ofassociation, an electronic map of innovative Russia was developed, reflecting all the rating data on the territory of the Russian Federation. The map is available to everyone on the Association's official website.
Investment rating
The investment rating of Russian regions reflects the position of subjects in terms of their attractiveness for entrepreneurs, and also evaluates the actions of the authorities to create favorable conditions for the successful conduct of their own business, including support for small and medium-sized businesses.
According to the national rating of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, which includes 85 subjects in the study, the leading position has been occupied by the Republic of Tatarstan for several years, and at the end of the top twenty of the list are the Tambov Region and the Republic of Bashkortostan.

In 2016, the rating was replenished with two new subjects: the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.
The main points of this rating for 2016 are marked by a high growth rate of risks in absolutely all subjects. For example: consumer demand grew by 1% in August 2015, and fell by 4.2 percent in 2016. Industrial output also fell, by three point two percent.
This rating of Russian regions allows entrepreneurs to assess their risks at the stage of planning entry into a particular region and development in it.
Ranking by standard of living
The study of living standards in the subjects of the Russian Federation includes many criteria, for example, the levelinfrastructure development, employment, wages, the ratio of supply and demand indicators.
Statistics reflects the level of well-being of city residents and helps to assess how well the infrastructure of a particular subject is developed. According to the Ministry of Economic Development, the four strongest cities included: Kaliningrad, Krasnodar, Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk. The regional centers of Lipetsk, Surgut and Tomsk close the top twenty of the best cities.

Other ratings
Today, the rating of Russian regions is represented by a variety of different research topics, mainly economic indicators. But there are other, sometimes funny, types of ratings. For example, the most tourist cities of 2016 were chosen: Sochi, St. Petersburg and Moscow. The capital was recognized as the saddest city, and the happiest inhabitants of the country, it turns out, live in Grozny. The resort Anapa has become the leader in terms of safety, and all lovers of sweets come to the northern capital of the Russian Federation.