What is a rump? What does the word "rump" mean?

What is a rump? What does the word "rump" mean?
What is a rump? What does the word "rump" mean?

Historically, in our country, pure meat breeds of cows were practically not grown - only dairy or, at best, milk-meat. The matter was not developed, they were not engaged in aging and fermentation of meat, which would allow it to acquire a good rich taste and tenderness.

Meat we buy

Today, some farmers and breeders have begun to do this. Take, for example, the Lipetsk region. Australian breeds of beef bulls are bred there. In addition, elite marbled beef is also harvested, which is ideal for cooking steaks.

rump word meaning
rump word meaning

To cook good meat dishes, you first need to learn how to choose the right main product. Properly selected meat for a particular dish, thanks to the culinary skills of the cook, can become a real delicacy. The carcass of an animal is cut into a variety of parts, which, in turn, each have its own purpose. Let's take a closer look at what a rump is and what can be cooked from it.

Back of thighanimal

So, what is a rump? This meat product means the femoral part of the carcass of an animal, the location of which is downwards from a thick loin and a rump. Beef rump is classified as second-class meat. Why? The fact is that throughout life the animal moves, and the greatest load falls on its thigh, which is why second-class meat is just a rump. The meaning of the word is quite clear. This name came from the word "guz" (back).

what is a rump
what is a rump

Despite this, the described meat product is valued in cooking. Already someone who, and cooks know well what a rump is. It is also well known for its nutritional value.

The most commonly used in cooking is beef rump. It does not contain many calories and is great for people on a diet, as it does not harm the stomach. The rump is rightfully considered a beneficial beef carcass for making a strong, clean and rich broth. It is soft and juicy. In addition, excellent boiled and stewed meat is obtained from the rump. A large number of experienced housewives assure that excellent cutlets, meatballs, various soups and other first courses come out of it. Before you cook minced meat, first you need to beat the rump well, and then twist it through a meat grinder.

A few secrets from the chef

So, we already know what the word "rump" means. Now let's move on to the preparation itself. No matter how trite it sounds, but when choosing meat, you need to try hard,because the taste of the dish depends on whether it is of high quality or not. Professional chefs give several recommendations when choosing a rump.

what does the word rump mean
what does the word rump mean

The first thing you need to pay attention to is fat. Yes, it's fat. It should cover the meat in a nice thick layer. Its color should be milky. If you see a grayish tint, it's better to discard this piece and go buy meat elsewhere. The fact is that the color indicates the staleness of the product, and therefore, its quality leaves much to be desired.

One more thing to pay attention to is the weight of the meat. If you buy a rump in order to cook the broth, opt for a large piece weighing at least three kilograms. Why is it undesirable to buy meat of lesser weight? A small piece closer to the tail contains more fat than meat, and the rest is all occupied by bone. You need to know these nuances in order to avoid disappointment from the fact that the dish did not turn out the way you would like.

Now you know what a rump is, how to choose it correctly, what can be cooked from it.
