
Biography, filmography and personal life of Konstantin Samoukov

Biography, filmography and personal life of Konstantin Samoukov

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Modern cinema is rich in talented actors. In this article we will talk about such a famous actor as Konstantin Samoukov. Below are photos of the actor, information about his personal life, a short biography

Shlykova Olga: biography, what is famous for

Shlykova Olga: biography, what is famous for

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Today, any of us can find the information that interests him. In the past, most people were interested in stars or famous personalities. An area of divinity, rumors and so on was built around them. Now, when everyone can check the accuracy of the data, gossip is no longer spread on the Internet. And finding information about a person is quite simple. In this informational article we will talk about Shlykova Olga Vladimirovna

Biography of Ukrainian pilot Sergei Onishchenko

Biography of Ukrainian pilot Sergei Onishchenko

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In the age of information technology and the progressive development of society, getting access to any information has become so simple that absolutely everyone can handle it. Many people in search engines want to find biographies of famous people - it can be a pilot or a pop star. In this article we will talk about the biography of Sergei Onishchenko, a famous Ukrainian pilot

Yakovenko Igor Alexandrovich: photo, biography and career

Yakovenko Igor Alexandrovich: photo, biography and career

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In the current period of development of information technology and rapid progress, everyone wants to know only up-to-date information. If earlier it was possible to find something interesting only in newspapers, magazines or books, then with the advent of the Internet, everything has become much easier. Before the Internet, it was difficult to find up-to-date information, but now it is easier. In this informational article we will talk about the famous journalist Yakovenko Igor Aleksandrovich

Sergey Chudakov: biography, photo, creativity

Sergey Chudakov: biography, photo, creativity

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

According to fans (and lovers) of theater and cinema who left their reviews on the networks, Sergey Chudakov is not only a talented actor, but also a very interesting man. Fans of the artist regret that there is too little information about him on the Internet

Nadezhda Kosheverova: biography, filmography, photo

Nadezhda Kosheverova: biography, filmography, photo

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Kosheverova Nadezhda Nikolaevna, whose biography is described in this article, was a film director-storyteller in Soviet times. She received the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. Her films are still relevant and loved by the audience. Many entered the treasury of national cinema

Leonid Dyachkov: the life and death of a Soviet actor

Leonid Dyachkov: the life and death of a Soviet actor

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Leonid Dyachkov is a legend of Soviet cinema. In his creative piggy bank there are over 40 roles in films of various genres. Do you want to know the details of the biography and personal life of this artist? Are you interested in the cause of his death? We are ready to share the information we have

Sergey Svetlakov: filmography, biography, personal life

Sergey Svetlakov: filmography, biography, personal life

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Our today's hero is comedian Sergey Svetlakov, whose filmography and biography are of interest to many fans. Do you want to get the most truthful information about his person? Then you should read this article

Actress Olga Lerman: biography, photo. Movies and series

Actress Olga Lerman: biography, photo. Movies and series

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Olga Lerman is a young actress who still cannot boast of a large number of bright roles. Nevertheless, she already has the right to be proud of certain achievements. For the first time, the girl attracted attention by playing one of the main roles in the romantic comedy “Handsome”

Director Karan Johar: biography, filmography, personal life

Director Karan Johar: biography, filmography, personal life

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Karan Johar is an iconic figure in modern Indian cinema. Such films as "Everything happens in life", "In sorrow and in joy" made the director famous not only in India, but also abroad. He also successfully engages in producing activities, writes scripts and sometimes acts in films. What is known about this man, was his path to fame long?

Two careers of Amelia Warner

Two careers of Amelia Warner

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Amelia Warner is a famous British actress who started her career with such projects as "Aristocrats", "Mansfield Park", "The Last Knight" and others. She is also the author of several songs, both for commercials and for several films. In the article we will get acquainted with the creative activity of this person in more detail

Kim Bordenave: biography and photo of the model

Kim Bordenave: biography and photo of the model

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The days when American-Canadian model Kim Bordenave shone on the covers of fashion magazines are long gone. Today she is known for her active charity work, which gives hope to many parents of children who have he alth problems

Moody Raymond: creativity and interesting facts

Moody Raymond: creativity and interesting facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

This American doctor and psychologist gained worldwide fame after the publication of a scandalous book that posed many unresolvable questions to science. Devoted to the study of such a phenomenon as death, it instantly became a bestseller, and Moody Raymond continued to collect testimonies of those who had been "beyond"

Actor Chris Colfer: biography and filmography

Actor Chris Colfer: biography and filmography

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Chris Colfer is a young actor who made a name for himself thanks to the Losers series. This guy is not afraid to play provocative roles, and also openly declares his non-traditional sexual orientation

Elizaveta Peskova: biography and personal life

Elizaveta Peskova: biography and personal life

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

One of the most popular personalities in recent times is Elizaveta Peskova. Photos, biography and interesting facts about the girl do not leave the pages of newspapers. How did the daughter of a high-ranking official deserve such popularity? Why so much criticism of her? All these questions about Lisa Peskova can be answered in our article

The creative path of Larisa Belogurova

The creative path of Larisa Belogurova

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Larisa Belogurova is a famous movie actress, Music Hall soloist, sportswoman. In her youth, the girl was professionally engaged in rhythmic gymnastics, after which she became interested in dancing. Performed on stage Friedrichstadtpalast

Adaev Konstantin: biography, personal life. Movies and series

Adaev Konstantin: biography, personal life. Movies and series

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Adaev Konstantin - an actor who can most often be seen in the roles of security guards, policemen, bandits. "House", "Loot", "Everyone has their own war", "Gold Reserve", "Emergency. Emergency", "Balabol" - films and series, thanks to which he was remembered by the audience

Hopkins Bernard. Biography, interesting facts from the life of a famous boxer

Hopkins Bernard. Biography, interesting facts from the life of a famous boxer

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Bernard Hopkins was born on January 15, 1965 in Philadelphia, USA. Over the course of his life, this famous boxer has achieved dizzying career success and built strong relationships. You will learn about how Bernard went to his victories and how he experienced his falls from our article

Josh Hartnett: filmography, main roles. Actor's personal life

Josh Hartnett: filmography, main roles. Actor's personal life

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

At the moment, there are over 40 film projects in which 37-year-old American Josh Hartnett took part. The filmography of the actor includes successful and failed films. Over the years of work, he has embodied bright and standard images on the screens. What roles played by the actor are worthy of special attention, how is his personal life?

Tarsem Singh: complete filmography

Tarsem Singh: complete filmography

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Tarsem Singh is an American filmmaker best known for the thriller The Cage, released in 2000. In addition to feature films, he also directs music videos and commercials. Tarsem Singh's films are consistently a hit with fantasy fans as the visuals of all his films always amaze audiences

Kramarov Savely Viktorovich: biography and filmography of the actor

Kramarov Savely Viktorovich: biography and filmography of the actor

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Kramarov Savely Viktorovich (October 13, 1934 - June 6, 1995) was one of the most popular comic actors of the Soviet cinema of the 60-70s, a real favorite of the public. He has acted in at least 42 Soviet films and also starred in several American films after emigrating to the United States

British ski jumper Eddie Edwards - biography, achievements and interesting facts

British ski jumper Eddie Edwards - biography, achievements and interesting facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

This article will focus on British ski jumper Eddie Edwards. What is remarkable about this man's life? How did he come to success?

Ben Carson: biography and career

Ben Carson: biography and career

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

On March 2, 2016, it became clear that the 58th President of the United States would not be African American, as on that day one of the candidates from the Republican Party, Ben Carson, announced his unwillingness to continue participating in the race

Christian Serratos: the life path of an actress

Christian Serratos: the life path of an actress

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Christian Serratos is a fairly popular actress in the US. She often takes part in films with a multi-million dollar budget. By the standards of Hollywood, she is quite young and critics predict a promising future for her. Christian has been in the big cinema since the age of 14 and appears every year on the screen more and more often

Composer Salieri Antonio: biography, creativity. Antonio Salieri and Mozart

Composer Salieri Antonio: biography, creativity. Antonio Salieri and Mozart

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The name Antonio Salieri is strongly associated with Mozart and his death. But this man was a great musician who wrote more than 40 operas and produced a large number of students. How did the life of the composer develop?

The Durov dynasty. circus artists

The Durov dynasty. circus artists

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Durovs are a famous surname in the history of Russia. Its representatives are famous actors and circus performers. Animal trainers enter the arenas of world circuses, and the name of Lev Durov, a popular artist, often appears on movie screens and theater posters

Leonid Zorin: biography and creativity

Leonid Zorin: biography and creativity

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Leonid Zorin - Soviet poet, playwright and writer. His most famous work is the play "Pokrovsky Gates", which was based on the Soviet film of the same name. From this article you can find out the biography of Leonid Zorin, the names of his main works and the details of modern creativity

Actor Ivan Makarevich, son of Andrei Makarevich

Actor Ivan Makarevich, son of Andrei Makarevich

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

If you are wondering if nature rests on the children of the stars, let's get to know the son of the legendary creator of the rock band "Time Machine". Ivan Makarevich (photo presented in the article) did not follow in the footsteps of his father, choosing the profession of an actor for himself. Currently, he serves in the theater on Malaya Bronnaya and is actively acting in films. So, more

Actor, chef and husband David Bartka

Actor, chef and husband David Bartka

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Throughout his career, David Bartka (1975) was considered a promising actor with a great future, but became famous only for his eminent partner. Now he is mostly known as Neil Patrick Harrison's lover

Sakharov Alik - American director with Soviet roots

Sakharov Alik - American director with Soviet roots

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The name Sakharov Alik became famous thanks to the overwhelming success of the television series "Game of Thrones". Amazingly, a talented director from Uzbekistan still speaks Russian better than English. What was his path to fame?

Actor Jerry Orbach: biography, photo. Best Movies and Series

Actor Jerry Orbach: biography, photo. Best Movies and Series

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Jerry Orbach is a talented actor whose existence viewers learned about through the rated series Law & Order. In this TV project, he embodied the image of the brave detective Lenny Briscoe. More often Jerry played minor roles than the main ones, but his characters often overshadowed the main characters

Tony Richardson: biography, films, photos

Tony Richardson: biography, films, photos

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Tony Richardson is a famous British director, producer and screenwriter. In 1961 he received a BAFTA award, and in 1963 he won an Oscar. Tony openly admitted his bisexuality when doctors diagnosed him with HIV infection. The director died on November 14, 1991 at the age of 63 in Los Angeles

Psychic Alexey Pokhabov: biography, author's books and reviews

Psychic Alexey Pokhabov: biography, author's books and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

During its existence on planet Earth, mankind has made many discoveries. More than one century has passed since the first timid attempts to perpetuate their knowledge and inventions of writing. A man discovered nanotechnologies for himself, went into outer space, learned to fight many diseases, but still has not received an answer to the main question: “Who is a man, what is his purpose and why nature does not allow the potential hidden in us to be fully revealed?”

Scott Lang. Biography of the second Ant-Man

Scott Lang. Biography of the second Ant-Man

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Have you seen the movie "Ant-Man" and want to know more about who Scott Lang is? Then you've come to the right place! This article provides all the information about this character from comics and other media

Alexander Rogozhkin: biography, creativity, personal life

Alexander Rogozhkin: biography, creativity, personal life

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Alexander Rogozhkin is a well-known Russian director who made such films as "Karaul", "Peculiarities of the National Hunt". From under his light hand came the series "Streets of Broken Lights" and "Deadly Force". His personal life was tragic - his wife Julia, with whom they lived for less than 10 years, committed suicide for no particular reason

Elena Mozgovaya and Sergey Shnurov - wedding

Elena Mozgovaya and Sergey Shnurov - wedding

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The news that the soloist of the "folk" rock band "Leningrad" Shnur and the Voronezh beauty Elena Mozgovaya want to legitimize their relationship has become a real sensation in the show business environment

Matilda Shnurova: style icon and wife of the infamous rock musician

Matilda Shnurova: style icon and wife of the infamous rock musician

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

A young, incredibly stylish and beautiful woman - that's what she is, Matilda Shnurova. Not knowing who is in front of us, you might think that this is another aspiring actress or singer who managed to successfully marry someone from the rich and powerful of this world. But this statement is only partly true

Fethullah Gülen: biography, personal life, achievements, photos

Fethullah Gülen: biography, personal life, achievements, photos

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Fethullah Gülen is a famous Islamic public figure. Previously, he was an imam and a preacher in Turkey, founded an influential public movement called Hizmet, and is the honorary president of the Writers and Journalists Foundation. He is currently in self-imposed exile in the United States. When he arrives in Europe, he usually stops in Monte Carlo or Monaco

Anton Sevidov: biography, creativity and personal life of a musician

Anton Sevidov: biography, creativity and personal life of a musician

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Sevidov Anton Olegovich is a Russian composer, singer and DJ from Belarus. Creator of such electropop groups as Tesla Boy and Neonavt. In 2017, the premiere of the production "The Sea of Trees" took place on the stage of the Gogol Center, for which Sevidov not only wrote the musical accompaniment, but also played the Ninja of Fate in it. His debut solo album is scheduled for release in autumn 2018

Alexey Shapovalov (Samara): biography, photo, businessman's family

Alexey Shapovalov (Samara): biography, photo, businessman's family

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Alexey Gennadyevich Shapovalov is a businessman from the city of Samara. Now he has the status of a billionaire, occupying 364th place in the list of the richest people on the planet