Nadezhda Kosheverova: biography, filmography, photo

Nadezhda Kosheverova: biography, filmography, photo
Nadezhda Kosheverova: biography, filmography, photo

Kosheverova Nadezhda Nikolaevna, whose biography is described in this article, was a film director-storyteller in Soviet times. She received the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. Her films are still relevant and loved by the audience. Many have entered the treasury of Russian cinema.


Kosheverova Nadezhda Nikolaevna was born in St. Petersburg on the twenty-third of September 1902, since childhood she was attracted by creativity, namely the puppet theater. After graduating from high school, Nadezhda Nikolaevna went to acting school, which was opened at the Free Comedy Theater. She graduated in 1923. In 1925-1928. Nadezhda Nikolaevna continued her studies at the film workshop FEKS (Factory of an eccentric actor).

First creative steps

After graduating from the acting school (from 1925 to 1928), Kosheverova played in the St. Petersburg Theater of Satire and some others. After that, she got a job at the Lenfilm film studio as an assistant director. After a while, she began doing film editing.

Start directing

First timeNadezhda Kosheverova, whose biography is closely connected with cinema, took part in the creation of films about Maxim, which were shot in 1937 (“The Return of Maxim”), in 1934 (“Maxim's Youth”), in 1938 (“Vyborgskaya side"). The first self-made film "Once Upon a Fall" based on the novel by M. Gorky was ready by 1937. But, unfortunately, the film has not been preserved.

hope kosheverova
hope kosheverova

Work on yourself

When Nadezhda Nikolaevna started working at Lenfilm, the term "director" meant only men. And in the female hypostasis, this position was not common. But Kosheverova stubbornly pursued her goal of becoming a director.

She diligently cultivated a masculine character. She was tough on the set, although she mostly directed comedies. Her sense of humor was practically absent and was extremely rare. She surrounded herself with a mass of conventions on her own initiative and steadfastly adhered to them. It's hard to find sentimental scenes in her films.

Recognition of directorial talent

In 1939, Kosheverova filmed the lyrical comedy Arinka. The film not only came out on the screens, but also won the attention of the public, becoming the leader of the box office in 1940. Before the war, Nadezhda Nikolaevna managed to shoot another film - "Galya". She told about the Finnish war. But the film was banned from showing. And this was the reason why Kosheverova left serious genres and started shooting children's ones.

Creative directing duo

Her first picture-fairy tale "Cherevichki" was filmed in 1944 in the form of an opera version. AndThe screenplay was written by Nadezhda Kosheverova. At this time, she met Mikhail Shapiro, also a director. During the difficult war years, they became an excellent working duo. And in 1947, a fairy tale that became legendary, Cinderella, appeared on the screens.

Nadezhda Kosheverova Director
Nadezhda Kosheverova Director

But making children's films wasn't easy because of the competition. Two more remarkable directors were engaged in this genre: Ptushko and Row. Their fairy tales "Vasilisa", "By the Pike" and many others came out on the screens with difficulty. The authorities of the country believed that this was a frivolous genre, serious documentaries should be created.

Nevertheless, "The Stone Flower", directed by Ptushko, received an award at the Cannes Film Festival. And after the war, it was Kosheverova’s fairy tale, Cinderella, that appeared on the screens.

According to the script, the heroine should be only sixteen years old. But Nadezhda Kosheverova persuaded her superiors to take her acquaintance, 38-year-old actress Yanina Zheymo, for the main role in the fairy tale. Shapiro and Kosheverova managed to find a wonderful creative team for the filming of the fairy tale. In 2009, the film underwent restoration and is now stored in two versions: color and black and white.

Kosheverova Nadezhda Nikolaevna
Kosheverova Nadezhda Nikolaevna

Forced break from work on fairy tale films

After Cinderella, Nadezhda Nikolaevna was forbidden to shoot fairy tales for fifteen years. But Kosheverova found a no less interesting genre, and in 1954 another legendary picture was released, shot together with A. Ivanovsky - "The Tamer of the Tigers." The film instantly became the leader of the box office.

NextNadezhda Kosheverova, whose filmography from that time began to increase rapidly, shot the melodrama "Honeymoon", the comedy "The Driver Willy-nilly" and "Beware, Grandma!".

Return to fairy tales and dismissal

Nadezhda Nikolaevna continued shooting fairy tales again only in 1963. Again, in a duet with Shapiro, the film "Cain XVIII" was released. The picture combined a fairy tale and a political pamphlet. Another one was taken as the basis - "Two Friends". Due to censorship, the script was rewritten several times.

Nadezhda Kosheverova filmography
Nadezhda Kosheverova filmography

Khrushchev happened to be at the premiere. He simply overslept part of the film, but still managed to see the incorrectness in one fragment. In this episode, the men dressed in women's dresses in order to get into the princess's chambers. Khrushchev "tore and metal" for the corruption of moral principles. In his opinion, "blue" were shown on the screen. He fired not only Kosheverova for this fragment, but the entire group. And the picture was shown only in a limited edition.

Nadezhda Kosheverova, whose photo is in this article, decided to shoot a circus comedy again. As a result, the film "Today a new attraction" was released. In it, F. Ranevskaya played her last role. After this picture, Nadezhda Nikolaevna returned to the genre of fairy tales again. So in 1968, The Old, Old Tale was born. Oleg Dal played the main role in it, and the world met a new actress - Marina Neelova.

This film was loved not only by children, but also by adults. As a result, the picture became very popular, like most of Kosheverova's films. AT"The old, old fairy tale" Nadezhda Nikolaevna was the first, even before M. Zakharov, to use the modern texture of the dialogue.

Nadezhda Kosheverova biography
Nadezhda Kosheverova biography

Kosheverova: a view from the outside

M. Boyarsky told what impression Kosheverova made. According to him, she herself was like a native of a fairy tale or looked like a resident of the nineteenth century. She wore exceptionally long dresses, always wore sweaters, from which she breathed comfort and antiquity. Nadezhda Nikolaevna was always extremely polite and touching. Never scolded. From her, no one heard not only foul language, but even literary curses.

Yes, and Kosheverova had no reason to be so nervous. She was considered a director of the highest class. Her films have always been in demand and many have become legendary and eternal over time. Therefore, money for shooting was always allocated for Nadezhda Nikolaevna.

Continued directing activities

After the "Old, old fairy tale" Nadezhda Kosheverova returned to this genre on an ongoing basis. In 1972, the musical film "Shadow" was released, based on the play by E. Schwartz and based on Anderson's motives. Marina Neelova and Oleg Dal again starred in this picture.

In 1974, a new musical picture came out - the comedy "Tsarevich Prosha". Nadezhda Nikolaevna filmed it based on Russian folklore motives. Then two more tales followed: “The Nightingale” and “How Ivan the Fool went for a miracle.”

nadezhda kosheverova photo
nadezhda kosheverova photo

In 1982, the picture "Donkey skin" was released on the screens.fairy tales by M. Perrault. This film received the main prize at the Kiev Film Festival "Fairy Tale". In 1984, the audience was able to appreciate the new painting "And Bumbo Came" based on the story of Kuprin. There were many puppet scenes in the film, edited in parallel with reality.

Completion of the creative path

Nadezhda Kosheverova completed her creative career in 1987, shooting the last picture in her life about Makar's adventures, "The Tale of the Painter in Love". In total, the talented director has directed more than twenty films. Many of them have become pearls in the treasury of Russian cinema. Kosheverova became the best Soviet film director-storyteller. Admirers of her talent remember, appreciate and love Nadezhda to this day. The image of a talented director continues to live in her films.

Nadezhda Kosheverova (director-storyteller) preferred to shoot children's films. They differ from the works of other directors in soft humor, lyricism, musicality and entertaining plots. All fairy tales were beautifully costumed. A vivid example of this is Cinderella.

At that time in Leningrad it was almost impossible to find not only a beautiful fabric, but even an ordinary and unattractive one. As the actors later recalled, the costumes for the fairy tale were sewn almost “out of thin air”. But Kosheverova was able to create a masterpiece almost from nothing, providing the group with chic props in those days.

Private life

Kosheverova for the first time married N. P. Akimov, People's Artist of the Soviet Union. They worked together on such films as "Cinderella" and "Shadows". But after a whilethey realized that they were not suitable for each other, and divorced.

Kosheverova Nadezhda Nikolaevna biography
Kosheverova Nadezhda Nikolaevna biography

The second husband of Kosheverova was A. N. Moskvin. He was a famous Soviet director of photography. They were great friends for a long time. Their common love for creativity brought them together. Over time, friends decided to get married, which Nadezhda Kosheverova had long dreamed of. The son born in this marriage was named Nicholas. He died in 1995.

Death of Kosheverova

Kosheverova Nadezhda died on February 22, 1989 in Moscow. She was buried in the village. Komarovo, which is located near St. Petersburg. The grave is modest, there is no tombstone. Kosheverova's son is buried nearby.
