One of the most popular personalities in recent times is Elizaveta Peskova. Photos, biography and interesting facts about the girl do not leave the pages of newspapers and online publications. How did the daughter of a high-ranking Russian official deserve such popularity? Why so much criticism of her? These and other questions about Liza Peskova can be answered in our article.
The biography of Elizabeth Peskova originates in Moscow. The girl was born on January 9, 1998 in an elite family. Lisa's father, Dmitry Sergeevich Peskov, was a prominent political figure in the late 90s, he worked in the Russian embassy. Now - the press secretary of the head of the Russian state. The girl's mother is Ekaterina Solonitskaya, the second wife of Dmitry Peskov. He is a scientist in the field of philology.
The girl's parents divorced in 2012. Ekaterina Solonitskaya left for France, her daughter decided to go with her. Before the divorce of her parents, Lisa studied at a Moscow school and was fond of painting. The father advised the girlenroll in art school. Today Lisa lives abroad, but often comes to Russia.
Girl's father
Where does such close attention to the biography of Elizabeth Peskova come from? The reason is obvious: the girl is the daughter of a high-ranking official, an assistant to the main person in the country. Dmitry Peskov worked for a long time as a secretary at the Turkish Embassy of the Russian Federation. During the election of Vladimir Putin to the presidency, Dmitry Sergeevich headed the department for working with the media under the administration of the head of state. A little later, Peskov became deputy head of Putin's press service. In parallel, the official worked as a translator from the Turkish language. In April 2004, Dmitry Sergeevich was appointed deputy press secretary of the president. His main duties were to provide information communication between the head of state and the executive branch.

In 2008, Peskov became the press secretary of the Prime Minister, who at that time was Vladimir Putin. In 2012, the official was again appointed deputy head of the presidential administration.
Thus, Dmitry Sergeevich Peskov is the most important official in the Russian state. The media pay close attention to this official, follow his personal life and family. Elizaveta Peskova, whose biography is discussed in our article, today is the focus of many magazines, online publications and newspapers.
Relationship with parents
Elizaveta Peskova was 14 years old when her family broke up. The media began to especially exaggerate the topicpersonal life of the Russian press secretary. Newspapers tried to find out the attitude of the young Liza to the problem with her parents. Then the girl said that she loves both mom and dad equally strongly. The mother supports the girl in everything, talks to her on any topic and takes her for a walk around Paris. Lisa's father is her main defender and coach. Dmitry Sergeevich goes skiing and skating with his daughter, walks with her in the park and takes her to the movies. Moreover, Elizabeth receives hand-to-hand combat lessons from her father.
Liza often expresses her rather eccentric opinion on certain issues. This allows us to assess the nature of the so-called "golden youth". Today, the girl has many fans and haters - Elizabeth is really popular.
What role does education play in the biography of Elizabeth Peskova? Where did the girl get knowledge? Until 2012, Lisa studied at a simple Moscow school. After the divorce of her parents, she entered the Norman boarding school. Having received a secondary general education, the girl entered the Paris School of Art, which is located in the Louvre. In parallel, Lisa becomes a student at the Moscow ISAA (Institute of African and Asian Countries). The girl did not stay at Moscow University. Having dropped out of training, our heroine returns to Paris. Elizaveta Peskova (see photo below) entered the business school there.

Liza is disgusted with the Russian education system. In her social networks, the girl has repeatedly noted that domestic schools resemble hell. Daughter of a high-ranking officialstated that she was "sick" of a large number of academic disciplines, which, in her opinion, could not be useful in later life. Beauty actively advocates a global reformation of Russian education.
Knowledge of languages
Considering the biography of Dmitry Peskov's daughter - Elizaveta Peskova, one cannot fail to note that the girl has the talent of a polyglot. As a child, Lisa was intensively engaged in the study of foreign languages. In her own words, studying was difficult. The girl wanted to pay much more attention to painting, but her parents insisted on classical education. Soon Lisa herself understood the importance of education.

The girl learned a hundred foreign words every day. For every forgotten word, Lisa could be punished, and therefore had to work hard. A visit to the language camps in Scotland and France also helped, where the girl studied for several months.
Today, Elizabeth travels actively. Knowing several languages helps her in communicating with different people. The daughter of Dmitry Peskov is fluent in English and French, and is also studying Arabic, Chinese and Turkish.
Statements of Elizaveta Dmitrievna Peskova
The biography of the daughter of the Russian press secretary is filled with quite interesting moments. The girl often travels and looks at the Western way of life. That is why Lisa often compares the Russian state with the advanced countries of Europe. Not everyone likes it. Many people find Peskova’s statements inappropriate, andsometimes even completely Russophobic. A few examples are worth giving.
In August 2016, the girl compared French and Russian medicine. Lisa made a very unexpected conclusion about the "worthlessness" of Western he althcare and the supposedly high quality of medicine in Russia.

On October 18, 2016, a girl expressed her opinion about the LGBT community. Elizabeth's position is moderately homophobic: she declared a neutral attitude towards gays and aversion to lesbians.
On October 21, the girl spoke sharply about the recommendation to officials not to let their relatives out of Russia. Lisa called the initiative senseless. According to her, the presence of people outside the Motherland does not contradict the ideas of patriotism.
In her messages, the girl often uses rather rude and harsh expressions. I must say that not all subscribers like it. Most netizens find Elizabeth's remarks stupid and meaningless.
Family of Elizabeth Peskova
Personal life in the biography of the heroine of our article occupies a special place. Today, the girl is trying to combine life in France and Russia, visiting either her mother or her father. The girl treats her parents with the same love.

I must say that Elizabeth is not the only child in the family of Peskov and Solotsinskaya. The girl has younger brothers - Denis and Mika. Lisa often travels with them, helps in learning foreign languages and instills a love of art. Often, a girl posts joint photos with her brothers on the Instagram social network.
Lisa treats Dmitry Peskov's new marriage with the famous figure skater Tatyana Navka with some indignation. The girl was not present at her father's wedding, and called the celebration itself "an absurd show". The stepmother explained the behavior of her stepdaughter with strong emotional experiences. The wife's position was supported by Dmitry Peskov.
Elizabeth's personal life
The biography of the daughter of a famous official is not yet complete enough, because the girl is only 20 years old. At the same time, Lisa managed to meet several boyfriends at once. At the annual Tatler Moscow ball, Lisa introduced her first boyfriend. It turned out to be a young businessman Yuri Meshcheryakov. Then the girl announced her engagement, but the wedding did not take place: Meshcheryakov and Peskova broke up shortly after Lisa came of age.

Soon Peskova found a replacement for Yuri. It turned out to be a young worker in the field of education, Mikhail Sinitsyn. However, Lisa did not stay with him either. Already in the summer of 2017, the French businessman Louis Waldberg, the founder of the electric lighter company, became the girl's new lover.
Elizabeth today
Over the past year, several uncomfortable situations have happened to Lisa. In July 2017, the girl went to the Crimean shipyard, where she gave a lecture to the factory workers on the importance of shipbuilding. Many netizens found Peskova's visit absurd. For example, ElizabethI saw the difference between "shipbuilding" and "judicial proceedings". Some people resented the very fact that a young lady without a higher education could lecture to adults and experienced professionals.

At the end of September 2017, another embarrassment happened to Peskova. The girl wrote the article "The Illusion of Knowledge" for the famous Forbes magazine. As it turned out, the published text consisted of large unedited excerpts from various publications: BBC, Passion, Mel, etc. More than 10% of the article was taken from a scientific work on pedagogy in 2012. As soon as the scandal began to gain momentum, the girl hastened to completely delete her profile from the Instagram social network.