March 2, 2016, it became clear that the 58th President of the United States would not be African American, as on that day one of the candidates from the Republican Party, Ben Carson, announced his unwillingness to continue participating in the race.

Benjamin Solomon Carson was born in 1951 in Detroit, Michigan. His mother, Sonya Carson, was exclusively involved in his upbringing, since his father left the family when Ben and his brother were just babies.
In elementary school, Carson was considered almost mentally retarded, as he failed in almost all subjects. At the same time, his mother, being an uneducated woman, could not help her son in any way. However, Mrs. Carson constantly motivated her sons to think for themselves and persevere in achieving their goals. For boys, mom was the main authority in life, so they will always remember her advice. Perhaps, if she had not been so persistent, the world neurosurgery would have been deprived of such a specialist as Ben Carson.
Biography: studies
Even in high school, young Ben decided to become a doctor. Despite scattered attention, not the best memory and lack of imagination, he began topractice and read a lot. Soon, teachers began to notice a big improvement in his academic performance, and Ben graduated from high school with honors. Without much effort, he managed to enter the psychology department of Yale University, and then the young man received a diploma from the medical faculty of the University of Michigan.

Career start
Specialists who know the story of Ben Carson find it amazing how much progress his "weak link" - the imagination - has experienced. As a result, he impressed everyone with his three-dimensional thinking, which, together with excellent hand coordination and eye accuracy, made him an excellent surgeon.
After graduating from medical school, Ben Carson joined the neurosurgery department at the B altimore Hospital. John Hopkins. Over time, he realized that his vocation was to help young patients, and became interested in pediatrics.
After retraining, Ben Carson transferred to the Department of Pediatric Neurosurgery. There he managed to successfully perform many operations, and at the age of 33 he became the youngest director of a pediatric center in the United States.

Separation of Siamese twins
Ben Carson has performed many surgeries in his career as a neurosurgeon. In particular, in 1987, he successfully separated Siamese twins who were born with fused occiputs. To perform this operation, a team of 70 surgeons was involved, led by Carson. It lasted 22 hours. The children not only survived, butand have been living normal lives of ordinary people for 30 years now.
As Dr. Ben later recalled, the biggest difficulty of this operation was that there was a great danger that the twins would bleed to death. Then he came up with the idea to stop the hearts of little patients.
Ben Carson's well-known operations include the removal of one hemisphere of a girl who suffered from epilepsy.

End of medical career
Ben Carson has received many professional awards for many years of his work in the field of neurosurgery. He was awarded an honorary doctorate 61 times by various universities, including European ones.
In June 2002, neurosurgeon Carson was diagnosed with early-stage cancer. Colleagues did everything to cure Ben, and the terrible disease was forced to recede. After recovering, Ben continued to work intensively.
In 2008, US President George W. Bush awarded the famous neurosurgeon the country's highest civilian award, the Medal of Freedom.
After 36 years in the medical field, Ben Carson officially retired in 2013.
Political career
Ben Carson has been an active member of the US Republican Party for many years. He has always opposed same-sex marriage and abortion and advocated a he althy lifestyle and the revival and preservation of Judeo-Christian values in the United States.
In 2015, Carson announced his decision to run for President of the United States. ByAccording to a poll conducted on October 7, 2015, among Republicans in 3 states, he ranked 2nd in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida. What's more, at the end of October 2015, Ben Carson was in the lead with 26 percent of the GOP vote. However, by the beginning of spring, the situation had changed, so on March 2, 2016, Ben Carson issued a statement that he was withdrawing from the presidential marathon due to a lack of prospects following the results of Super Tuesday. At the same time, he called on his voters to vote for Donald Trump.

In 1990, a book was published, authored by Ben Carson, "Golden Hands". In it, the doctor shares the secret to achieving success in life and talks about the methods of raising his mother. Many of those who have already read this book believe that it can motivate young people who are just taking the first steps in their careers and complain about the lack of good starting opportunities. This work by Ben Carson can be useful for parents as well. She will help them raise successful people who strive hard for their goal.
Another of his books has also been translated into Russian. Ben Carson's "Thinking Big" devoted to the psychological component of our lives. The author says that you need to dream and try to achieve your goals, even if they seem unattainable. In addition, in it, Dr. Ben advises to choose the right field of activity, which should be such that the maximum disclosure of human talents is possible. Apart fromabove all, according to Carson, it is necessary to believe in God and constantly help people.
Ben Carson: personal life
In 1971, the future famous neurosurgeon and politician met Kandy Rustin. The girl was also a student at Yale University (she studied music there). Young people immediately felt sympathy for each other. In 1975 Kandy and Ben got married and had three sons: Royce, Ben and Murray. The couple raised their children in the bosom of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Interesting facts
Ben Carson, whose books have been published in dozens of countries around the world, almost became a criminal as a child. Once, in a fight with the neighborhood boys, he took out a knife to protect himself. Luckily, when he stabbed the "opponent", the blade bent over the metal buckle of his belt. Ben was afraid that he could kill a man, and turned to God, becoming an active member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Other interesting facts about the life of this extraordinary personality are also known:
- Mother did not allow her sons to spend all day watching TV, as their peers did. She chose two TV programs with them, and the rest of the time the children had to devote to reading. At first, they were very offended by their mother, and later this habit allowed them to become excellent specialists and people with a developed intellect.
- Ben Carson's campaign slogan was "Heal. Inspire. Revive.”
- In one of his speeches to voters, a former neurosurgeonstated that if, with God's help, he ends up in the White House, he will create a government that will be like a "well-run business."
- In elementary school, classmates called Ben Dummy, which translates as "stupid".
- After graduating as a psychiatrist, Carson became disillusioned with the speci alty, as he realized that such doctors do something completely different from “what they show on TV.”
- In 2002, Benjamin co-founded a fund to help underprivileged children in need of neurosurgical care.
- Ben Carson was baptized twice. At the age of 12, he stated that in infancy he did not realize the seriousness of this sacrament.
- Dr. Benjamin advises to always remember that the USA is not a monarchy, but the president is obliged to work for the people.
- In one of his speeches, Carson compared the US to Nazi Germany, stating that Americans are just as intimidated by their government and only express thoughts that align with the "main ideological line."
- During his 36 years of medical career, Dr. Ben prayed before every operation and thanked the Lord for its successful completion.
- Carson believes that "if two people think exactly the same, one of them is not needed."
- A well-known neurosurgeon thinks Obama's he althcare reform is the worst thing that has happened in the US since slavery.

Now you know the story of Ben Carson - the man who is the embodiment of the American dream, who saved children's lives for many years and gave a second chance to hundredsgirls and boys.