Sergey Chudakov: biography, photo, creativity

Sergey Chudakov: biography, photo, creativity
Sergey Chudakov: biography, photo, creativity

According to fans (and lovers) of theater and cinema who left their reviews on the networks, Sergey Chudakov is not only a talented actor, but also a very interesting man. Fans of the artist regret that there is too little information about him on the Internet. Sergey Chudakov, according to the authors of the reviews, is such a modest person that he does not even consider it necessary to start his own Internet page. The artist is encouraged to pay attention to fans (fans), open up and tell about himself. This article is intended to fill the existing gap. It is addressed to those who are interested in Sergey Chudakov: facts from life, biography, creativity - all available information about the actor is collected here.

sergey chudakov
sergey chudakov


Sergey Chudakov - Russian actor, he is 47 years old. His theater career began in 1991. A wide audience is known mainly for his work in films, where he began acting in 2005. Since then, the artist has taken part in more than fifteen films (genres: action, comedy, crime, melodrama). For those who are interested in the horoscope: his zodiac sign is Leo.

sergey chudakov actor
sergey chudakov actor

Sergei Chudakov: biography

Information about the actor, which is freely available to users, is really very scarce. Nevertheless, it is known that Sergei Chudakov (the photos in the article represent quite successful portraits of the artist) was born in Moscow on 08/2/1969. Graduated from VTU them. M. S. Shchepkin at the Maly Theater (1995), after which the young artist was accepted into the troupe of the Pokrovka Theater directed by Sergei Artsibashev.

sergey chudakov russian actor
sergey chudakov russian actor

In circles of theatergoers Sergei Chudakov is known as one of the best stage fencing instructors. In this capacity, he worked in his native school (VTU named after M. S. Shchepkin). Together with Andrey Ryklin (2002) he was engaged in staging fencing numbers in the play "Point of Honor", where he played the roles of Laertes and Cyrano de Bergerac. Together with Yana Arshavskaya (2012) he acted as a presenter at the festival of stage fencing "Silver Sword". In 2013, Sergei Chudakov joined the organizing committee of the IV festival, which received international status. The actor is proud of the fact that his great-grandfather, also an artist, once appeared on the same stage with the famous Mikhail Chekhov.

Sergey Chudakov: creativity

The actor's work could be divided into several topics. First of all, one should remember the theater in which Sergei Chudakov worked. The theatrical roles performed by him are very popular with the public, as evidenced by grateful reviews. The artist's work in films, on radio and television is no less successful.

Pokrovka Theater

  • 1991: A. P. Chekhov "Three Sisters", the role of Andrei Sergeevich Prozorov.
  • 1993: N. V. Gogol "The Inspector General", the role of Khlestakov's servant - Osip.
  • 1994: A. N. Ostrovsky "Talents and Admirers", the role of the tragedian Erast Gromilov.
  • 1997: Hamlet (Shakespeare) as Laertes.
  • 1998: M. A. Bulgakov "The Cabal of the Holy", the role of the duelist Marquis d'Orsigny.
  • 2001: "My poor Marat" (author - A. A. Arbuzov, director - G. Chulkov), the role of Marat.
  • 2002: A. V. Vampilov "The Elder Son", the role of Silva; "Warrior" (N. S. Leskov), the role of the Author.
  • 2004: G. I. Gorin "Phenomena", the role of Larichev; V. Ya. Bryusov "Last pages from a woman's diary", the role of a "state man".
  • 2005: "At the bottom" (M. Gorky), the role of Vaska Ash.
  • 2006: A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit", the role of Alexei Stepanovich Molchalin; "The Seagull" (A. P. Chekhov), the role of Boris Alekseevich Trigorin.
  • 2010: Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace (Princess Marya)", the role of Prince Andrei Bolkonsky.

"Art Partner XXI": enterprise

Sergey Chudakov - an actor who also took part in the game in the entreprise. Among his theatrical works is the role of Vosmibratov in the play "The Forest" directed by Roman Samgin based on the play by A. N. Ostrovsky (2011, "Art Partner XXI" theater agency).

Reviews of the play, published in "Theatrical Poster" (2011, October), assure that this spectacle is able to provide the audience with the opportunity "to laugh along with the full hall of fellow citizens who burst into applause every now and then." According to the authors, the entreprise that exists outside of repertory theatersand excluding state subsidies, the good thing is that it tries to make the public laugh honestly and entrusts “this noble cause” to real professionals. "Forest" is a special case: a classic in an enterprise is a rather rare guest. The director defined the genre of Ostrovsky's comedy as "Russian windfall". And the viewer was able to verify the correctness of this definition.

sergey chudakov filmography
sergey chudakov filmography

The stage is generously lined with reproductions of Shishkin's paintings in gold frames. In the thicket created by the scenery, the serious and yet comical passion of the landowner in years for a young character boils. A lady over forty in the classics is already considered “venerable”. Sometimes she is even called an old woman. If such a woman manages to fall in love, this, according to the classics, is both ridiculous and sinful. But today it is difficult to laugh at the connection of a woman who, as they say, is “a berry again”, with a young man. The authors of the reviews admiringly describe the performance of the actors involved in this action, among which Sergey Chudakov (the role of Vosmibratov) stands out as one of the most striking. Maria Aronova, playing the landowner in a juicy pop style, makes an unmistakable bet on the exorbitant lust of her heroine. The violent woman calms down only after she marries her beloved undergrowth, whose role is played by Rodion Vyushkin. A young husband from a real lamb is instantly transformed - he becomes an impudent, imposing dude.

Fate also brings two drunkards and part-time artists of the burnt theater into this windbreak - the comedian Schastlivtsev (Sergey Frolov) and the tragedian Neschastlivtsev (Valery Garkalin). Both are likeit turns out in the course of action, beautiful soul. Most likely, it is about the theater as a funny action, about the brotherhood of itinerant actors, the authors believe, the director conceived his production. According to reviews, the acting in this action is “thick, on the verge of self-parody.”

The main merit in the fact that the audience at this performance is unusually fun is, according to the authors of the reviews, the sparkling play of the actors. And, in their opinion, Sergey Chudakov (Vosmibratov) stands out among them - with his sincerity, humor and depth of penetration into the image.

Working in movies

Users rave about the characters created in the movie by Sergei Chudakov.

sergey chudakov sketch show
sergey chudakov sketch show


  • 2006: "Paradise", the role of Viktor Reshetov.
  • 2007: "Group Zeta", the role of Denis Vdovin; "Operational development", the role of Andrey Shelest.
  • 2008: "A Dangerous Combination", the role of Kirill Boyko; "Operational development-2", the role of Andrey Shelest.
  • 2009: "Lawyer-6" the role of the investigator; "Group Zeta" (2nd film), the role of Denis Vdovin; "Isaev. Password is not needed”, the role of Vedeneev; "Reflections", the role of Aksyonov; "Petrovka, 38" (TV series); "Bodyguard-2", the role of Bull.
  • 2010: "In the forests and on the mountains", the role of Nikolai Alexandrovich; "You ordered the murder", the role of Zuya; “Main version” (7th series), the role of Zavidov, the owner of a security company; “Notes of the Expeditor of the Secret Office” (8th series), the role of the captain of the ship.
  • 2011: "Lecturer", the role of O'Leary; "Wild-2" (7th series), the role of producer Boris; "Forester", the role of the instructor Berkut.
  • 2012: Bros 3; "Without a trace" (episode 21), the role of Vladimir Neverov, Larisa's husband; "The Equation of Love", the role of investigator Pyotr Romanovich Frolov.
  • 2012-2013: "Sklifosovsky", the role of Artemyev.
  • 2013: "Live on", the role of Yakov Vasilyevich; "Beekeeper" (25th and 26th series), the role of the deputy mayor; "Terms of the contract-2", the role of the father of Christina's child.
  • 2016: "Provocateur", the role of Vitaly Alekseevich Subbotin.
sergey chudakov photo
sergey chudakov photo

Sketch show

No less rich is the content of the section of the artist's creative biography, which could be titled "Sergey Chudakov: sketch show". Among the projects in which the actor took part:

  • "Fools, roads, money" (2010, dir. A. Kiryushchenko, "Ren TV") the role of the Screenwriter, the People's Choice, the Surgeon, the Deputy (s).
  • "Nonna, come on!" (2011-2012, director Roman Samgin, channel 1).
  • Big Difference parodies (since 2012).

You will live

Not so long ago (2011) the premiere of the first sketch show on Ukrainian TV (channel "Ukraine") - "You will live!". The plot is based on the relationship between doctors and patients. According to TV viewers, Sergey Chudakov - a Russian actor who played a truly "miracle doctor", whose image brought a lot of positive and fun to Ukrainian TV. The creators of the sketch show are: A. Tsekalo, R. Sorokin (producers); K. Bykov, A. Nikolaev (creative producers); K. Bykov, A. Nikolaev, R. Aktuganov (writers).

The plots of the sketchcom are based on exaggeratedconfrontation between the two sides - doctors and their patients. In them, some complain about unscrupulous visitors, while others complain about poor-quality medical care. The creators of the sketches were not limited to plots from hospital practice in the "patient-doctor" format. They also created fascinating parodies of well-known he alth programs, funny cases from the recruiting campaign, the advice of a folk healer from the Ukrainian hinterland, etc. Sergey Chudakov brought his own zest to the humorous interpretation of the image of a doctor. The actor, with his performance, gave the audience the opportunity to meet with a wide variety of figures from medicine: a plastic surgeon, a nutritionist, a pathologist, a Caucasian doctor and a Goth doctor. The authors of all sketches are professional comedians. There are also stories based on real life stories. Each viewer manages to find in them some familiar moments, funny and interesting.

Radio work

Sergei Chudakov is an actor in whose work there is a period of active work on the radio. So, he took part in the program "Theatre for Three" in the "Russian News Service" (2007). In addition, he led with his sister, actress Olga Chudakova, the author's program about actors, premieres of performances, the history of the theater "Theatre for Three".

Point of Honor

The list of his works includes the play "Point of Honor" (project directed by Andrey Ryklin based on Rostand's play "Cyrano de Bergerac", 2002).

The audience remembers with delight the performance of Sergei Chudakov in this performance. According to reviews, in an excerpt from "Cyrano de Bergerac"the artist enchantingly - without costumes, makeup and scenery - played Cyrano. He was so convincing that he forced even those who considered it boring to change their minds about the play. The authors of the reviews with particular pleasure recall the episodes where the actor in the role had to fencing. According to them, the feeling of “drive” coming from the stage is remembered for a lifetime.

Silver Sword

The last statement is not surprising. In theatrical circles, Sergei Chudakov is known as one of the best stage fencing instructors. In this capacity, he successfully worked at VTU im. M. S. Shchepkina. In addition to participating together with A. Ryklin in the production of famous fencing numbers in the play "Point of Honor" (2002), the actor, together with Y. Arshavskaya, was the host at the Silver Sword fencing festival (2012). In 2013, he became a member of the organizing committee of the IV festival, which received international status.

sergey chudakov creativity
sergey chudakov creativity

About this festival, his colleague, film actor and stuntman, fight director Andrey Zayats, told reporters in an interview that it was originally conceived as a festival of Russian theater schools, but since 2013 it has become international. Not only theater schools, but also clubs engaged in stage or historical fencing, which are not directly related to the theater, have the right to take part in the festival. These clubs bring together amateurs who, in the process of training, reach a higher level of fencing, “pulling themselves up” to theatrical universities, which set a fairly high bar. stage fencingis, first of all, a built duel, which is “enlivened” by the talent of the performers. At the same time, the viewer perceives everything as if everything is happening here and now, it is at this moment that people react to injections and blows.

Sergey Chudakov, as it became known from his interview, during the festival worked with British actors, with whom rapier fights were staged, as well as hand-to-hand fights for theater and cinema. Mater taught to recreate a believable fight, that is, as he put it, "do everything for the safety of the fight, but to make the audience think that the participants are really trying to kill each other." The actor told reporters that historical authenticity is being recreated from a number of special literary sources. In the UK, the founder of the school of fencing is Patrick Crean. In the 1940s, he developed a system of stage fencing, which is still used by the Americans and the British. In the 1980s, this system was supplemented by William Hops and Jonathan Howell. For 70 years, stage fencing schools have been using the results of their work.

Private life

Unfortunately, there is absolutely no information on the Internet on the topic: "Sergei Chudakov (actor), personal life." No matter how interesting it is for users, it is not possible to “enlighten” them in this regard. The personal life of the actor is behind seven seals. This is his right, which everyone must reckon with.


Fans are grateful for the theatrical roles and film work of the artist. Connoisseurs of his work in their posts make compliments brightappearance of Sergei Chudakov, emphasize the originality of his talent. They also assure that the actor is endowed with some special energy that has a beneficial effect on the mind and feelings of the viewer.

The authors of the reviews are sure that Sergei Chudakov deserves big, serious roles in theater and cinema. The actor is thanked for the joy that he brings with his art, wish him good luck in all endeavors and happiness in all its manifestations.
