In the current period of development of information technology and rapid progress, everyone wants to know only up-to-date information. If earlier it was possible to find something interesting only in newspapers, magazines or books, then with the advent of the Internet, everything has become much easier. Before the Internet, it was difficult to find up-to-date information, but now it is easier. In this informational article, we will talk about the famous journalist Yakovenko Igor Aleksandrovich. His biography is presented below.
Where was he born?
Igor was born in the capital of the Russian Federation Moscow in 1951 on March 13th. In the family, the first-born was met with all honors. Mom loved her son very much, and the father did not have a soul in him. As usual, grandparents tried to spend time with their grandson. They also gave various gifts and toys.
Yakovenko Igor Alexandrovich spent his childhood relativelycalmly. As noted earlier, there was complete peace in the family. However, it was Soviet times, no one stayed at home, and everyone tried to spend as much time as possible walking on the street with their friends.
Igor did not stand aside and often went out into the yard to play war games or any other games. Very often in childhood he sculpted, played with soldiers. He represented one army as the valiant Red Army or the Red Army for short, and the other as the Nazi invaders.
He tried to repeat the course of real history and at first gave the Germans an advantage, but after that the Red Army always drove the enemy from the territory of their country and valiantly won.

Where did you study?
In 1976 he graduated from the evening department of the Faculty of Philosophy at Moscow State University. But, as often happens, he did not start working by profession right away. Yakovenko Igor Aleksandrovich wanted to visit Novorossiysk when he was just starting his studies, but something did not work out.

Where did you work?
From 1968 to 1970 he worked as a projectionist and even a geologist, which is quite surprising given the background in philosophy.
He also managed to work as a locksmith from 1970 to 1979, and was also a foreman of the Moscow Metro's locksmiths. That's for sure, Igor Alexandrovich was brought to the wrong place, where he always wanted and what he dreamed of. Yakovenko Igor Alexandrovich liked to do different things.
But soon he began to find his happiness. From 1979 to 1988 he was the leadingan entire department of propaganda and agitation in the Dzerzhinsky district committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in the city of Moscow. And from 1988 to 1990 he was a teacher of philosophy at the Higher Party School in Moscow.

A little about choosing a profession
Yakovlenko Igor Alexandrovich dreamed from early youth to enter a prestigious educational institution in order to successfully graduate from it and receive the coveted diploma of a journalist. That's how much he wanted to become a journalist that he fulfilled his dream, but before that he worked as a teacher in high school, and then in a higher educational institution. The famous journalist has a no less famous namesake - Yakovenko Igor Aleksandrovich. "Deloports" - it is in this organization that a person with the same surname works.
How did life go on?
Went to advance in a career in journalism, as a result, he took the position of chairman of the trade union of representatives of this profession "Journalistic Solidarity". There he was recognized as a good specialist in the field of journalism. Before taking this position, Igor Alexandrovich served as secretary of the Union of Journalists of Russia, where he gained a lot of experience, and this helped him in moving up the career ladder as a journalist.
In addition to all of the above, he was a deputy of the State Duma in Russia. He did not like the career of a politician, so he continued his path in journalism. During his long journey, he wrote many successful articles, of course, there were failures, but he never repeated the mistakes. Every year his articleswere all better from a professional point of view. Now he holds the well-deserved position of chairman.
Small articles by Igor Alexandrovich Yakovenko were published in popular newspapers and magazines of the Dialog editorial board. Readers really liked the work of this person. He wrote simply amazing texts that he liked to read so much that Igor Alexandrovich's column practically formed the budget of the entire newspaper.
In the same period, that is, when he was published in "Dialogue", he was one of the participants in the famous edition of the Russian Federation "Mr. People". In general, in his activities, Yakovenko expressed an anti-government position and was an oppositionist. He has always been for the people. Below is a photo of Yakovenko Igor Aleksandrovich.

Not only was Igor Yakovenko interested in journalism, but he was always interested in politics as well. Therefore, since 1991, he began his political career. Which is not surprising, then anyone could start a career as a politician. Yakovenko managed to earn a certain authority in narrow circles. Of course, everyone on the street did not recognize him, but Igor Aleksandrovich enjoyed some degree of popularity.
In the founding council of the Republican Party of Russia, or RPR for short, he was elected an honorary member of the working board and coordinating council of the party. From 1992 to 1994 he was a member of the political council of the party.
For some reason, development in politics stopped. Probably, he realized that this activity was not for him, and left this business. Orsomeone put pressure from above, because Yakovenko always had an oppositional position and often expressed dissatisfaction with the current government. However, in 1955 he completely stopped developing in politics.

In the same turbulent 1995, he became editor-in-chief of the then popular Frontiers magazine. And already in 2003 he began working as a director in a large publishing house "H. G. S." Unfortunately, the activities of the newspaper had to be curtailed. The fact is that the materials in the newspaper were oppositional, with all sorts of cartoons and funny pictures that discredited the current government.
Mr. Zharov, who launched the blocking of Telegram, did not reach the Internet then. And he was engaged in ordinary newspapers: he censored as he wanted. He put pressure on the investors of the project, and the newspaper had to be closed. Advertisers just decided not to make trouble for themselves.
Blogs of Yakovenko Igor Aleksandrovich
Igor Alexandrovich maintains a blog that already has 7 million views. The blog is popular due to well-written and interesting articles. A collection of signatures under the Public Television Charter was opened on the blog. The journalist also runs a channel on YouTube, where he speaks on various topics. From 2011 to 2012, he hosted network public television, but due to lack of funding, the project was closed at the end of 2012.

Writing articles
A journalist publishes articles on various topics on the website. Lastthe topic under consideration was humanism in Russia. The article raises the problem of the disappearance of humanism over the past 10 years. This topic is serious, since an alternative to humanism can only be the destruction of civilization and humanity as a whole.
Mostly on this site, Yakovenko covers political topics. Raises issues of modern development of politics and society as a whole. He writes about Putin and his power, emphasizing all the positive and negative sides of his policy. After reading his articles, one can note his professional competence in writing articles and choosing topics. The texts are easy to read and will be understood by everyone, and the topics that come up in his blogs touch on all sorts of issues that exist at the moment.

Public position
In 2014, Yakovenko signed a document that contained a demand for the cessation of hostilities by Russian troops in Ukraine and the cessation of material assistance to separatist troops in Ukraine. The journalist was against any military actions, wished for peace in the country. The journalist also published several articles on similar topics. The most touched topic was politics in Russia. He wrote about the government, the problems of modern society, the problems of politics in Russia.