Kim Bordenave: biography and photo of the model

Kim Bordenave: biography and photo of the model
Kim Bordenave: biography and photo of the model

The days when American-Canadian model Kim Bordenave shone on the covers of fashion magazines are long gone. Today, she is known for her active charity work, which gives hope to many parents of children who have he alth problems.

Kim Bordenave: Biography

The future famous model was born in 1972 in Canada. Almost nothing is known about her childhood and parents. At a fairly early age, Kim Bordenave was noticed by representatives of modeling agencies and began acting in commercials. One of the largest was her contract with the watch company Movado. In addition, her photos have repeatedly graced the covers of many famous magazines. The girl had charm and the ability to charm men, she was a frequent guest at social events. She was seen more than once in the company of stars.

Romance with Colin Farrell

In 2002, there were reports in the press about a new novel by Hollywood's most famous Irish brawler and drunkard. By this time, Colin Farrell, who was four years younger than Kim, had already broken more than one heart of famous Hollywood beauties. In the list of his victories there was a place even for such a sex symbol as DemiMoore.

Kim Bordenave Gamboa photo
Kim Bordenave Gamboa photo

When the model Kim Bordenave came into his field of vision - it is not known for certain. However, already in the summer of 2003, numerous fans of the actor learned from articles in the yellow press that young people live together. Despite the fact that Colin repeatedly appeared in the company of Kim and his sister at official events, there was no talk of a wedding or engagement. Most likely, for Colin, this novel was another fleeting adventure, because very soon the actor began to be seen in society with other girls; he often did not come to sleep.

One fine morning, he admitted to Kim Bordenave that their romance was a mistake, and the relationship has no future. Kim calmly listened to the confession of her lover and did not mind. After a short pause, she said that she needed to tell him one last thing that he needed to know about. Information about the pregnancy pleased Farrell, but did not change his intentions to leave.


In 2003, Kim Bordenave gave birth to a son. Although at that time they had not been in touch with Colin Farrell for quite some time, the actor supported his ex-girlfriend in every possible way. Before giving birth, he paid her $5,000 monthly for expenses and rented her a posh mansion. True, Kim first had to prove to Colin that she was carrying his child, and also explain that she would no longer be able to receive huge fees. A boy named James Patraig Farrell was born a completely he althy, full-term baby weighing 3.43 kilograms.

A joyful event took place in a medical center called "Sinaicedars". Colin's mother was incredibly happy about the birth of her grandson, who, together with her daughter, supported the failed daughter-in-law in every possible way in the last months of her pregnancy.

Kim Bordenave photo
Kim Bordenave photo


Immediately after the birth of her first child, Kim called Colin and announced that he had become a father. The actor, who at that time was actively, but unsuccessfully seeking the attention of Hollywood superdiva Angelina Jolie, was exhausted by filming in the film "Alexander" and took this message rather coolly. He got drunk and went to wander on the coast in splendid isolation. Bathing in rather cold sea water sobered Farrell, and after returning to the hotel, he went straight to the airport. A few hours later, the newly-minted dad was already in Los Angeles and saw his baby for the first time. He promised Kim Bordenave that from now on he would always take care of his "little copy", which was like two drops of water similar to his childhood photos.

Kim Bordenave Gamboa
Kim Bordenave Gamboa


When James was eight months old, the boy was diagnosed with Angelman syndrome. This is a very rare disease that affects 1 child out of thirty thousand born. It is transmitted through the maternal chromosome, is very poorly studied so far and is completely untreatable. Children who suffer from it lag behind their peers in development, they have seizures, trembling of the limbs is observed. They often laugh for no reason, which gave rise to the name of the disease "happy doll syndrome".

When James Patraig's parents are KimBordenave and Colin Farrell - learned about the disease of their son, they experienced a real shock. However, the baby's mother quickly came to her senses and even taught her ex-boyfriend to perceive the boy as a completely normal child who has some peculiarities. To Colin's credit, he did not run away, as many dads would do in his place, even those who are legally married, but continued to raise his son.

When James finally took the first step at the age of 4, Farrell called the day it happened the best day of his life. Subsequently, he also admitted that he was very sorry that for a couple of years he was ashamed that his child was disabled, and tried to hide this fact from strangers. It was the Paralympic Games that forced him to go out in public with baby James, when he realized that physical disabilities were not an obstacle to achieving his goals.

Kim Bordenave Model
Kim Bordenave Model

Happy marriage

Currently, the official name of the former model is Kim Bordenave Gamboa. In 2007, the girl married a famous surfer and actor who starred in many sports films - Jimmy Gamboa. The man was not afraid that his chosen one has a child with disabilities. Moreover, their first meeting took place on the beach, where Kim was walking with James. Jimmy became interested in the beautiful mother of an unusual boy, for whom he immediately began to feel deep sympathy.

Love for Kim Bordenave (see photo of the model with her husband above) became an incentive for him to practicecharity. In particular, Jimmy founded THERAsurf, an organization that helps disabled children and their families. It includes well-known American actors and public figures such as Jordan Tappies, Leo Herrington, Scott Caan, Ryan Conder, Karla Rowland and others.

Kim Bordenave biography
Kim Bordenave biography

Kim Bordenave in Gamboa

The former model today lives with her husband and son, who with great difficulty, but step by step, overcomes his illness. The boy is already 14 years old, and his mother continues to do everything so that he lives a rich and interesting life, even despite the presence of such a serious illness. Kim was far more fortunate than the vast majority of women in her situation. The woman has a loving husband who does not care for her stepson, and comprehensive support from the biological father of the child.

Kim Bordenave
Kim Bordenave

Now you know who Kim Bordenave Gamboa is, whose photo is shown above. It was not the easiest life path for her from a successful model to the mother of a child with disabilities. Nevertheless, she coped with all the difficulties and even found the strength to help women in the same situation.
