General rules for using the subway

General rules for using the subway
General rules for using the subway

London has become the birthplace of a new mode of transport. It was this city that introduced the basic rules of use. The subway that we see today began its history back in 1850.

From problem to idea

In the middle of the 19th century, the problem of passenger movement appeared in the capital of Great Britain. By that time, the number of inhabitants had reached two million and there was an almost critical situation with transportation. It was necessary to quickly and conveniently get to work for those people who lived outside the city and in its remote areas.

rules for using the subway
rules for using the subway

At that time, the railway was developing especially successfully. Londoners had 6 stations at their disposal, which were located on the outskirts. There was one station in the center. But this amount was not enough for comfortable movement. It was forbidden to build many railways on the streets of the capital. This may have violated historically important architecture and aesthetic appeal. This has led to the fact that the endless stream of carriages and stagecoaches has caused traffic jams in the most popular areas.

Plan into reality

The problem was solved in 1863. It was then that the underground appeared. On January 10, the first line was launched. Its length was 6 kilometers. It was a breakthrough in the field of transportation - a new world with its own rules of use. The subway quickly became very popular.

Engineer from France Marc Brunel invented a tunneling shield back in 1818. With his help, a tunnel was dug under the River Thames. The idea of this invention gave rise to underground transportation.

The construction has been delayed for a long time. During the construction of the lines, several houses were demolished. Traffic stopped on the streets where the work was carried out.

The project was entrusted to Metropolitan Railways, whose name translates as "Metropolitan Railways". It is this name that is used today in many countries of the world to refer to this type of transport. Interestingly, the British themselves called the subway the word "underground". In colloquial speech, the word "tube" is often used, that is, "pipe".

The London Underground started from seven stations. The trains were powered by steam locomotives. The ventilation was bad then. Therefore, the smoke settled in the cars, soot filled the tunnels. Chad dimmed the pale lighting. But this did not stop the working class from visiting the subway.

samara metro terms of use
samara metro terms of use

Distribution around the world

Nevertheless, the plan was justified. Such transport moved faster than carriages and without traffic jams. Already in the first year, the train transported 9.5 million people. Since then, this number has only increased. Subsequently, the opening hours, ticket prices and generalrules for using the subway.

The idea of London was adopted by many other cities. In 1868, the subway was opened in New York. Chicago then took over. Europe has not lagged behind. After the British capital, the road for such a train was made in Budapest, Paris and Berlin.

Comfortable and fast transport appeared on the territory of the USSR in 1935. The honor of opening the first subway fell to Moscow. Further underground paths were laid in Leningrad, Kyiv and ten other large cities. The Soviet government gave permission for construction only in those points where the construction was economically profitable. These are usually those cities whose population exceeded 1 million.

The word "underground" was coined by the writer Maxim Gorky. This name appeared several times in one of his works. The citizens of the USSR fell in love with the simple and light designation of the subway. Contemporaries also use it.

general rules for using the subway
general rules for using the subway

Term Definition

In general, this transport has the same rules of use. The subway is usually an underground tunnel. Parameters and dimensions in different countries are different. The main features of the system are the following factors: the use of electric traction, a stable schedule, speed and a large number of passengers. The length of the lines also fluctuates. For example, in Israel, the route is 2 km, while in New York, the mileage is 1300.

Despite the fact that the subway is essentially very similar to the train, it is a completely different mode of transport, where their own laws apply. Many of them have a logical explanation and an interesting history. Most of the requirements were invented and implemented in the homeland of the tunnels - in London.

Basic Laws

There are standard terms of use. The subway can pose a danger to passengers if they are not followed. It is forbidden to go beyond the yellow line. Most of the accidents are due to non-compliance with this rule. Often this violation occurs intentionally, with the intent of suicide. The edge of the platform, circled in yellow, can only be crossed after the train has come to a complete stop.

When the doors are opened, it is worth letting the passengers who have arrived leave, and only after that enter the car. In transport, it is forbidden to snuggle up to the exit. You should move further away from the door so as not to disturb other people. For your own safety, hold on to the handrails.

You need to prepare for your stop in advance, and not after the announcement. It's best to pack up and move slowly towards the center rather than in a flurry.

Rules for using the metro in Minsk
Rules for using the metro in Minsk

General behavior

The rules for using the metro in Moscow, St. Petersburg or another city are always the same. The passenger must behave politely and affably. It is worth giving up your place to older people, physically unhe althy people, expectant mothers and women with children. Any breakdowns or unusual situations that could harm the lives of passengers should be reported to the driver.

No need to create situations that may prevent other passengers from moving freely. One more itemforbids being barefoot at the station.

In the car, you should keep order and behave politely and decently. For everyone, there are the same rules for using the metro: Minsk, Moscow or Kyiv, it doesn’t matter. Passengers are not allowed to appear under the influence of alcohol or drugs. You can not drink alcohol on the territory of the subway.

It is worth keeping an eye on your appearance. Wearing clothes and luggage that can stain people in the neighborhood and premises is not allowed.

There is a strict smoking ban on public transport. So one cigarette butt became the cause of a large-scale fire in one of the underground stations in London in November 1987. He claimed the lives of 31 people.

Personal items

For the comfort of users, there are some restrictions on luggage dimensions. Large bags will not only interfere with other passengers, but will also become a problem for you. However, the administration allows bicycles that fold up to be transported. Prams and wheelchairs are free to enter.

The rules for using the metro in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Samara and other cities allow you to transport pets if they are in special containers or bags. Guide dogs also have privileges if they wear a muzzle, a leash and a special badge.

Musical instruments, skis, sleds, strollers, garden tools, fishing equipment can be transported in the subway if their dimensions do not exceed the norms established for this train. Here, customers should be aware that suchluggage can cause injury to themselves and neighbors.

rules for using the St. Petersburg metro
rules for using the St. Petersburg metro

Basic of overall comfort

The safety of movement is highly dependent on the passengers themselves. The international norms differ slightly from the domestic ones. There are unique rules for using the Moscow Metro (as well as the metro of other cities). It is forbidden to enter the roadway. Do not place or throw any objects on the rut. They can cause damage to the car.

Do not interfere with the process of opening and closing doors. If the passenger noticed these and other illegal actions, he is obliged to report the violation to the administration. Unnecessarily, do not disturb management.

You can't put ads on the walls of the cars. Trade and other entrepreneurial activities are prohibited on the territory of the metro without proper documents.

Take care not only about your own comfort, but also about the peace of other people. Don't listen to music without headphones. If you are with luggage, then place it so that it does not interfere with the movement of other passengers. Do not put your bag in a place near you and where another person can sit.

rules for using park and ride at the metro station
rules for using park and ride at the metro station

Under surveillance

Violation by a passenger of the rules for using the subway is strictly punished by law. Each of the introduced norms is aimed at ensuring the safety of the citizens themselves.

Customers are not allowed to independently enter premises that are exclusively forpersonnel. Also, at certain stations or in the subway, video and photography may be generally prohibited. People should also keep in mind that they can be monitored around the clock by hidden and open cameras in the subway for security reasons.

Also, there are no trash cans at some stations. This is a deliberate action that prevents terrorist attacks. If you notice a bag or box in a train car or on the floor of the station, and the owner is not around, you should report this to law enforcement.

Working hours

Usually, such transport operates from early morning until late at night. The basic rules of use are currently in effect. Petersburg metro can be used from 5.45 to 0.10, in the capital it transports passengers from 6 am to 1 am. Samara closes an hour earlier. Opening hours may be subject to change during public holidays. Employees of the structure inform about this in advance.

Travel is on a paid basis. The exception is people who have certain benefits. For large bags and oversized luggage, you should pay extra, as for a separate seat. One passenger is allowed to take only one extra seat. The card and ticket do not allow you to carry things for free. Children under 7 can travel without a ticket.

For the convenience of passengers, today they have at their disposal a stop for cars. Car enthusiasts must know the rules for using the park and ride at the metro station.

violation by the passenger of the rules for using the subway
violation by the passenger of the rules for using the subway

Correct behavior

There are certain conditions for using escalators. You need to stand on the canvas facing in the direction of the tape. When transporting, hold on to the handrail. When the path ends, you need to quickly get off to the platform so as not to disturb the people who are behind you.

When the flow of customers is large, get on the escalator with the indicated side administration. Young children require special attention. During transportation, their hand should not be released. It's better to hold the baby in your arms.

Luggage that rides next to you should not be left unattended. The bag should not be released. You need to pick it up after the end of the track.

You can't leave your stuff unchecked. Neither the Moscow, nor the St. Petersburg, nor the Samara metro is responsible for their safety. The terms of use state that you must manage the valuable items you are transporting.

Dangerous territory

Thieves often work in such places. They take advantage of people's inattention and steal money and phones from their pockets. It is not uncommon for scammers to steal mobile phones immediately after exiting the subway. It is easier for them to work there, since there is no network in the subways, and passengers make calls as soon as they come to the surface. Thus, they show where the phone was hidden.

Many carriages are not equipped with air conditioning, so it gets hot during the summer season. In order to survive the heat easier, the administration recommends taking fresh water with you.

Since there may be no tanks on the territory of the metro, it is worth keeping clean and not throwing garbageunder your feet.

The rules for using the St. Petersburg metro, metropolitan metro and underground public transport in other cities are usually the same and differ only in details. However, before entering the subway, you should once again carefully read the main norms of behavior in this place.
