Population of Zhytomyr: total population, national and age structure. Language situation in the city

Population of Zhytomyr: total population, national and age structure. Language situation in the city
Population of Zhytomyr: total population, national and age structure. Language situation in the city

Zhytomyr is one of the oldest Ukrainian cities, founded in the 9th century. It is located in the northern part of the country, in the natural zone of mixed forests (Polesie). Today it is an important center of light and food industry in Ukraine. The city is also known as the birthplace of Sergei Korolev, the world famous design engineer and founder of practical astronautics.

Zhytomyr city
Zhytomyr city

In this article we will pay attention to the population of Zhytomyr. What is its total population? Representatives of what nationalities live in Zhytomyr? And what languages do they speak?

Population of Zhytomyr and Zhytomyr region: total number

Zhytomyr closes the top twenty largest cities in Ukraine by the number of inhabitants. Demographic statistics have been kept here since 1798. During this time, the population of Zhytomyr has grown 43 times. Its population peaked in 1994. At that time, almost 303 thousand people lived in the city.

As of February 1, 2018, the numberThe population of Zhytomyr is 267 thousand inhabitants. Since 2012, the city has been losing an average of 600 people per year. The main reasons for the negative population growth are low birth rates and a significant outflow of city dwellers abroad.

population of Zhytomyr region
population of Zhytomyr region

The demographic situation in the region looks no better. So, only in the first month of 2018, the population in the region decreased by 888 people. The death rate is almost double the birth rate. As of the beginning of 2018, the population of the Zhytomyr region is 1.23 million people.

Sex and age structure of the population. Language situation in the city

Women predominate in Zhytomyr. The gender ratio in the city is as follows: 53.5% to 46.5% in favor of the “weaker sex”. The average age of a resident of Zhytomyr is 35.9 years. At the same time, women live 3.7 years longer than men. The distribution by age group is as follows:

  • 0-14 years old - 14.4%;
  • 15-64 years old - 73.3%
  • 65 and older - 12.3%
Zhytomyr demographics
Zhytomyr demographics

The last population census was conducted in Ukraine in 2001. According to its results, the overwhelming majority of Zhytomyrs (83%) consider Ukrainian as their native language. Nevertheless, on the streets and squares of modern Zhytomyr one can hear both Ukrainian and Russian speech (approximate ratio, in % - 60/40). Quite common in the city is the so-called "surzhik" - colloquial and everyday speech, which isa mixture of Russian and Ukrainian words.

Labor migration in facts and figures

Economic collapse, lack of real reforms in he alth care, education and law enforcement are forcing more and more Ukrainians to look for a better life abroad. The city of Zhytomyr does not remain aloof from these sad tendencies. Many of its residents temporarily or permanently work outside their state.

An interesting fact: Zhytomyr labor migrants still transfer the most money from Russia. However, in recent years, less and less Zhytomyr residents go to work in the Russian Federation, choosing the countries of the European Union. According to statistics, 48% of labor migrants from Zhytomyr perform construction and repair work, 23% work in the agricultural sector, and another 10% work as maintenance personnel.

Zhytomyr residents go to work in various countries. The top three are Poland, Russia and Hungary.

Ethnic composition of the population

According to the latest census, representatives of more than two dozen different ethnic groups live in Zhytomyr. The most numerous among them:

  • Ukrainians (about 83%);
  • Russians (about 10%);
  • Poles (4%);
  • Jews (0.6%).

Zhytomyr is known for one of the largest Polish diasporas in Ukraine. In total, there are about 50 thousand immigrants from Poland in the region. True, most of the ethnic Zhytomyr Poles have long been Ukrainianized or Russified. Only 13% of them today speak their native language. ToIn a word, one of the most famous Zhytomyr Poles is Pavel Zhebrivsky, a well-known Ukrainian politician, leader of the Sobor party.

Poles of Zhytomyr
Poles of Zhytomyr

Before World War II, Zhytomyr was the largest Jewish center in Ukraine. At the beginning of the 20th century, the total number of Jews in the city was 45%. It was here that the first Jewish vocational school in the Russian Empire was founded in 1862. By the way, Georgy Babat (a famous inventor), David Shterenberg (an outstanding primitive artist), as well as the grandfather of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin were born in Zhytomyr. All three individuals are of Jewish origin.
