Increasingly, in school textbooks there are questions: “What are the rules of conduct? Name as many types of such rules as possible. To better answer them, let's turn to history.

Historical background
Initially, customs were called such rules, and later the concept of "etiquette" and "good manners" was formed. At present, in different life situations, spheres and public places, it is imperative to comply with these social laws and norms. Schoolchildren are often asked the question: "What rules of conduct exist? Name as many types of such rules as possible." But the seventh-graders get lost in the diversity, do not know how to form them into groups, or even go to the wrong “steppe”. Let's try to understand this difficult issue together.
What are the rules of conduct?
It is possible to name the general principles of correct behavior, however, in each specific case, their own norms are distinguished, whichadhere to any educated person. You can talk about them by answering the questions: “What rules of conduct exist? Name as many species as possible.”
- Rules of conduct at school - polite communication with teachers and peers, discipline, turning off the phone during the lesson, the ability to behave in the canteen, library, gym, classroom.
- Norms of behavior on the street and in public transport - the mandatory use of "magic" words in a conversation, compliance with traffic rules, attentive attitude towards people (transfer across the road, give way on the bus), etc.
- Rules of conduct in various institutions (hospital, shop, cafe, museum, cinema, etc.). For example, you can not speak loudly, interrupt elders, skip the queue, push.
- Compliance with the rules of behavior in a conversation, for example, you need to say hello when you meet, turn to elders on "You", apologize for missteps, say goodbye at the end of the conversation.

How to behave at school

If you are asked questions: “What are the rules of conduct? Name as many of these rules as possible,”you need to remember how it is customary to behave at school. At the same time, at different times and in different places, there are their own norms of behavior.
- You must dress neatly, modestly and unobtrusively. For example, you can not wear bright clothes with rhinestones, short skirts andripped jeans.
- At school, you must greet all teachers, calling each by name and patronymic. You should say "Hello", not "Hello".
- At the beginning of the lesson, children greet the teacher while standing, you need to sit down only after the permission of the teacher.
- It's impolite to come to class unprepared, homework should always be done.
- During the lesson, you can not be distracted and do other things - talk, use the phone, rustle, spin the desk, read other books.
- To express a desire to answer, you need to silently raise your right hand.
- After the call, you can not immediately jump off the seat, you must wait for the permission of the teacher.
- You can't run through the corridors, push and fight during recess.
- The library must be quiet, speak in an undertone, do not rustle or clap books.
- In the gym, it is important to follow the safety rules - do not jump, do not somersault without a special. equipment, do not get close while others are doing exercises, do not throw the ball at each other.
- It is customary in the dining room to be civilized, eat slowly and carefully, use a napkin, chew silently, do not eat anything with your hands.
Rules of conduct on the street and in public transport
From an early age, each of us should know the rules of the road and the rules of conduct in public transport. By following them, you will not risk not only your own, but also someone else's life.

- In the crowd of passers-by, you should not keep your eyes on people with disabilities and in no case make fun of them. If necessary, such people need help - to transfer across the road, help down the stairs.
- You only need to cross the road at the green light! You can not cross the road in the wrong place, it can end badly not only for you, but also for the driver. And the rules of social behavior require you to behave in a way that does not harm anyone around you and does not put them in an awkward position.
- You can't eat outside, it's indecent. The exception is ice cream, which can be eaten on a park bench.
- If you are moving in a stream of people, always bypass them on the right side. If you accidentally pushed someone, you should definitely apologize.
- In public transport, you should not sit on the seats for the disabled, the elderly and women with children. The golden rule is to always give them your seat.
- Also, you can not stick out your elbows, push and step on your feet if you are on a bus, tram, trolleybus or subway. If you did make such a mistake, you should definitely apologize.
- When getting on public transport, you must wait until everyone who needs to get off. Elderly people and women with children are let through first.
This is only a small part of what rules of conduct exist in society. For example, in various institutions, you also need to be able to behave, be pleasant and polite in different situations.

Rules of conduct in various establishments
When visiting entertainment establishments, do not forget that you are not alone there. It is extremely important to remember what rules of conduct to follow in each individual case.
- When you are in the hall, you need to keep silence - do not talk, do not rustle, do not stomp. Behave calmly and naturally.
- It is indecent to blow your nose loudly in front of everyone, clean your nose, ears, touch yourself for different parts of the body. If necessary, you need to step aside, a place where no one is.
- You must not interrupt the speaker, if there is a question, it is asked while the speaker pauses.
- When visiting a cinema, museum, gallery, theater, etc., it is customary to turn off the phone. It is not allowed to send sms or play any game.
- It is forbidden to touch exhibits, paintings with hands in the museum and gallery, with the exception of contact institutions where it is permissible to “look with your hands”.
- You can't tease the animals, feed them without permission, get close to the cages or put your fingers in the fences at the zoo.
- Don't forget to say hello to everyone you meet on the way - doorman, tour guide, cloakroom attendant, etc.
- For any event you need to dress decently and neatly, come in clean, ironed things. Clothing should be appropriate for the occasion, so you should not wear a ball gown to the zoo, but come to the museum in a tracksuit.
On politeness in conversation
When answering the questions: “WhatAre there rules of conduct? Name the types of such rules,”do not forget about speech etiquette, that is, about those norms that are customarily observed strictly.
- When meeting people you know, you should always say hello.
- You should address seniors and those who are in charge with "You".
- If you caused someone trouble or inconvenience, you should apologize.
- The request must be accompanied by the word "please".
- Feel free to offer compliments and words of admiration.
- In all situations, you must be polite, not using harsh, rude, offensive words.
- When parting, they say "goodbye", "see you", etc.

In closing
Now you are well aware of the rules of conduct. Social Studies (grade 7) requires you to know all these rules by heart and be able to apply them in everyday life.