Being well-groomed today is not a whim or whim, but a severe necessity. Because if a woman looks good, then she is successful, he althy, self-sufficient. These are the requirements of the times and customs of modern society. Hence the natural question of how to properly care for yourself. It is better to learn from the mistakes of others. Let's start with them.
Facial cleansing

There is an opinion that the more you exfoliate, the younger your skin will be. Proponents of this myth do not understand that this deprives the delicate integuments of moisture, without which the result is the opposite: wrinkles. And if your skin is problematic or oily, with such care, the situation is aggravated. Look for a gentle cleanser without exfoliating or alcohol content.
Body hygiene

Everyone knows that morning and evening showers are necessary. And how to properly care for the body, not many people think. The water temperature is notshould be constant, as well as extremely hot or cold. It is correct to alternate warm and cool water at a temperature that is pleasant for you. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to use soap or shower gel every time, so as not to disturb the natural acidity of the skin. You can use a neutral gel or a special intimate care product daily.
Masks and massages

These facial and scalp treatments are great to use before a shower or while bathing, at least once every two weeks.
To remove hair or not? What's right?

To take care of yourself is also to get rid of unwanted vegetation in a timely manner. A modern woman should only have hair on her head! Depilation is best done in the shower.

Moisturizing cream is needed not only for your face, but also for your body. After a shower, it's time to use the product that suits you. Moreover, in summer, the cream should be with an SPF of at least 15. This is especially true for those over 30. Thus, you will slow down the aging of the skin, and new wrinkles will not appear.
Hair and styling

How to take care of yourself: combing your hair often during the day or only in the morning and at night? The question is far from idle, because with the help of a hair brush along their entire lengthnatural oils are distributed that nourish the hair, strengthen it and prevent tangling. But everything that is excessive is not useful. The frequency of combing depends on the length of the hair. The shorter they are, the more combing is needed.
Pay attention to your hairstyle. It is important not only its presence, but also whether it suits you. Ask your hairdresser which style will be the most successful. The specialist will tell you the best option, taking into account the shape of your face and the thickness of your hair.

How to take care of yourself? Beauty is out of the question if you don't have manicures and pedicures. It is not at all necessary to use the services of specialists in expensive salons. It is enough to apply the natural color of the varnish on neatly trimmed nails of the fingers and toes.