Gene Kelly is a dancer whose name is familiar to every fan of this sport, because he literally revolutionized the field of choreography. His inspired and sincere work left a deep imprint in the souls of many people, and his work still pleases fans. His life is a vivid example of the fact that if you do your job better than others for a long time and hard, glory will not keep you waiting. In addition, he is known for his acting and directing activities.
Kelly Jean (real name Eugene Patrick Kelly) was born August 23, 1912 in Pittsburgh. His parents were true Catholics who emigrated from Ireland. He met the world of dance at the age of 8, when he was first sent to courses. However, the boy enjoyed more masculine pastimes such as football, baseball, swimming and hockey. Passion for these sports has become a significant help in the future career of the artist. Indeed, in order to dance really well, serious physical preparation is necessary, and the loads on the muscles are not only significant, but sometimes destructive. But he always had a remarkable physicalform of Gene Kelly. Photos of him eloquently confirm this. For many years he was fond of sports that were exceptionally far from dancing. Who would have thought that it was the latter that would become the work of a lifetime and bring him worldwide fame and recognition? However, this happens quite often.

Student years
It's rare these days for an artist to be as successful as Gene Kelly. His biography is completely "saturated" with hard work. After leaving school in 1929, he entered college in the department of journalism. But he was not destined to become a pen worker - the unexpectedly looming crisis forced him to look for a part-time job while studying, because his family really needed money. Then he returned to the dance art, which later made him a celebrity. Combining his studies and work in the Pittsburgh theater as not only a choreographer, but also a director of theatrical productions, he also organized show programs at the university.
The desire to express his ideas, create a new dance style helped him not to lose his passion for dancing during his college years and then at the institute.
He also had to earn extra money when he received a bachelor's degree in economics. At that time, his family organized their own business, in which Kelly Jean was actively involved as a teacher in dance studios. At some point, it became very difficult to combine work in several professions, and the future star made her final choice. The decision to devote yourself completelythe art of choreography became crucial in his biography.
Theatrical career
Jin's theatrical career began in 1938. The outstanding data of the actor, who mostly participated in musicals, soon contributed to the fact that famous producers paid attention to him. In particular, participation in the Broadway musical "Pal Joey" made him a real star. It was there that he was noticed by representatives of the MGM company, who were purposefully engaged in the selection of actors for future film musicals. Gene Kelly was certainly incredibly talented, which helped him. From that moment on, the fate of the artist was firmly connected with the world of cinema.

Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire: film career
The dancer's career in cinema began with the film "For Me and My Girl", where his partner was the beautiful actress Judy Garland. This hour was stellar for Kelly Jean. His unique abilities made it possible to convey the feelings and thoughts of the hero with just one dance. His game has made a real revolution in the field of film musicals. Despite the fact that the actor did not have special vocal abilities, his artistry and charming soft tenor delighted the audience.
Good physical preparation, as well as the school of classical ballet passed in his youth, made his performances special, unlike the work of others, distinguished among film dancers. In addition to unsurpassed choreographic skills, Jin was a good director. He put on dance numbers, and not only for himself. Gene and Fred Astaire, another togo dancertime, brought this art to a completely new level, previously inaccessible to anyone. It can be said that they have become a legend for a whole generation.

Gene Kelly Filmography
It is huge for the artist. Separately, it is worth noting his work in the following films:
- "Singing in the Rain" (1952).
- "Dismissal to the city" (1949).
- "40 Carats" (1973).
- "Reap the Storm" (1960).
Practically in every picture where the artist took part, completely unique, innovative dance numbers were created, revealing new facets of this art. The director of most of them was Jin himself, because he had a remarkable talent in this area. The artist was very fond of inventing both new elements for dances and full-fledged productions. Many innovations in this area belong to him.
For example, in the film "Cover Girl" for the first time a number was staged in which the hero seems to be fighting with himself (namely, with his alter ego, reflection) in the dance. The number in the film "Raise the Anchors", where Kelly dances with a drawn character, also became a sensation. The main revelation was the number The hat my father wore from the movie "Firing to the City". Part of the action was filmed right on the streets of New York, which was a true innovation for that time.

Director's work
As a director, Kelly Jean was also able to distinguish himself, because, as a rule, talented people demonstrateabilities and in many related fields of art. That's exactly what Kelly was. His best directorial work is Singing in the Rain (1952), which is now considered an ageless classic, and after all, more than fifty years have passed! What is such a success? It's no secret that Kelly was not only a professional in his field, he loved him and invested on the set without a trace. His sincerity, desire to make the picture perfect, thoughtful and serious work have all led to the recognition that accompanies his work. Kelly Jean was incredibly talented, and we have the opportunity to see this just by watching his films.

A place in history
The dancer has firmly won a place in history thanks to talent, hard work, the search for a completely new style. He is a favorite actor and director of a huge number of people around the world, because through his art Gene Kelly carried pure emotions and experiences that are understandable and familiar to everyone. In the post-war period, people were in dire need of something bright, beautiful and kind. The works of Gene Kelly became such an outlet for many people in America, and later the rest of the world. Perhaps this is the secret of people's love for this artist. Moreover, critics almost always praised him for his quality, beautiful work, dedication and genuine love for art.

Working with Frank Sinatra
Gene Kelly, who in 1945 already had enoughpopularity, was the man who taught Frank Sinatra himself to dance, which gave impetus to his creative career. They performed and sang together in several musicals such as "Raise the Anchors", "Take Me to Baseball" and "Sack to the City". Their creative union remained in the memory of people for a long time, and Frank Sinatra successfully built a career, perhaps precisely because of his collaboration with Gene Kelly at the very beginning. Although many may disagree with the last statement.

Private life
Of course, he was very popular with women, because he was very handsome, talented, rich, and also had an excellent physique. The artist was married three times, and he has three children (1 child from his first marriage, 2 from his third). But, despite this, Gene Kelly, whose personal life has developed successfully, stands out from a series of public people who shock the public with scandalous details of their marriages and divorces. And in our time, such stories are almost the norm, especially in the Hollywood environment.
To the great chagrin of the fans, he passed away on February 2, 1996. At the time of his death, he was 83 years old, the cause was a series of strokes, which gradually undermined his he alth. The actor lived a long and eventful creative life, fame did not leave him, and the flattering reviews of critics were not replaced by rejection of his work. In short, Gene Kelly is an example of a successful, long and happy creative career. Films with his participation are still at the top of the ratings and delightviewers.