Man uses dozens of liters of water a day for his needs. At the same time, the ways in which the necessary fluid enters apartments and houses are different. In some cities, wells are being drilled to meet the needs of individual areas. Many villages have their own wells. However, there is another option, when water is pumped from nearby artificial storage facilities to meet the needs of the population in fresh water. As a rule, such lakes are initially created for the purpose of strategic storage of fresh liquid reserves. The list of such sources includes the Karlovskoye reservoir (Donetsk region).

Brief description of the object
On the territory of Ukraine there is a huge number of rivers and lakes. The Donetsk region is no exception. In the vastness of this area there are more than a hundred reservoirs designed to store fresh water. Many of them are created artificially. The Karlovskoe Reservoir also belongs to such sources. Itlocated forty kilometers from Donetsk in the Yasinovatsky district. This artificial lake, together with other reservoirs of the region, is part of the Donetsk water conduit. That, in turn, supplies fresh water not only to cities and other settlements, but also to mines, a huge number of which are located on the territory of the district, as well as industrial enterprises. Each water pipeline facility is assigned to a separate territory and is an important link in the chain of meeting people's needs. The Karlovskoye reservoir is used to store fresh water supplies for the regional center. It also supplies water to the nearby mines.

Relaxation off the coast
Besides its strategic importance, the Karlovskoe Reservoir is a favorite place for recreation and fishing not only for residents of nearby settlements, but also for citizens coming from the regional center. It is worth noting that the reservoir in question is located very conveniently. It is enough to go to the Donetsk - Krasnoarmeysk highway and turn towards the village of Karlovka at the sign. And a maximum of an hour before the eyes of a tourist in all its glory, the Karlovskoye reservoir will appear. A journey of forty kilometers is not an obstacle for lovers of unity with nature.

Catch, pike, big and small
This place is famous for its excellent fishing. Pike, carp, perch, pike perch, silver carp, bream, rudd, crucian carp, tench, crayfish, grass carp - all these inhabitants of freshreservoirs are a welcome prey for lovers of gatherings with a fishing rod. It is noteworthy that the cost of fishing is relatively low. For spinning hunting or peaceful process, the price is set at fifty hryvnia. In addition, fishing from boats is not prohibited. Excellent conditions for enjoying your favorite process attract numerous fishermen to this artificial freshwater source. In addition, in the warm season, you can enjoy the delights of a lazy holiday: lie in the shade, sunbathe, swim and relax.
An attempt to destabilize the situation
Not so long ago there was information that Ukrainian supporters of federalization blew up the Karlovskoye reservoir, located in the Donetsk region. These figures are somewhat exaggerated. But, as they say, there is no smoke without fire. Sad news came to the media in May of this year. According to informed sources, the rebels allegedly planned to carry out a series of explosions aimed at destabilizing the work of miners involved in the mines of the Donetsk region. One of the sites of the alleged explosion was the Karlovskoye reservoir. It is a strategically important facility for the entire region. Its destruction would be a real man-made disaster. On June 10, a bridge under a village located next to a fresh spring was blown up. Karlovskoye Reservoir was not affected.