Cherepovets is a city in European Russia. Located in the Vologda region. It is the administrative center of the Cherepovets region. Cherepovets is located at the confluence of the river. Yagorby and r. Sheksna, which, in turn, is a tributary of the river. Volga. It is located not far from the Rybinsk Reservoir, located to the west of the city of Vologda. The area of the city is 126 km2.

This is a significant center of industrial production. The number of inhabitants is 318 thousand 856 people. In terms of area and population, Cherepovets is the largest city in the Vologda Oblast. The article gives an answer to the question, what kind of ecology is in Cherepovets.
Natural conditions
The city is located on the East European Plain in the southwestern part of the Vologda Oblast. The climate is typical for the temperate zone and belongs to the temperate continental type. The weather is characterized by frequent changes due to the presence of intense atmospheric circulation processes. Allthis cannot but affect the ecology of the city and the well-being of weather-dependent people.
Winters are moderately cold. The average January temperature is -10.2 degrees. The absolute minimum is -45, 4°С. In July, the average temperature is only +17.6. The absolute maximum is also not high - +36.2 degrees. And it falls on August, not July.
The annual precipitation is 647 mm. The maximum of their number (70 - 80 mm per month) is typical for summer, and the minimum (31 mm) falls in April.
Analysis of Cherepovets ecology
Atmospheric air quality monitoring is carried out by Roshydromet services. They show the dependence of the level of air pollution on the current weather situation. In general, the entire territory of the city is affected by man-made processes. The most acute situation develops in the spring and autumn months, when meteorological conditions are often unfavorable for the city. At the same time, the most negative movement of air masses develops when air enters the city from the most industrial areas, and the wind speed is low, which reduces the removal of pollutants outside it and contributes to their concentration within the city limits. The occurrence of inversions leads to the accumulation of pollution near the earth's surface, which favors the development of smog. The most unfavorable is the transfer of air masses from the west - from industrial enterprises to residential areas.

The total mass of pollutants emitted into the air from factories was 304.5 thousand tons in 2009.
The situation withwater pollution is assessed as tolerable, which is associated with the good work of treatment facilities. However, the state of drinking water still leaves much to be desired. Oil products, nitrites, iron, sulfates are among the main pollutants.
The dirtiest neighborhoods
As is usually the case, different parts of the urban area have different levels of harmful substances in the air we breathe. The areas experiencing the greatest technogenic impact are the Northern, Industrial and Zasheksinsky districts. The first two are located near the metallurgical plant. In the latter, a high level of pollution is due to the peculiarity of the wind rose and the lack of greenery, combined with dense buildings (mainly multi-storey buildings).

Urban development and industry
Bad ecology is a payment for a high contribution to the country's industrial production, rapid development and comfortable living conditions for people. Thanks to the developed industry, this city has overtaken the regional center in size, which is a unique case in Russia. Significant income from production activities allows us to improve the residential area, create various cultural and recreational facilities.
The city has several houses of culture, a theater, a huge museum of local lore. The trade sector is well developed. The most ecologically clean and green area is the Zayagorbsky district. For this reason, the prices for housing are the highest in Cherepovets. square. In areas where enterprises operate, even greenery cannot improvesituation. There you can often see the leaves falling from the trees. In the territories close to the industrial zone, the lowest cost of housing, many slums, homeless people, dysfunctional families. All this can be directly or indirectly related to bad ecology.

Main polluters
The most important enterprise in the city is a metallurgical plant. It makes the most important contribution to the economy of Cherepovets and at the same time is the main polluter.
In addition to the plant, Cherepovets has a plant for the production of phosphate fertilizers, a plywood plant, a brick factory and a match factory. There are also food processing enterprises.

Role of transport in pollution
The impact of transport on the ecology of the city of Cherepovets is relatively small. Trams and buses are actively used for transportation. But there are few minibuses on the streets. Thanks to the well-coordinated work of urban transport and the low number of cars, there is no traffic congestion.
Main pollution of Cherepovets
The ecology of the city depends on the activity of transport and enterprises. They are sources of various pollutants. However, the excess of average annual concentrations over MPC was detected only for two: formaldehyde and carbon disulfide. Sulfur compounds affect the atmosphere, affecting the climate and the quality of precipitation. They lead to an increase in cloudiness, acid rain, and contribute to a decreaseair temperature in summer. In Cherepovets, the number of cloudy days is very high. In part, this may be due to emissions from enterprises. Formaldehyde can act as an allergen, but is not highly toxic. Of course, enterprises also emit other harmful impurities, and even if the level of each of them individually does not exceed the established norms, in total they can create an unfavorable concentration for he alth.

Fish quality
Despite the decrease in the content of harmful substances in the fish of the Rybinsk reservoir, it is still considered to be very polluted. In rivers, the level of fish pollution is also significant.
Thus, the ecological situation in the city of Cherepovets is far from ideal, although it is not critical. The areas adjacent to the metallurgical plant are the most polluted. An increased level of pollution is recorded in the air, water, and fish. Now the ecological situation is assessed as stable, which does not mean at all that it is good, but only says that it is not deteriorating. Despite the fact that the authorities talk about the improvement of the pollution situation, reviews of the environment in Cherepovets indicate a lack of trends. At the same time, the president set a goal to reduce harmful emissions by 2020, so it is likely that efforts will be made to reduce their number.