The sloth hangs on a tree, exposing its belly to the sun, almost all its life. Even in bad weather, during the rain, he continues to hang there. Therefore, it is believed that he is the slowest animal in the world or the champion who defeated even the beloved turtle in slowness.
The complete opposite of him is the cheetah, because he is the fastest animal in the world. The structure of his body is such that it allows him to reach speeds of up to seventy-five kilometers per hour in just two seconds. Three seconds later, the cheetah is already rushing at a speed of one hundred and ten kilometers per hour, which even the inventors of many racing cars cannot achieve.
Researchers managed to record an amazing event when a cheetah, in pursuit of prey, covered a distance of six hundred and fifty meters in just twenty seconds, that is, it reached speeds of up to one hundred and twenty kilometers per hour. But this is not yet an absolute record. As a result of numerous studies, the fastest animal in the world is the cheetah, which has reached speeds of up to one hundred and twenty-eight kilometers per hour.

In this regardIt is appropriate to emphasize what other records have been set by cheetahs? Firstly, these mammals easily jump over barriers on their way up to four and a half meters high. Secondly, they can jump over a ravine seven to eight meters wide in one jump.

Today, cheetahs are listed in the Red Book, because, like many other animals in Russia and in the world, they are on the verge of extinction. The fact is that, like other types of cats, cheetahs are easily tamed and get used to people, even as adults. Three thousand years before our era, they were used by hunters from different countries, including Egypt and India. The rulers of the Moscow principality and Kievan Rus also kept cheetahs for hunting purposes. In addition, animals have very valuable and beautiful fur. Well, the third reason for the extinction of cheetahs is the lack of food in the wild, because environmental difficulties have affected many animals that serve as prey for cheetahs.
That's why today the fastest animal in the world is found in the wild only in remote African places or on protected lands in some parts of Central or Central Asia. As an inhabitant of the savannah and desert, the cheetah chooses an area with a slightly rugged landscape. These are predators that prefer to hunt during the day, they do not use ambushes, as other cats do, but succeed only by chasing. Having sensed prey, cheetahs calmly run after it until the distance between the victim and the hunter is reduced to twenty-five meters. At this time, the animal concentratesall my energy and

makes a short and triumphant run. Having overtaken its prey, the cheetah knocks it down with its front paw. The victim rolls somersaults, and he grabs her throat with fangs.
Moreover, the fastest animal in the world during the pursuit reaches such strength that its energy is sufficient to bring down more massive representatives of the fauna than itself during the hunt. The short run lasts about one minute, but it takes so much energy that after the chase the cheetah needs to rest before the packed meal.