Anubias barter: types and content

Anubias barter: types and content
Anubias barter: types and content

Anubias Bartera will be a wonderful decoration for every aquarium. However, it reproduces easily and does not require any special care.

anubias bartera
anubias bartera

Anubias is an aquatic tropical plant belonging to the aroid family. Lives in tropical Africa. It grows mainly in swamps, near streams, rivers. High humidity has a beneficial effect on plant growth. Anubias lives well underwater, hence it is often used in aquariums. Although more favorable conditions for him would be a paludarium or a greenhouse.

Anubias coffee leaf

This is a plant that takes root in the ground. It has a fleshy, thick, periodically creeping, branched rhizome with adventitious cord-like roots. The leaves are asymmetrical, simple, collected in a small rosette. Oval-elliptical leaf blade, leathery, 6 cm wide, 12 cm long, with well-defined lateral and main veins. The leaves are painted in a rich green color, while the young ones are reddish-brown. It should be noted that the petiole is slightly less than the length of the leaf or equal to it. The plant reaches a height of 25 cm with a bush width of about 10 cm.

This Anubias barter is growing quite slowly. The plant in the aquarium is planted directly on the midline. It perfectly adapts to such conditions. It can be kept in aquaterrariums, paludariums and the coastal zone of artificial pools. The tough leaves make this plant great for aquariums that keep cichlids.

As already mentioned, Anubias barter requires the simplest content. The plant reproduces by division of the rhizome. It is broken into pieces with three leaves. At the same time, leafless parts of the rhizome float further until leaves appear and roots form.

anubias bartera nana
anubias bartera nana

Anubias angustifolia

Anubias barter petit, or narrow-leaved, grows along the banks of swamps, streams and rivers in West Africa: Guinea, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Cameroon.

The stem of this plant is straight and short. Young leaves are collected in a rosette, while adults are broadly lanceolate, alternate, reaching a length of 15 cm, 5 cm in width. The base of the leaves is narrowed towards the top, rounded, with a blunt ending. The upper part of them is slightly wavy, dark green, shiny, in addition, convex, with a green and matte tint below and a clearly visible main vein. The cuttings are about 15 centimeters long. Creeping rhizome 2 cm thick, periodically branched, with slight traces of fallen leaves and tuberous thickenings. In the aquarium, the plant reaches a height of 15 cm, 40 cm in the paludarium.

Anubias bartera dwarf, or nana

The birthplace of this plant is the tropics of Cameroon. It grows along the banks of streams, swamps, rivers and is almost always located under water, whilefixed on stones, as well as tree roots. Sometimes rooted in the ground.

Anubias bartera nana has a shortened stem with a small rosette of petiolate simple leaves. It reaches a height of 12 cm. The leaf blade is oval, rigid, with a sharp apex and a rounded base, dark green with a sheen, up to 8 cm long and up to 4 cm wide. The petiole is smaller than the leaf blade, reaches a length of 5 cm. The plant has a branched rhizome, creeping and covered with leaves.

Anubias variegated

This is an ornamental form of the plant, which is distinguished by the presence of light bald spots on the leaf plates.

The origin of such a pattern has no unambiguous interpretation. Some experts consider it the brainchild of selective selection, while others explain this phenomenon by the fact that the plant was infected with a special virus. In any case, such an anubias barter, the photo of which is presented in this article, has a bright personality.

anubias bartera broadleaf
anubias bartera broadleaf

It has a relatively modest size. This plant is desirable to grow in large aquariums with a height of about 50 cm. In this case, it is necessary to plant in the background or middle plans. The conditions of detention are the same as for the rest of the barter Anubias.

Anubias broadleaf

Anubias broadleaf is an ornamental form of a plant that grows faster in aquaterrariums, paludariums, in the coastal zone of artificial pools. In the case of planting an aquarium, it is placed in the middle part.

Durable, unpretentious. Prefers nutritioussubstrate rich in humus. Sufficiently powerful root system and high rigidity of the leaves of this plant provide protection from the inhabitants of terrariums and aquariums, digging the ground.

Anubias lanceolata, or lanceolate

This barter anubias is widespread in the waters of Africa, in addition, on their coasts. This type of plant can often be found in the forest waters of Cameroon, Gabon and Nigeria (the southern regions of these countries).

This is a common swamp plant. It can grow in the water column, while, however, its growth will be slowed down. In the natural environment, it reaches 45 cm, but in aquariums it does not occur more than 30 cm. The plant has a creeping rather thick rhizome (up to 1.5 cm), in addition, it can occur with thickenings in the form of tubers.

anubias bartera photo
anubias bartera photo

The stem is straight and rather short. Young leaves are collected in a rosette. Their shape is lanceolate. This plant has a rather interesting color - a full palette of green with its shades is presented from the root to the top (greens are brighter and more saturated from above).

Anubias Congolese, or variegated

This barter anubias grows in the shade of stagnant and slowly flowing water bodies of Africa (Equatorial Guinea, Congo, Cameroon, Gabon, Angola, Zaire). The plant naturally leads a partially underwater life.

Anubias varifolia is a slow-growing marsh plant. The leaf plate is elongated-lanceolate or oval-elliptical, green, leathery, up to 38 cm long, up to 13 cm wide. Spicyleaf tip, base short spear-shaped or sagittate, margins slightly wavy. Side and main veins are clearly visible on the leaf plate.

anubias bartera dwarf
anubias bartera dwarf

The petiole of the plant is the same as the length of the leaf. Peduncle up to 27 cm long. Covering leaf about 4.5 cm, when ripe, it opens quite widely. Small flowers are collected in small cobs, which are clearly visible almost to half of the bedspread. The seeds are small. The rhizome is fleshy, creeping, thick, periodically branched, with adventitious cord-like roots. In height, the plant is up to 60 cm. At the same time, it reaches 25 cm in width.

Anubias graceful

This Barter Anubias is native to Sierra Leone and Guinea. It grows in moist environments, in the shade of trees, along the banks of streams, lakes and rivers that overflow their banks during the rainy season (in this case, the plant stays under water for some time).

It is worth noting that this Anubias has a creeping rhizome about 1.5 centimeters thick. The petiole can reach 60 cm in length, has a short sheath. Leathery leaf plate, swept-three-lobed or heart-shaped, up to 40 cm long and up to 20 cm wide, pointed, rounded at the base, green. Pedicels up to 15 cm long. Covering leaf up to 3 cm long, pointed, oblong-elliptical in shape. The ear is covered with flowers, has a length of about 3 cm. Graceful Anubias blooms all spring.

Giant Anubias

This barter anubias grows in Sierra Leone, Guinea, Togo, Cameroon and Liberia. It grows in the shade, in a moist environment,along the banks of lakes, rivers and streams that overflow during the rainy season (in this case, the plant stays under water for quite a long time). Considered one of the largest of its kind. Rarely found in stores.

anubias bartera petit
anubias bartera petit

Giant Anubias is a fairly large plant that reaches a height of 1 m. Long and thick petioles grow up to 80 cm. The leaf blade is leathery, green in color, has various shapes from tripartite to spear-shaped. Its length reaches 30 cm. The plant can simultaneously hold up to 36 leaves. At the same time, the peduncle grows up to 50 cm. The leaf, covering a length of up to 13 cm, opens wide to ripen, without bending down. The cob is up to 19 cm, almost a third longer than the topmost leaf. Up to 8 stamens. Rhizome up to 3 cm thick, creeping. Anubias giant blooms all spring.

The plant propagates by dividing the rhizome. It is broken into small pieces with three leaves. At the same time, leafless parts of the root continue to float until leaves and roots appear. Soil with a high organic content is not suitable for young plants, otherwise the root system will develop poorly. Anubias does not like to be transplanted often.

anubias bartera content
anubias bartera content

And finally…

When purchasing anubias, you need to pay attention to their appearance. Do not buy plants from trays that contain cold water. See that the anubis does not have decaying leaves, as well as slimy rhizomes. This may indicate the presence of a rhizomerot, as well as vascular bacteriosis in the plant. Patients generally have a putrid characteristic odor. Therefore, be especially careful when choosing algae for a home aquarium. Contact only trusted and reliable sellers.
