Osveyskoye lake - the pearl of the Vitebsk region

Osveyskoye lake - the pearl of the Vitebsk region
Osveyskoye lake - the pearl of the Vitebsk region

Recreation in nature… What could be better for an inhabitant of a metropolis who is tired of the bustling city life? Only outdoor recreation on the shores of a picturesque lake. This will bring you peace, help you find harmony in yourself, or it will turn out to be an educational ecological expedition, during which you can explore the flora and fauna of the surroundings of the reservoir, visit various natural monuments, unique objects.

One of these is Osveyskoye Lake, which is located in Belarus. Read about it in this article.

Sunset on the lake
Sunset on the lake

General geographical information

Osveyskoye Lake is the second largest, but not the most beautiful, lake in Belarus. It is located near the border with the Russian Pskov region, in the Vitebsk region, and enters the Zapadnaya Dvina basin. Lake Osveyskoye is quite shallow, its greatest depth is seven and a half meters, while the average is only about two meters. Smooththe coastline of the reservoir is just over thirty-three kilometers, and the total area is 206 square kilometers.


How did it come about?

The type of the basin of Lake Osveiskoye is dammed or, as it is called otherwise, dammed. This means that the lake was formed as a result of the blocking of the riverbed. Osveiskoye is fed by the waters of the Vydrinka River, which flows into it, and several other streams, which for the most part dry up in summer. The Degtyarevka River flows out of the reservoir, which in turn flows into Lake Ormeya.

Depth map
Depth map

Unique Lake

"There are many scenic spots," some of you will say. But you still don’t know why Lake Osveyskoye is unique. The fact is that this wonderful reservoir has an Owner. That is what the locals call a small island drifting along the surface of the lake. Moving around the territory of the reservoir, he sometimes interferes with the fishermen in his trade, deprives the birds of their homes … In general, he manages as he wants.

Another island located on the lake is a large, with an area of about five square kilometers, Du. It used to be a small village, but now this piece of land is inhabited only by wild animals, the peace of which is sometimes disturbed by vacationing locals and tourists.

Lake Osveyskoe Belarus
Lake Osveyskoe Belarus


A pond is not only a picturesque place with beautiful landscapes. Osveyskoye has become a favorite place for fishermen from neighboring regions. They come here for pike, roach, rudd. Found here and ide, and perch, and tench. Somethe lucky ones get hooked and weighty zander.

And hunting

The origin of the Osveyskoye Lake basin determined that most of the bottom of the reservoir consists of nutritious, organic-rich clayey silt, which is a favorable environment for the abundant growth and rapid development of aquatic plants, which in turn are very attractive to waterfowl. It is comfortable for them to nest and breed their offspring in lush thickets near the water. Therefore, not only fishermen, but also hunters have chosen Osveyskoye Lake of Belarus. Their prey may be a mallard, a white-fronted goose, a tufted duck, and a dozen more species of various waterfowl.

It is worth remembering that Lake Osveyskoye and the surrounding area are part of the Osveysky landscape reserve, and therefore fishing and hunting in these places is strictly controlled and organized by the Osveysky forestry and hunting grounds and Interservice Limited Liability Company.

Lake Shore
Lake Shore

Human Influence

Unfortunately, where there is a person, nature cannot fully develop, live according to its original natural laws. Osveyskoye is no exception. Where Osveya Lake is located, there are no large cities that would massively spoil the environment, however, even the village of Osveya and several other villages, which are mainly located on the southern shore, cause considerable damage to the natural environment of the reservoir. Perhaps the most destructive anthropogenic factor for the ecosystem of the lake was the change in the channel of the Vydranka River, the construction of the Degtyarevka Canal, as well ascarrying out peat extraction in the vicinity. All this had a negative impact on the purity of Osveyskoye, the water level in the lake dropped sharply.

In order to somehow rectify the situation, a dam with a lock-regulator was built, but it is currently in a deplorable state, so the overgrowth of the unique reservoir continues, despite the efforts of the workers of the state Osveisky reserve-reserve, which includes the lake has been included since 2000.

Vacationers on the lake
Vacationers on the lake

Osveisky Nature Reserve

Vitebsk region is a pearl of Belarusian nature. Osveyskoye Lake is not the only amazing place worthy of the attention of nature lovers. In the vicinity of the reservoir there are still many natural and historical monuments. These are, for example, Devil's Mountain Porechskaya, Phanasarium, neighboring lakes, agro-towns Ozery and Porechye. These places are perfect for a relaxing holiday, distraction from the bustle of the city, exploring nature. You can visit them on your own or with a tour group. If you order a tour, you will be guided along eco-trails through the most remarkable corners of the region, will be told its history, and will be shown real treasures of nature.

Tours-expeditions to Lake Osveyskoye and its swampy surroundings can be both one-day excursions and full-fledged multi-day trips with an overnight stay either in tents or in mini-hotels. You can go on such a tour from Minsk, from Grodno, some expeditions start in Vitebsk. From a large number of offers from travel companies, it is sometimes difficult to choose the best optiontrips. One thing is for sure - a trip to Osveysky Lake will be exciting and educational.
