How does a tiger hunt? Interesting observations

How does a tiger hunt? Interesting observations
How does a tiger hunt? Interesting observations

In the article, we will consider how a tiger hunts, how and when it lies in wait for prey, we will study the hunting techniques of this large and dangerous predator. You will learn the details of the life of the king of the jungle, his interesting habits and habits, how much fresh meat a day this predator needs to eat in order to be he althy, and how lucky this hunter really is.

About the animal

Tiger is a large predatory animal that lives in the Far East and Southeast Asia. This mammal belongs to the cat family, so even the hunting methods of a tiger remind many of a domestic cat. Its coat has a striped pattern, which is excellent camouflage in the habitat and makes the tiger invisible to its prey until a predator creeps up close.

To understand how a tiger hunts, you need to remember who its prey is, what a big cat eats. In the jungle, tigers seek out ungulates: red or sika deer, roe deer or musk deer, but they will not refuse wild boar, tapir and even buffalo. If large prey cannot be tracked down, then the predator will notrefuse monkeys, hares, crocodiles and even fish.

Night predator

The tiger is considered a nocturnal hunter, so it goes out for prey at dusk or at the beginning of the night. This is a solitary animal, therefore it acts independently. Only a tigress takes with her grown cubs in order to learn skills, because a good hunter is not born, but becomes the result of hard work.

tiger sits in ambush
tiger sits in ambush

The predator has excellent night vision and good hearing, which help him in search of prey, and soft pads on his paws allow you to sneak up on the prey unnoticed at a jump distance that can reach 5-6 meters in an adult male.

Hunting methods

Tigers hunt at night in two ways. Firstly, they sneak up on the victim from the leeward side and knock it down with a jump, and then strangle it with fangs by the neck. However, ungulates, which make up the main diet of the tiger, are also on the alert and try to escape, developing unprecedented speed. The tiger may pursue the prey for some time, however, realizing the futility of the attempt, the tiger leaves the animal alone and moves on in search of a new prey.

successful tiger hunt
successful tiger hunt

The second method of hunting the beast is often used by him in the summer. A tiger can lie in ambush for several days, waiting for animals that have come to drink. He sneaks up very carefully, moving in dashes and crawling. He tries to crawl up to a distance of one jump and quickly rushes at the prey, pressing it to the ground.

Efforts and Opportunities

Readers canIt may seem that it costs nothing for a tiger to catch any animal, but this is not at all the case. You have already understood how a tiger hunts, but he does not always remain full. It has been observed that this predator has to make up to 20 unsuccessful jerks for prey, until it finally earns its own food. A tiger in pursuit can only make a dash for a distance of no more than 150 meters, while developing a speed of up to 60 km / h. Then he retreats and looks for other food.

There have been cases when a tiger, left hungry, "asked" for lunch with tigresses, who do not drive away the males, but voluntarily share the meat. Tigers also feed tigresses and their cubs, but not other males.

Where tigers hunt

Most often, this predator lies in wait for prey on trails and at watering places, but a tiger is a cat that loves water. Therefore, it is not surprising that he is an excellent angler. Tigers look out for their future catch on river rifts and near waterfalls. One deft movement of the paw - and the fish is already floundering on the shore.

tiger catches fish
tiger catches fish

Even the prey caught in the forest, the predator carries it to the water, lies on its stomach and slowly eats it, sometimes spending several days on the carcass. A tiger can eat 30 kg at a time, and it must catch at least 50 large ungulates a year in order to survive.

Now you understand how a tiger hunts. The methods of hunting and the habits of the beast are very reminiscent of our fluffy domestic cat, only very large and strong. This is a beautiful, dexterous and courageous animal that inspires not only fear among people, but also respect.
