"I'm looking into the blue lakes…" - probably many of you have heard this song. Indeed, the lakes are one of the greatest and unique Russian treasures. Geographers claim that more than two million lakes are located on the territory of our country! And each of them is unique in its own way. Each of them is worthy of attention and study and can become the object of the most interesting research … And, of course, a place of rest - calm, away from the bustle and noise of the city, or, conversely, active - a long hike with tents and spending the night by the fire. In any case, can you already smell the romance of travel?
And to start your expedition, you need to prepare. No, this is not about packing a backpack and buying a tent. To go to one or another natural object, you must first learn a little about the place you are going to visit. If your path lies to Kravtsov Lake in Stavropol, then this articlejust for you. From it you will learn the history of the origin of the reservoir, the features of the flora and fauna of the lake and much more useful and interesting.

About geography
Kravtsovo Lake is located in Stavropol, or rather, nine kilometers southwest of it. Such proximity to the city, of course, attracts vacationers, but for them the lake can be a great danger. But first things first.
Kravtsovo Lake of Stavropol occupied the space between two small rivers Yegorlyk and Kalaus, near the river Grusheva. It belongs to the Don river basin. By origin, Kravtsovo belongs to relict lakes, which means that a sea was located in its place several thousand years ago. The shape of the lake is oblong, elongated from east to west. The reservoir is very small by geographical standards - its area is only 750 square meters, and the depth basically does not exceed two and a half meters.

However, this is exactly the case when size does not matter, because the uniqueness of Kravtsov Lake in Stavropol is not at all in a giant area.
Plant world
The flora of Kravtsov Lake is of particular interest to botanists. Many species growing here are listed in the Red Book of Russia. These plants include marsh telipteris and millet sedge. Some of the representatives of the local flora are endemic - that is, species that live only within this ecosystem and nowhere else. Unique from this point of view are the reedgraying, lath-shaped loosestrife.

In the animal world
But, of course, most tourists who come here do not hunt to look at rare herbs. The world of animals attracts visitors much more, because fishing on the Kravtsovo Lake of the Stavropol Territory has become one of the favorite pastimes of vacationers. If you are also not averse to fishing, then remember that amateur and sport fishing is allowed only in the southern part of the reservoir. You can catch carp, carp, perch on the hook. Both roach and catfish are found here.
In addition to fish, different species of frogs, newts, lizards inhabit Kravtsovo and coastal areas, even the marsh turtle is found here. And the near-water thickets were chosen by various waterfowl: gulls, ducks, herons.

Environment Protection
Of course, such a variety of flora and fauna attracts not only decent tourists, but also unscrupulous poachers who, for personal gain, out of a thirst for profit, do not think about the uniqueness of the ecosystem and their predatory actions can cause irreparable damage to it. In order to preserve nature and ensure the normal natural functioning of the ecosystem, Kravtsovo Lake and the surrounding area in 1997 acquired the status of a state nature reserve of regional significance. In the Kravtsovo Lake nature reserve, it is forbidden to drive cars through its territory, collect plants, hunt and even swim in reservoirs.

Mysterious Island
By the way, swimming here is also contraindicated for reasons related to personal safety. The fact is that there is a floating island on the surface of the Kravtsov Lake of Stavropol. It calmly drifts on the surface of the reservoir, like a huge earthen raft. Many legends of Kravtsov Lake in Stavropol are connected with this very island. Since the nineteenth century, when prisoners were working on the lake, extracting peat, the reservoir absorbed a large number of people. Swallowed and did not return back even the body. Most of the drowned people were never found by either local residents or rescuers. It was rumored that dark evil forces were involved here, the locals gossiped about the mermaids that inhabited the lake. But the explanation for these sad facts is very prosaic.
The fact is that the floating island has no foundation, due to which it can change its location. Various water currents pass unhindered under the thickness of the soil, dragging garbage, logs, branches under the island … and people who decided to swim in the lake and fell into the stream directed towards the island. No one has been able to swim a huge distance under water and emerge on its other side, and it is unlikely that they will ever succeed. Therefore, it is better to take care of yourself and not risk your life, because the rest on Lake Kravtsovo is good without dangerous swimming.