Natural waters cover most of the surface of the planet Earth, and the world's oceans and seas in this area occupy about 97% (or about 70% of the entire Earth's surface). The rest of the water area belongs to rivers, lakes, reservoirs, swamps, glaciers.
Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic and Indian - the oceans of the world, named by scientists before 2000. Since 2000, the Arctic Ocean has been allocated as the fifth ocean.
The deepest ocean in the world and the most extensive is the Pacific. Its area is larger than the area of all land on the planet, and in its abyss is the deepest place on Earth - the Mariana Trench. Ocean waves wash the western shores of South and North America, Australia, and the eastern shores of Asia. In the Northern Hemisphere, it connects with the Arctic Ocean through the Bering Strait, and in the Southern Hemisphere it reaches the coast of Antarctica. Many of its shores are hilly and mountainous, and within its waters there are a large number of islands.
Naturally, all the oceans of the world have a very different character. Thus, it should be noted that the Pacific Ocean is famous for frequent tsunamis, whichreach fifty meters in height near some coasts, and also by the fact that it accounts for more than half of the total biomass of the water depths.

The second largest is the Atlantic Ocean. Its bottom is quite complex, with many hollows. Unlike the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic does not have so many islands in its water area. In the north it meets the Arctic Ocean. The Atlantic is known for the fact that the area of rivers flowing into it is much larger than the area of rivers that flow into any other ocean. In addition, its shores are very indented and washed by the waves of a large number of known seas.
The oceans of the world, as mentioned above, also include the coldest: the Arctic. It is located beyond the Arctic Circle. Almost its entire area is covered with ice almost all year round. Ocean waters are strategically very important, because. allow you to get from America to Russia by the shortest route. This fact was especially important during wars. Near the coast of the Arctic Ocean forms many seas, connected to the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Due to the constantly low temperature, the animal and plant life of its waters is represented by a few species.

The Indian Ocean is the third largest water area. It adjoins Africa and Australia, Asia and Antarctica. Its waters are washed by the largest islands: Madagascar and Sri Lanka, as well as the Maldives, Seychelles, Bali, so beloved by many tourists. Its waves, twisting into perfect tubes, are lovedmany surfers, and its bowels are very rich in deposits of natural gas, oil.
As already mentioned, the Southern Ocean also began to be included in the oceans of the world. Otherwise, it is called the Antarctic. With its waters, it washes the shores of Antarctica, includes part of the southern waters of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans. In the practice of navigation, the name of this water area practically did not take root, due to the fact that it is not included in any manuals on the relevant topics. Meanwhile, in terms of area, this water area ranks fourth among all oceans.