Looking at a field completely covered with a green blanket, many people do not even realize how many different types of plants they see. More than 40 species of flowers and herbs grow in the vast expanses. At the same time, all plants of fields and meadows have not only their own names, but also features.
The plant is an annual. It can grow up to 40 cm in height. It has rich foliage. Most of all, the leaves of adonis resemble dill. Therefore, ignorant people often confuse them. Flower color can be yellow or red. Stamens delight the eye with a rich dark purple palette.

In most cases, the plant lives for two years, creating a basal rosette of leaves after germination. Henbane can reach a height of 80 cm. It is very poisonous, and the seeds are the most toxic. When the plant blooms, it emits an unpleasant odor. Even animals try to avoid henbane.
Bodyak and cornflower
What other field plants exist? Of course, it's bullshit. This thorny plant is considered a weed and one of the mostintractable. Deadwood thickets can grow throughout the field. Moreover, the height of each of them can reach one and a half meters. As for the cornflower, on the contrary, it is very beautiful. This bright blue flower is known, probably, to every person from early childhood. The tall thin stem and bright color make it possible to see the plant from a distance.
Telling about the plants of the fields, let's describe the bindweed. Like a bodyak, it is difficult to eradicate, since the roots can go 5 meters deep into the ground. A distinctive feature is a thin, curly and twisting stem. The flowers of the plant can be painted in pale pink or hot pink.
Mustard and flaxseed
Mustard is a fairly tall plant containing substances that can have a detrimental effect on microorganisms. It reproduces by seeds that appear after the flowering of bright yellow, small flowers.

Field plants are often unusual. This is exactly what flaxseed is. The plant got its name due to the similarity of its leaves with flaxseed. He has a small height. As a rule, it is 15 cm. But at the same time, the flowers have a very interesting look. The inside of the sponge is dyed bright orange and the cup itself is delicately curved.
The height of the plant can reach 40 cm. The stem is thin and erect. Buttercup flowers are small. They are lemon yellow with a greenish tint. The plant is poisonous to animals. Just half an hour after ingestion,it provokes severe poisoning, and then the death of the animal.
Poppy and Euphorbia
The ability of one plant to produce up to 50 thousand seeds explains such a great distribution of poppies. When they bloom, it may seem that the whole field is covered with a red veil. The stem of the plant is thin. After flowering, a bump forms on it, in which there is a huge amount of seeds.

What other field plants are there? For example, milkweed. He lives for one year and rises above the ground by a maximum of 40 cm. The inflorescence of milkweed looks special. Five bracts fused together form a cup-shaped perianth with various types of nectaries.
Sow thistle field
A perennial and resistant plant, the main root of which goes 50 cm into the ground. In height, this sow thistle can grow up to 120 cm. Its stem rises directly above the field. The leaves of the sow thistle are bare and coarsely toothed, and the small flowers are painted yellow. Sow thistle, as well as poppy, cornflower, ranunculus and other flowers are popular plants of fields and meadows. You will find photos and their names in our article. We hope that the information was useful to you.