In our time, everyone can defend their rights. To do this, he only needs to join a community of interests (as one of the options) or by common views on different things. There are many associations of people who seek to improve their lives or … prove a point. Communities of this type direct their activities to achieve certain results, goals, or to combat emerging problems.

In addition to certain communities, there is the concept of "movement". It also consists of different groups of people who share common views on life or certain things. They strive to prove their point of view to the world, they want to be heard. Among these formations, LGBT people are singled out. Who it is, or rather, what it is - not everyone knows. So let's try to figure it out.
What is LGBT?
One thing is clear - this is an abbreviation. Among tens of thousands of different communities, there are a lot of those whose name consists of only a few letters. But what do they mean? For example, many are interested in how LGBT stands for. In simple words, this is a group of people united by their views and principles of life. They are often referred to as gay communities. In their compositionincludes representatives of various communities, groups of communication, currents, quarters and organizations.
But why LGBT? The decoding is simple: a community of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders. All people who consider themselves to be part of this formation are united by common problems, interests and goals. In any case, LGBT people consider themselves full members of society, which they are trying to prove to others, since many do not recognize their views and lifestyle.

LGBT Movement
In addition to the community of gays, lesbians and other representatives of sexual minorities, there is a special LGBT movement. Its members are still the same gay people, but they are active in proving their rights and living as full-fledged individuals in today's society.
The LGBT movement, whose abbreviation consists of the first letters of four words - lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders, stands for the equality of citizens, sexual freedom, tolerance, respect for human rights and, of course, the eradication of xenophobia and discrimination. In addition, the main goal of the participants is the integration of people with a non-traditional orientation into society.

Community Story
The history of the LGBT movement dates back to the Second World War. Yes, yes, oddly enough, but at a time when it was not only ashamed, but even scary to ask a question about how LGBT is deciphered, a society of people of non-traditional orientation already existed, and every daymore and more supporters. People slowly gained courage and stopped being afraid of society's reaction to them.
In general, the history of society is divided into five long periods: pre-war, post-war, stonewall (gay liberation uprising), AIDS epidemic and modern. It was after the second stage of the formation of LGBT that the ideology in society changed. The post-war period was the impetus for the formation of gay neighborhoods and bars.
Community Symbols
The LGBT community is a formation that was formed by people who have the same views and interests, namely, non-traditional orientation, which in our time is perceived in completely different ways. In the course of the development of an unusual organization, its own symbolism appeared. These are special signs that have a meaning and a unique origin. They help to navigate in society and distinguish their like-minded people, supporters. In addition, the symbolism demonstrates the pride and openness of the community. It is quite understandable that she plays a special role for every gay person.

The signs symbolizing the LGBT community are the rainbow flag and the pink triangle. Of course, these are not all designations, but they are most common.
Earlier, during the Second World War, being gay was considered a big crime, for which the government punished, a person was prosecuted by law. Homosexuals were forced to hide. The LGBT community as a public organization was founded by the US government in 1960, after which lifeof all members of sexual minorities has improved significantly.
Equality for sexual minorities
"LGBT - what is it?" - many people ask, and having learned the decoding, they perceive such unions as something frivolous. In fact, the power and action of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community should not be underestimated. After all, it is thanks to him that all LGBT people can now enter into legal same-sex marriages, and no one has the right to condemn them for this.
Throughout the entire period of the existence of the community, it tried to achieve a change in legislation in favor of sexual minorities. After all, the main goal of LGBT is the protection of human rights and its social adaptation. Note that this organization was once opposed by the anti-homosexual movement, which does not recognize LGBT representatives as equal members of society or religion does not allow them to accept them.
In addition to the fact that sexual minorities fought for human rights, all of them have long dreamed of marrying each other. Previously, this was unacceptable! In this regard, same-sex civil partnership did not suit gays and lesbians, they needed official legalization of relations and family. Even the possibility of adopting a child was not ruled out. In the end, thousands of gay couples were allowed to enter into same-sex marriages.

Right to Adoption
Few people know how LGBT stands for, but this does not mean that people should notbe interested. Lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders have fought and continue to defend their rights. And absolutely not in vain. After all, after a lot of effort, they were still allowed to enter into same-sex marriages. A little later, gay couples had a desire to raise a child. Thus, another problem arose - adoption. LGBT people seek the right to have a child, and in some countries members of sexual minorities can do so. The problem is only in establishing the parent. Many social services don't understand how to register mom and dad as guardians when they're both female or male.
LGBT community activities
It should be noted that LGBT (an acronym whose meaning you now understand) is successfully engaged in social activities. The community organizes various events, including original film festivals, competitions, concerts, sports competitions, photo exhibitions and flash mobs, theatrical performances and more. The purpose of these events is the adaptation of people with non-traditional orientation. A feature of the event is its educational nature. It should be noted that the LGBT is engaged in the publication of magazines, books, and also speaks on television and radio. Community representatives provide amazing psychological, legal, medical and other types of support and assistance to their like-minded people.

Repeal of bans on professions
Now you know what LGBT is. Note that this formation is often mentioned in connection with the publicactivity. Surprisingly, there were times when people with a non-traditional orientation were forbidden to work in certain positions. For example, they could not serve in the army, be a teacher or a doctor. Today, most of these bans have been lifted, and all this has been achieved by a community created by representatives of sexual minorities. Of course, how LGBT stands for is known only to those people who are interested in this issue. In other cases, they prefer to remain silent about such formations.
Repeal of donation bans
Asking about what LGBT is, a person with a traditional orientation wants to get a normal, satisfying answer. But far from everyone has to "taste" the reality and the whole truth, which lies in the decoding of this concept. So, there were times when lesbians and gays were forbidden to become donors. Their blood was considered "dirty", unworthy of an ordinary person. It is quite natural that sexual minorities were extremely offended by this attitude, and they began to fight against injustice. However, there are still countries today that continue to ban homosexuals from donating blood and organs.

So, we have considered what LGBT is. Who they are and what goals they pursue, also found out. The main task of this community today is to eradicate negative attitudes towards people who are different from the majority.