Husl: what is it? Meaning of the word

Husl: what is it? Meaning of the word
Husl: what is it? Meaning of the word

Youth slang is rich and varied. There are many words that make us blush when we say them, but there are also those when we don’t know whether to be embarrassed or not? One of them is "hustle". It's time to figure out what it's about.

What does the word "hustle" mean in English?

In our time in Britain and the United States, many collections of youth slang have been compiled. But the interpretation of the word hustle can be found in the literary Oxford dictionary. Literally, it means: "noisy activity of a large number of people in one place" or "pushing", and also "to make someone move faster by pushing him in a rough manner." There is also a directly “slang” interpretation: “whatever you do to make money, … be it the sale of cars or drugs. If you're "making money", you're doing hasl."

hasle what is
hasle what is

In English-speaking countries, this word is widely used in the lexicon of not only young people. Most often it is associated with crooks and quick money lovers.

Answer the question "Husl - what is it?" the British series of the same name will also help. For 8 seasons, it told the story of five swindlers who come up with ingenious combinations in the best traditions of Ostap Bender.

The first meaning of the word "husl" in Russian

Not everyone is accustomed to hearing slang inspeech. Especially such a little-known noun as "hustle". What this word means, neither Dal nor Ozhegov knew. You will not find this slang in their explanatory dictionaries. But for the current generation, it is a regular part of the lexicon.

The first meaning of the word "hustle" is success, recognition and authority. It is used with a disparaging connotation when they want to emphasize that the goal was achieved dishonestly or without due effort.

hasl it
hasl it

Hasl is often referred to as works of modern pop culture. Those that are considered popular without regard to quality and creative value. The main criterion in this case is the "fashionable" and "advanced" work.

The word came into use with a light suggestion of rappers, "uplifting" everything illegal and dishonest. Teenagers immediately picked up this atmosphere, and many began to use the word "hustle". At least in conversations with your friends.

The second interpretation of the word "hustle" in Russian

There is another interpretation. In the fields of politics and art, a hustle is someone who is ready for absolutely anything to attract media attention to his person. The so-called "black PR" is used: provocations, scandals, "dirt" against competitors, an appeal to the "Freudian" instincts of a person and manipulation of public opinion. These are the "masters" of image building and effective public relations.

Scammers and speculators probably know the meaning of the word "hustle". What is "dirty business", they know firsthand.

the meaning of the word hasl
the meaning of the word hasl

Hasl is also called the "product" of the activities of rappers - typical meaningless songs with a hackneyed plot. Everything that brings only money, without a hint of cultural value.

Use of the word "husl" in Russian

As we know, youth slang goes beyond literary speech. The word "hustle" is no exception. It should not be used in business reports, even if you want to accuse your partner of fraud. But you can show off your “modernity” among the youth, especially if you want to discuss new trends in rap culture or express your dissatisfaction with boring pop songs. After all, knowing the meaning of the word "hustle", what fraud and foppery are, can be explained more than masterly.

This "overseas guest" is often used on the Internet. The "experts" in music, cinema, dance and chanting give their verdicts and engage in fierce verbal battles that can involve slang and worse. So there is nothing wrong with "innocent" hasle. This is a phenomenon of modern youth culture, vividly expressing the spirit of our time.
