Slang is a kind of language where new words appear like mushrooms after rain. Not only for those who want to be "in the know", but also simply interested in what passers-by, friends, children mean by this or that word, it is sometimes difficult to know all their meanings at once. In this note, we will get acquainted with a relatively new such concept - "amahasla", "amahasala".
The meaning of the word "amahasala"
"Amahasala" (more correctly - "amahasla") has several essentially similar meanings:
- "Cool", noticeable, person, authority.
- "Dangerous" and at the same time fabulously rich, popular in his party, in his neighborhood, in the city, teenager, guy.
- The one who has achieved both success and popularity.
- African American with a recognizable "luxury" lifestyle. What is "amahasala"? Gold chains, natural fur coats (for men), rings with expensive stones, sports cars, a sea of girl fans, attitude to money as garbage. And, of course, love for only one musical style - rap.
- Greedy rich man, millionaire.
Origin of the word
What is "amahasala"?This is the English phrase I'm a hustler (hustla, hustle) pronounced with a terrible accent. It can be translated in different ways, but the meaning will be the same:
- I'm a "clear" guy!
- I am rich, popular, successful, etc.

The popularity of this word was brought by the song of the Russian artist CrazyMegaHell, where there are the following lines:
"I use black caviar instead of butter, Amahasla, ama amahasla…"
"Amahasla" and "Hasl"
As you noticed, the peculiar root of the word "amahasala" will be "hasl". In youth slang, this is a completely independent word that has its own meaning:
- Recognition by the masses, success, prestige. An achievement that came at the cost of neglecting something - for example, commercial success in the hip-hop culture, for which the loss of oneself as a creative person had to be sacrificed.
- Sometimes "hasle" is also the answer to the question "what is "amahasala"?" This can be said about a rapper striving for fame and fame.
- Making money in a dubious way - selling drugs, "fraud", cheating crazy interest, etc.
Derived from English. hustle, the literal meaning of which is "push forward", "drive". In a figurative sense - "to earn dishonestly".

Having learned in detail what "amahasala" is, we, if desired, cannow to characterize with this slang word any popular, rich, young man who has a certain authority among his peers. The slang world does not stand still, so young people now simply will not understand someone who would call such an "amahasla" the once fashionable word "gangster".