Alfred Koch. Biography of a politician and writer

Alfred Koch. Biography of a politician and writer
Alfred Koch. Biography of a politician and writer
alfred koch
alfred koch

Alfred Koch was born in Kazakhstan, in the city of Zyryanovsk. However, already in childhood, the family of the future politician moved to Tolyatti. Here the young man finishes school in 1978. After graduation, the young man enters the Financial and Economic Institute of Leningrad with a degree in economic cybernetics. He graduated from the Institute in 1983. In 1987-1988, the young man worked as a junior researcher at the Prometheus Research Institute. He spends the next two years as an assistant at the Department of Electronic Production Management and Economics at the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute.

Career start

Already in 1990, Alfred Kokh was first elected chairman of the district executive committee in the Sister District Council of People's Deputies of Leningrad. Starting next year, he has been working as a deputy executive director in the territorial fund of state property in St. Petersburg. In August 1993, Alfred Koch is Deputy Chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation. In March 1995, a promising official became the first deputy chairman of the then chairman of the State Property Committee of the Russian Federation, and a year later he became chairman, holding this post until August 1997.

alfred koch biography
alfred koch biography

Career takeoff

In the sameAlfred Koch enters the government of the Russian Federation for the first time, becoming Deputy Chairman in the Government of the Russian Federation. However, six months later he was forced to leave the post. Leaving the government was associated with the well-known "case of writers", when a criminal case was opened against Koch by the Moscow prosecutor's office in connection with abuse of official powers. Nevertheless, in December 1999 the case was closed under an amnesty. June 10, 2000 Alfred Reingoldovich Koch is appointed CEO in

Gazprom-Media holding. In parallel, he becomes chairman of the board of directors on the NTV channel. Already in September 2001, the manager holds the first two releases of the famous TV game, called "Greed". But later, due to a busy schedule, he was forced to transfer his place as a host to Igor Yankovsky. Koch himself took the chair of the vice-director at the state television channel. At the end of 2001, the official leaves the post of head of Gazprom-Media. And already in February 2002, he was elected a representative of the Legislative Assembly in the Leningrad Region. And in the spring of the same year, there was a scandal regarding the legality of the results of the parliamentary vote on his candidacy. As a result, the official voluntarily resigns.

Alfred Reingoldovich Koch
Alfred Reingoldovich Koch

Writing and Alfred Koch

The biography of our hero in the future is somewhat different. In 2006 he publishes a book co-authored with Igor Svinarenko. Later, the book "A Box of Vodka" was nominated for the prestigious "Big Book" award. Two years later, in 2008,a very fundamental work of Koch is published in collaboration with the historian Pavel Polyan. Holocaust Denial, dedicated to the relevant historical event, collected an impressive set of statistical and factual materials. In addition, the opinion is expressed that Holocaust denial is not just a falsification of history, but also a dangerous geopolitical project. In 2013, Alfred Koch, together with Pyotr Aven, published a collection of interviews with various political figures in modern Russia.
