"Asshole": the meaning of the word and its original meaning

"Asshole": the meaning of the word and its original meaning
"Asshole": the meaning of the word and its original meaning

Such a widespread (unfortunately) abusive expression as "asshole" (the meaning of the word we will consider in this article) actually has a meaningful and deep meaning. It is worth noting that initially it was not offensive. But first things first.

The origin of the word "asshole"

asshole word meaning
asshole word meaning

Currently, philologists have established two versions of its origin. You may be surprised, but scientists are engaged in the history of the origin of such words. After all, they are of great importance in the general formation of culture and language features. According to the first version, the expression "asshole" (the meaning of the word is similar to insulting: "a person who does not have a goal and is not looking for the real meaning of his life") came into our lexicon from the Karachay-Balkarian language. It is worth noting that most of the abusive words used in the Russian language came to us from the East. In what period of time, scientists find it difficult to answer.

According to the second version, the expression "asshole" (the meaning of the word may come from the Old Russian "mudo" - "egg") had noabusive character. Most likely, it was used to denote the virtues of the male sex - "mudé". However, with the development of Christian morality, this word, like many others similar in meaning, became taboo. In other words, be silent. Whether a person has "mudé" or not, the churchmen did not want to know. The development of abstract designation has led to the fact that "mudo" has become generalized. This is how the expression "to measure mudya" appeared. That is to compete in the strength of male character. It turns out that “mudé” is a matter of pride, a cult of a man. Therefore, the word "asshole", which is used in this context, is not offensive at all. And even vice versa: that was the name of a real man.

what does the word asshole mean
what does the word asshole mean

What does the word "asshole" mean nowadays?

In the modern lexicon, the word in question in this article has a slang character. An asshole (the meaning of the word is offensive) is a person who commits rash and stupid acts that cause a lot of trouble to others. Or annoying with their appearance, lifestyle, behavior of other people. In such a situation, they usually say: “Well, you are an asshole!” Or: "That's an asshole!" This word is sometimes used in a derogatory and derisive form. For example, in the company of friends.

Who is commonly called an asshole?

In their hearts, people can throw a word, thus venting their offense. However, calling the president, deputy, mayor, chief an asshole is not entirely correct. And it's not just about ethics. Recall that the asshole(the meaning of the word in the original interpretation) - one who lives without a goal spends his days meaninglessly. That is, this is a person who wastes his energy in vain. For example, a young man who spends all summer playing computer games. Or an ordinary adult man with golden hands, who earns only for alcohol and other small entertainments. It would be appropriate to call the word "asshole" a stupid person who does not understand what he is doing, behaves inappropriately and commits rash acts.

Maybe I'm the asshole?

origin of the word asshole
origin of the word asshole

To ask such a question to yourself is not self-flagellation, but a kind of spurring, a test of strength. Match your lifestyle with what this word means. Do you have a goal, aspiration, and what are you doing to achieve it. Are you wasting your precious time? Are you self-development? Do you create discomfort for others, do you annoy with your behavior? And most importantly: do not communicate with assholes! There is a saying: "A bad example is contagious." It’s worth getting rid of bad habits, and it’s better to limit communication with people you don’t like.
