Culture 2024, September

Gratitude for the work of an employee. Thanks for the good work

Gratitude for the work of an employee. Thanks for the good work

Who, in general, needs this gratitude for the work? What is it like, for whom and from whom, and in what manifestation - abstract or concrete? Or is it a rather vague concept for us? Let's talk here about what is gratitude for a good job to an employee

Dinaric race - description, mental, physical qualities and interesting facts

Dinaric race - description, mental, physical qualities and interesting facts

The amazing landscape that is shown in the main photo is considered the main place of residence, formation and development of the Dinaric race. What traits are inherent in people whose origins originate in such an amazing place filled with the genuine grandeur of nature and the stunning beauty of mighty mountains?

Furry (subculture) in Russia. Who are furries

Furry (subculture) in Russia. Who are furries

There are many different subcultures in the world. They include people who differ in their behavior and appearance from the majority. In an effort to stand out from the crowd, they are looking for like-minded people. This is how subcultures are created

What is kohlrabi? The benefits of this wonderful vegetable

What is kohlrabi? The benefits of this wonderful vegetable

Many are interested in the lexical meaning of the word "kohlrabi". In fact, everything is simple here: this term means a variety of cabbage with a fleshy and wide stem

Examples of the counterculture. The concept and functions of the counterculture

Examples of the counterculture. The concept and functions of the counterculture

Life, especially in big cities, is colorful and varied, includes a huge number of different forms and manifestations. Many representatives of the younger generation choose to imitate representatives of a particular subculture as a way of life. The article lists the main youth trends, gives various examples of counterculture

What is discrimination? Examples of racial, gender, religious discrimination

What is discrimination? Examples of racial, gender, religious discrimination

Discrimination is a term derived from the Latin discriminatio, which translates as "infringement". It is defined as a negative attitude, infringement and restriction of rights, as well as violence and any manifestation of hostility towards the subject due to his belonging to a particular social group

Ural race: history and place of formation, characteristic features

Ural race: history and place of formation, characteristic features

Scientists argue that the Ural race is an intermediate or mixed anthropological group of people with features of Mongoloid and Caucasoid racial trunks. It is distributed in the Volga region and in Western Siberia. The article will discuss this anthropological group of people, how it was formed, how it differs from other races

The meaning of the phraseologism "Promethean fire": where did it come from and what does it mean

The meaning of the phraseologism "Promethean fire": where did it come from and what does it mean

The meaning of the phraseologism "Promethean fire" is useful to know for every educated and cultured person. The phrase comes from the mythology of ancient Greece

Memorable dates in Russia. Memorable dates of the military glory of Russia

Memorable dates in Russia. Memorable dates of the military glory of Russia

Memorable dates in Russia are the days of military glory, which is the duty of the Russian people to remember! To know what feats our ancestors were able to accomplish means to honor the history of our Motherland, and also not to forget the strength and power of the Russian spirit

Delight is What is delight and how it can be

Delight is What is delight and how it can be

Delight is a state, emotions that cannot be described in one word. Each of us at least once in our lives has experienced this feeling and dreams of returning to it again. Someone is looking for it in adrenaline, someone in achieving a goal, and someone in something of their own

Congratulations on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office

Congratulations on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office

Professional holidays are a great occasion to wish all the best to a loved one. On the Day of the Prosecutor's Office, it is worth preparing a sincere speech in order to please someone who is not indifferent, be it a colleague, friend or loved one. Wishes can be both rhymed and prosaic. The main thing is that congratulations on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office pour from the heart and be sincere. If desired, you can also purchase a symbolic present

Should children be given English names?

Should children be given English names?

It is not known what caused the fashion to call children by foreign names, given some of their specifics, but young mothers are simply restless. They probably believe that the more beautiful and unusual the name of their baby, the smarter, more talented and successful he will grow up. The most revered among young domestic mothers are English names

Where and how to hold a memorial dinner

Where and how to hold a memorial dinner

Rules and traditions of commemoration. Commemoration in Great Lent: Christian events for the deceased

Piccha is What is piccha?

Piccha is What is piccha?

Piccha is just a colloquial, colloquial word, common only in certain circles

Finnish names - fashionable and time-tested

Finnish names - fashionable and time-tested

The University of Helsinki recorded about 35,000 first names used in Finland. Many of these names came to Finland from other countries. Over time, Finnish names are becoming more and more international, pan-European. And yet now in Finland there is such a trend: parents with great desire to name the child some kind of native Finnish word. Similar old Finnish names have not lost their original meaning even today. This will be discussed

Gates are a way of conveying the beauty and grace of a horse

Gates are a way of conveying the beauty and grace of a horse

In the environment of horse lovers there are a lot of various definitions and concepts, having heard which, we are confused. Let's try to understand one of them. Often among horsemen the word "gait" sounds. This definition is one of the most important in equestrianism. With the help of this article, you will briefly immerse yourself in the world of the most beautiful animals

Vepses are a Finno-Ugric people living in Karelia. Nationality Veps

Vepses are a Finno-Ugric people living in Karelia. Nationality Veps

Vepsians live on Russian territory in three separate groups located between lakes Ladoga, Onega and Bely. Their language belongs to the B altic-Finnish group and consists of three dialects: northern, middle and southern

Louvre Palace: history and photos

Louvre Palace: history and photos

The Louvre Palace (France) is a museum and architectural complex in the center of Paris, which has been formed for many centuries. It originally housed a massive fortress, later rebuilt into an elegant royal residence. Today it is the greatest museum in the world with a rich collection of works of art

Vietnamese names and surnames

Vietnamese names and surnames

It's no secret that a person's name carries great meaning throughout a person's life. What is a full name in Vietnam? The Vietnamese full name in the aggregate consists of three constituent elements: The first is the father's surname. middle name. Proper name

How to comfortably visit "Lenkom": the layout of the hall

How to comfortably visit "Lenkom": the layout of the hall

Lenkom's popularity is spreading throughout Russia and far beyond the borders of the country. The performances of the theater fell in love with the audience of France, Germany, the Netherlands, Greece, the USA, countries of Eastern Europe and others. In order to fully enjoy the work of the actors, it is worth spending some time studying the scheme of the Lenkom hall and choosing the most suitable places

Land of tulips - the Netherlands. Country of tulips in Europe

Land of tulips - the Netherlands. Country of tulips in Europe

Tulips are flowers that symbolize the arrival of spring. Just one bouquet can give a great mood. Where is the real source of the spring treasure? We will talk about this later in the article

What is swag

What is swag

Increasingly lately we hear a foreign word - swag. What is swag? Style of music, clothes or even a lifestyle? How to look like a modern swag girl or guy? Read about all this in the article

African ornament: style features, symbols

African ornament: style features, symbols

Ornament is one of the first manifestations of the creativity of ancient peoples. In curls, dashes, circles, cross lines, a person tried to reflect the reality around him. Often the patterns were assigned a mysterious and magical meaning. Find out what are the distinctive features of African ornaments

The meaning of the Russian proverb "an agreement is more valuable than money"

The meaning of the Russian proverb "an agreement is more valuable than money"

The article describes the decoding of the meaning of the expression "an agreement is more valuable than money." The word merchant and its value in business circles. The concept of "an agreement, and what is connected with it. The agreement, its components and the need to conclude a written agreement. "Agreement is more expensive than money" today

Marginal is the one who lives in the future?

Marginal is the one who lives in the future?

The negative meaning of the word "marginal" has become entrenched in our society. This is probably due to a direct translation from Latin: "located at the edge, on the border." He gave the word a touch of something declassed, almost rootless. The marginal is the one who is on the sidelines, not adjoining either those in front, or those who seek to stop time

Baron - who is this? Does this title of nobility exist today?

Baron - who is this? Does this title of nobility exist today?

Reading historical books, you often come across unfamiliar terms. To understand their meaning, you need to open a dictionary and sometimes look at more than one page. This process can be so tedious that the reader abandons the book in the middle. In this article, we will try to clarify the term "baron". This is not a historical reference, but informative information in a modern interpretation

Interesting last name. Interesting names and surnames. The most interesting surnames

Interesting last name. Interesting names and surnames. The most interesting surnames

Interesting surname - what could it be? In our country - whatever. It is about strange, funny, interesting surnames in any way that is described in the text below. Interesting? Read with pleasure

Catholic names by month

Catholic names by month

Parents who adhere to the Catholic faith often wonder what Catholic name to give a newborn child so that it complies with the canons? For such a case, it is best to choose a name according to the holy calendar. But if the names of the saints corresponding to the baby's birthday seem inappropriate, you should refer to the name calendar - Catholic names by month later in this article

Tobolsk Kremlin: the oldest monument of Russian architecture

Tobolsk Kremlin: the oldest monument of Russian architecture

The Tobolsk Kremlin is one of the oldest monuments of Russian architecture. It is called "the pearl of Siberia". Every year, thousands of tourists visit the Tobolsk Kremlin. Its address resembles the address of the Moscow Kremlin - Red Square, 1, only the city of Tobolsk

Theaters of Kaliningrad: description

Theaters of Kaliningrad: description

Today we will describe the theaters of Kaliningrad. There are several such establishments in this city. Let's talk about music first

Georgian national costume: traditional men's and women's clothing, headwear, wedding dress

Georgian national costume: traditional men's and women's clothing, headwear, wedding dress

Why do we need a national costume? First of all, it reflects the history of mankind, reveals the artistic worldview and ethnic portrait of the people

What does "gringo" mean and who is it really?

What does "gringo" mean and who is it really?

Why are Americans often referred to as "gringos"? Where did the word come from and what does it mean? Interesting versions and facts in the article

Mythology: Jupiter. Zeus and Jupiter - is there a difference?

Mythology: Jupiter. Zeus and Jupiter - is there a difference?

Studying the mythology of the Roman Empire, it was easy to get confused among the names and family ties of numerous deities. The situation became more complicated when the Romans, having conquered another territory, added to their own pantheon of deities worshiped by the conquered people

What dog breeds do Koreans eat

What dog breeds do Koreans eat

What breeds of dogs do they eat? One should not think that in Korea every mongrel can become a dinner or lunch for a hungry Homo sapiens. More detailed information will be given in the article

Beautiful painting on the passport. What should she be?

Beautiful painting on the passport. What should she be?

No one doubts that the signature in the passport should be beautiful, neat and individual. We present this document in the most important and "strict" organizations, so its appearance should make a good impression and inspire respect. That's why a beautiful passport painting is so important

Palace of Science and Culture in Warsaw: history, photos, reviews

Palace of Science and Culture in Warsaw: history, photos, reviews

Looking through postcards, booklets and other souvenirs brought from Poland, you can see that everywhere there is an image of a majestic building with a spire soaring to the heavenly heights. This grandiose high-rise building is one of the ten tallest buildings in the entire European Union. The Palace of Science and Culture in Warsaw was built in 1955 and to this day is the hallmark of not only the capital city, but the whole country

Cat show in Moscow: schedule. International Cat Show in Moscow

Cat show in Moscow: schedule. International Cat Show in Moscow

Every year the capital hosts international exhibitions of cats and dogs, where not only prize-winners and honorary winners of competitions among pets are selected, but also charity events are held to help homeless animals. The upcoming cat show in Moscow will take place on May 1

The most interesting facts about people. Interesting facts about a person

The most interesting facts about people. Interesting facts about a person

Man is the most amazing creature created by nature! How many discoveries have been made in the field of human physiology, and how much is still unknown and inexplicable in this small universe - our body. Some interesting facts about people below will help the reader learn something new

Day of friendship and unity of the Slavs - a holiday of our people

Day of friendship and unity of the Slavs - a holiday of our people

Every second Russian has a relative in Ukraine, every third Ukrainian has relatives in Belarus, and every fourth Belarusian knows a Pole or Slovak. We are all Slavs, and we celebrate on June 25 the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs

Armenian folk costume: photo, description, history

Armenian folk costume: photo, description, history

National costume is a cultural, historical, folklore heritage of a certain people, passed down from generation to generation. The Armenian costume perfectly emphasizes the traditions and history of its people