Mads Mikkelsen is a Danish actor whose popularity has spread far beyond Europe in recent years. The key to the success of this man, according to his confession, was not only talent and diligence, but also the love and support of his life partner, Hanne Jacobsen. Photos of happy spouses are increasingly adorning the covers of tabloids.
Mads Mikkelsen: a slow success story
Mads Mikkelsen was born near Copenhagen on November 22, 1965, in a family that had nothing to do with art. However, from an early age, both Mads and his parents became aware of his outstanding abilities. At the same time, the path in art for the young Mikkelsen began not with acting, but with dancing. In his youth, he began attending ballet classes, and later moved to Sweden for some time to receive a full-fledged choreographic education there in one of the best European schools. During this period he met his wife Hanne Jacobsen. However, choreography never became the meaning of Mads' professional and creative life. At the age of 27, he decisively left dancing,returned to Denmark and devoted all his free time to studying acting.

Mikkelsen's acting debut in cinema took place in 1996, when he played a major role in a film called "The Dealer", after which fame bypassed him for a long time. However, Mads' perseverance, integrity and hard work led him to real success and recognition already in 2000, when he got two significant roles - in the film "Flickering Lights" and the TV series about the police "First Department".
Since 2004, Mikkelsen began acting in foreign films. He was willingly invited by European directors and was soon noticed by Hollywood. One of the significant works in the United States was participation in the filming of "King Arthur", and later - in one of the parts of the famous Bond movie - "Casino Royale", the role in which made a significant contribution to the formation of the image of the mysterious villain-esthete. However, this stereotyped image was not destined to take shape - Mads portrayed a completely different character from the previously played character in the film "After the Wedding", which attracted even more Hollywood attention to him, thanks to the Oscar nomination, which the film received in 2007. This was followed by a series of Hollywood and international projects in which Mads successfully played. Among them: "Coco Chanel and Igor Stravinsky", "Musketeers", "Royal Romance" and others.
Despite his success abroad, Mikkelsen did not forget Denmark, and willingly took part in filming at home. His role in The Hunt by Thomas Vinterberg earned him a Silver Award at the Cannes Film Festival.
MadsMikkelsen and Hanne Jacobsen: Almost 30 years together
All the years on the way to glory, and then the years of testing it, next to Mikkelsen is his wife - Hanne Jacobsen. Hannah and Mads have been together for almost 30 years, but officially registered their relationship only in 2000. The couple have two children: daughter Viola, who is now working as a volunteer in India, and son Karl, who still lives with his parents.

Where did Mikkelsen and Jacobsen meet? Hanne is a professional choreographer. At the stage of acquaintance, the love of dancing was very close and the feelings that arose in 1987 grew into many years of living together, mutual respect and support.
Trial of fame and distance
In 2012, the shooting of the series "Hannibal" started. The shooting process took place in Canada - in Toronto and Ontario. In an interview, Mads said that the separation for almost six months was a serious test for him and Jacobsen. Hanne and the children patiently waited for him in Denmark, but the terms of the contract did not allow interrupting the filming process.

Subsequently, Mikkelsen made a firm decision not to leave his family for such a long time. And soon Hanne and the children moved to Canada with him, until the end of work on the series.
Hannibal Lecter
Role in the series "Hannibal" has become one of the most significant for Mikkelsen, despite the fact that the show was closed after the third season due to low ratings. Mads was aware of how serious and difficult the task was for him - to form an imagea hero that has already been embodied once by Anthony Hopkins himself. After all, the success of the films about Hannibal Lecter, released on screens in 1990 and 2001, was overwhelming. And this circumstance made Mikkelsen's task even more ambitious. Despite the fact that the show was eventually closed, the series, its characters and actors really fell in love with the public. Hannibal, played by Mads, turned out to be so graceful, charming and amazing that no one else comes to mind to compare him with Hopkins. Admittedly, both actors did an excellent job as such a pretentious cannibal maniac.
The ordinary in an extraordinary person
Despite the awards, recognition, the status of the sexiest man in Denmark, the success of films with his participation, Mads remains the same principled master of his craft and an exemplary family man. According to him, there is nothing more valuable than the patience and stubbornness with which he and his wife go through all difficulties. The force that unites them at all stages of family life has been and remains immeasurable love for each other and for children.

Mikkelsen is very reserved about his popularity. The status of a sex symbol, associations with the heroes he played and other imaginary honors do not please him. At home, he remains the same ordinary person who goes shopping, walks with his wife, plays tennis with his son, indulges his hobbies as much as possible, one of which is motorcycles. It is known that Mads is the owner of a rare motorcycle model, released in 1937. Jacobsen supports him in all his hobbies. Hanne streats her spouse's workload with patience and understanding, and the warmth of the family comfort she created provides all the necessary prerequisites for Mikkelsen's creative self-realization.