Many are interested in the lexical meaning of the word "kohlrabi". In fact, everything is simple here: this term means a variety of cabbage with a fleshy and wide stem. She has almost no leaves. Roughly speaking, this cabbage is just a stump.
Eating kohlrabi has a beneficial effect on the body. It can be eaten raw, stewed, boiled, preserved and fried.
The benefits of kohlrabi, its cultivation and preparation
Kolrabi is distinguished by its great taste.

In addition, its important property is the presence of a huge amount of vitamin C (more than in citrus fruits), it is called the "northern lemon". Also, this cabbage is rich in fiber, which has a positive effect on the intestines, helps fight constipation, cleanses the body of cholesterol, relieves atherosclerosis, and has a rejuvenating effect. It is especially recommended for overweight people as it is low in calories.
What is kohlrabi? This is a real storehouse of pantothenic acid, it is not found in any other cabbage. It is good for the epidermis. If there is not enough of this acid in the body, the skin looks lifeless,peeling, hair growth stops, the mucous membrane of the throat, nose, and mouth is disturbed. You can easily make salads from kohlrabi, and children love to eat it raw. To prepare a side dish, it can be stuffed and stewed, in addition, it is added to soups.
Some species are obtained from seedlings, and for the cultivation of others, seeds are sown in the ground. Kohlrabi loves water, and the sun's rays also contribute to its growth. Seeds germinate well at an air temperature of 18 to 20 degrees. But the cold has a negative effect on cabbage. Good growth is observed in dry and warm summers. Fertile land with a high content of clay is most suitable for cabbage, and it is difficult for it in peaty and sandy soil. It is not enough to know only the meaning of the word "kohlrabi", you also need to be able to grow this vegetable correctly.

This cabbage is recommended for people with intestinal diseases, nervous disorders, and atherosclerosis.
Is it worth mentioning that this vegetable prevents cancer? Today this is known to most conscious people. If, according to doctors, a person is at risk of getting cancer, then he must definitely eat this cabbage.
What vitamins and minerals are found in kohlrabi?
Experts unanimously say: the daily norm of most nutrients can be obtained exclusively from vegetables.
This cabbage is very rich in vitamins, mainly B, A, C. It also contains nicotinic acid. Everyone,who cares about his he alth should eat this cabbage at least in the warm season. And, of course, everyone should be aware of what kohlrabi is.
Among other things, this cabbage has a positive effect on metabolism. It contains a lot of organic acids and trace elements (zinc, iodine, fluorine, manganese, iron, copper, selenium, magnesium). Just like all vegetables, it contains a large amount of dietary fiber.
Kolrabi for weight loss
Why do people use this cabbage for weight loss?

And you yourself think: there are only 45 kilocalories per 100 grams of vegetable. This is comparable to onions and beets. By the way, many people do not even want to know what kohlrabi is, they prefer other vegetables. Well, that's their right.
The benefits of kohlrabi over white cabbage
Of course, white cabbage, which has only 30 kilocalories, immediately comes to mind, but kohlrabi has an undeniable advantage: it does not harm the intestines, and even if you often eat it raw, no rumbling in the stomach, no unpleasant there will be no sensations.
It is also important that this vegetable has a neutral, but very pleasant taste, which means it can be fed to babies. However, for very young children, it is recommended to cook it. It is better to make puree from it, which includes other vegetables.
Kolrabi or broccoli?

Some obese people don't know what kohlrabi is, and that's very sad. Meanwhile, theycould grate the cabbage and make a low-fat dressing for it. The dish turns out to be dietary, but quite tasty.
Kolrabi can be compared to broccoli, which also contains many trace elements and vitamins. But what tastes better? Of course, kohlrabi.
Tartronic acid
It should be noted that this cabbage has already helped many people lose weight. Do not forget that it is rich in tartronic acid. Experts say that this is a truly miraculous substance. Thanks to him, carbohydrates do not degenerate into adipose tissue.
Teachers give some students a task: to make a sentence with the word "kohlrabi". What can you think of here? Let's look at some options. You can simply write: "Tonight for dinner I want to make a salad with kohlrabi." But this is not the only option. You can also write something about the growth of this vegetable. For example: "Kolrabi grows best in loamy soil."