Beautiful painting on the passport. What should she be?

Beautiful painting on the passport. What should she be?
Beautiful painting on the passport. What should she be?

No one doubts that the signature in the passport should be beautiful, neat and individual. We present this document in the most important and "strict" organizations, so its appearance should make a good impression and inspire respect. That is why a beautiful passport painting is so important.

If you have not yet decided what kind of painting you should have, then you can come up with it. The main thing is not to rush. Experiment with different options, combinations, look at the autographs of famous people.

How to come up with a painting?

A beautiful passport painting is a painting that has a neat appearance and characteristic features. In other words, each signature should contain an unusual element, a "zest".

beautiful paintings of people in the passport
beautiful paintings of people in the passport

The beginning of the painting is the first letter of the last name

Very often, painting begins with capital letters of the last name, which saves time. In addition, such a signature in the future allows you to quickly identify its owner.

The capital letter of the surname can bemake an accent throughout the signature. However, it may differ in size from the rest of the letters. It can be provided with an underline, a monogram, a curlicue or a characteristic loop.

Experiment with spelling. You may have to write more than one piece of paper. However, you have an important goal - this is a beautiful passport painting, so practice for so long until you like the end result.

First initials

There is another possibility to create a beautiful and individual painting for yourself. We are talking about the initials of the name and patronymic, which can be attached to the beginning of the painting.

At the same time, they can be merged with the "family" letter or separate. Some put initials at the end of the painting, which looks unusual and impressive. Others discard the first letter of the patronymic, leaving the initial letters of the first and last name. Usually, the initial of the name comes first, followed by the letter of the last name.

beautiful painting on the passport
beautiful painting on the passport

Give zest

Beautiful paintings of people in the passport are distinguished by one feature - they all have some kind of memorable detail. For example, some contain sweeping underscores, others are enclosed in a loop, others are written so that each next letter is a continuation of the previous one.

In addition, there are signatures with various monograms, curls, sticks. You can also choose something like this for yourself, but the main thing here is not to overdo it. Pretentious, extravagant painting attracts attention and can look like eccentricity. This is especially unacceptable if yougoing to continue to hold responsible positions.

Beautiful passport painting: the main thing is individuality

If you are at a loss and cannot stop at any signature option, then you can turn to famous, famous people, or rather to their signatures. They, as a rule, were unusual and differed in a special style. Of course, it is not worth copying them completely, but it is quite possible to peep some moments and embody them in your painting.

the most beautiful painting in the passport
the most beautiful painting in the passport

Remember that a signature is like a fingerprint. It is just as individual and unique, but at the same time it can tell a lot about its owner. Therefore, the most beautiful painting in the passport is the one that was personally invented by you and fully corresponds to your characteristics.
