The expression "Prometheus Fire" has been heard by everyone, but not everyone knows what it means and where it came from.

Knowledge of such an expression speaks of a high culture of a person, the study of mythology, erudition. Therefore, in order to fully understand the meaning of the phraseological unit “Prometheus fire”, you need to remember the content of the myth and analyze the events of a beautiful story about the hero and the gods who punished him.
Who is Prometheus?
Prometheus fire (or the fire of Prometheus) is a phrase whose roots go back to ancient Greek mythology. According to the myth, Prometheus was a hero who helped the supreme god Zeus, but at the same time served ordinary people. He helped people learn to read, write, build ships and equip their lives.
The myth of Prometheus
In order to make life easier for people, Prometheus stole fire from the gods and took it to ordinary people. This plot of the myth can be considered not only literally, but also allegorically. That is, fire can symbolize the light of knowledge, which dispels fears, self-doubt and humility before unknown future events. Therefore, the meaning of the phraseologism "Prometheus fire" is closelyassociated with intellectual knowledge and creativity.

The punishment for Prometheus was very severe: Zeus ordered Prometheus to be chained to a rock, to which an eagle would fly every day to peck at Prometheus's liver, which grew again and again. The torture was endless, and only the confession of Prometheus could stop it, who would become the mother for the son of Zeus, capable of overthrowing the mighty father.
People, grateful to Prometheus, worried about their hero, but could not help him. Only Hercules could free Prometheus and kill the eagle.
The meaning of the idiom "Promethean fire" is the desire to achieve high noble goals aimed at the benefit of other people, through self-sacrifice. Based on the fact that Prometheus helped people develop science and art, the phrase applies mainly to activities in these areas of life.
In a simplified sense, the meaning of the phraseologism "Promethean fire" is the courage and nobility of a person. This can be said about a person who seeks to work to educate society, supports creative aspirations, spending his time and effort on this to the detriment of his own success.
Today such an expression is not often used. But the beauty of the myth and the deep meaning of the phrase is worth keeping in your vocabulary and using it on occasion in everyday life.