Scientists argue that the Ural race is an intermediate or mixed anthropological group of people with features of the Mongoloid and Caucasoid racial trunks. It is distributed in the Volga region and in Western Siberia. The article will discuss this anthropological group of people, how it was formed, how it differs from other races.
General information
The Ural race is endowed with sets of anthropological features intermediate between the Mongoloid and Caucasoid races, as well as their combination.
Anthropological types of the Ural race are: Sub-Ural, Sub-laponoid, Laponoid, Ural.

The Ural race (pictured) is characterized by dark and dark blond straight hair,medium development of hairline, brown eyes, strongly developed crease of the upper eyelid. The nose is moderately protruding, medium, with a slightly concave back, its tip is slightly raised. They have predominantly fair skin, with moderate pigmentation.
The face is relatively broad, but small, moderately flattened and low. Lips are not plump, usually of medium thickness.
Medium and below average height.
As you can see, in appearance the Ural race has some similarities with the Laponoid group, but it is larger and is characterized by Mongoloid features. That is why anthropologists combine them into one race in some classifications.
History of formation: hypotheses
There are three hypotheses about the origin of the Ural race. According to the first hypothesis, the race was formed as a result of the mixing of Mongoloid and Caucasoid groups in the territory where they interacted for a long time. In confirmation of this version, the location of the peoples that belong to the Ural race, between the areas of the Caucasoid and Mongoloid races, testifies. At the same time, there is an increase in Caucasoid features to the west, and, accordingly, Mongoloid features to the east.

According to the second hypothesis, the population of the Ural race inherited the features of the oldest anthropological type that existed even before the division of people into Mongoloid and Caucasoid anthropological trunks. This hypothesis is confirmed by a peculiar and unique combination of both Caucasoid and Mongoloid features, as well as the residence of some peoples classified as Uralic.race, out of range. For example, the Scandinavian Sami. This hypothesis makes the Urals the ancestral home of Europeans and Mongoloids at the same time.
The third hypothesis suggests that the formation of an intermediate anthropogenic trunk took place under certain environmental conditions and had an adaptive character. Confirmation of the hypothesis is a wide variety of peoples that are part of the Ural race.
Until now, the problem of antiquity, as well as the history of the formation of this race in anthropology, is debatable. According to experts, the earliest anthropological finds in the Urals date back to the Neolithic era and they belong to the Ural anthropological race.
In other words, it was formed approximately 50 thousand years before our era. Her origin is still unclear.

Place of Formation
The area of formation and ancient distribution of the Ural race covered large areas of the forest space of Eurasia from the B altic to the Novosibirsk Ob region. This means that this race is a truly separate anthropological group, which can be in the same ranks, in essence, with Mongoloids and Caucasians.
Instead of a conclusion
When distinguishing races of large, small, subraces, anthropological types, anthropologists are guided by the principle of value and significance of racial features, depending on the period of formation of the racial trunk and the territory in which this feature is characteristic of people.
The later the anthropogenic trait was formed, the more unsuitable it is fordivisions of the great races. They are distinguished, first of all, by the structural features of the head and the degree of skin pigmentation, that is, by the signs of appearance that have separated people since ancient times.

In addition, the antiquity of a racial trait is determined by the breadth of its distribution. If it is determined among many peoples and over a vast territory, this indicates an ancient formation. If the signs change in a complex way, this also indicates their belonging to a large race.
In 1951, the anthropologist Cheboksarov N. N. classified racial types and identified 3 large races: equatorial, Caucasian and Asian-American. The Ural race, according to his classification, is a small race, its territorial distribution: the Trans-Urals, the Urals, part of Western Siberia. This testifies to the peculiarities of the history of the Urals and the antiquity of these places.