Recently, a new word has become quite popular among young people - “swag”. What swag is is hard to define clearly. The word has no exact translation. In youth culture, it means something cool, super cool. The word is close to the well-known "cool", but "swag" carries elements of glamor, defiant luxury. The term gained popularity thanks to the hip-hop group Odd Future, but was used in the speech of rappers before them. In general, if a teenager you know tells you that you are a swag, rejoice, he recognized your coolness and authority.

Where is swag found?
Swag makes his way into almost every area of life. This is the style of music, the direction of dance, the way of dressing, and in general the style of behavior and life in general.
What is swag music? In the West, this style is inseparable from the culture of R'n'B. Almost all rappers consider their successful compositions to be swag. You can often see videos on the Internet in which girls in provocative outfits are actively shaking and twirling their butts to rap music. This is considered a swag dance. Its correct name is Booty Danse, that is, “booty dance”. This dance style came from Africa, and, in fact, rap in origin is the music of blacks. Swag music and dancing is a way of self-expression for people who are not constrained by complexes and who want to stand out from the crowd in all ways.

What is swag in clothes?
How to match the swag style? Firstly, clothes must be chosen in bright, even acid colors. The more flashy it is, the better. Swag girls wear leopard print leggings, short torn shorts, T-shirts with various inscriptions. In general, swag style provides for the presence of hip-hop items in the wardrobe: wide pants, baseball caps, dimensionless T-shirts and sweatshirts. Shoes - bright sneakers, sneakers. Girls wear high platform shoes and huge heels. Mandatory style attribute - tattoos and piercings in all possible places.
In order to fit the concept of swag, girls must have nice and impressive roundness. Plump lips, men's eye-catching breasts (one's own or from Silicon Valley), a defiantly protruding ass. Thin languid blondes of the asthenic type are far from a swag. Speaking of hair color… What do you think a swag hairstyle is? Pink, green or blue hair would be ideal, and a shaved head would also look appropriate.

Separately, it is worth talking about accessories. Here they are perhaps more important than clothing. What is swag? Well, of course, this is brilliance, chic, catchy luxury. All clothes should be completely studded with rhinestones, rivets, gold or jewelry. In general, the more metal on clothes and shoes, the cooler you are. Jewelry should be catchy. For example, a heavy gold chain around a rapper's neck is a super swag.
So, if you want to fully match the concept of swag, you need to look the part. And there is no need to talk about listening to rap music. What is swag in general and who needs it? Most likely, this style attracts people who are tired of the gray everyday life, who want to get rid of complexes, stand out and join a certain youth group, formed according to the principles of closeness of tastes, concepts, values of life.