Madonna and Guy Ritchie were considered the perfect couple. They had a stormy romance, and the whole world discussed the wedding of celebrities. Before the official marriage, their eldest daughter was already born, and in 2000, a son. The couple decided to tie the knot after their son's christening in 2000, but the couple was not destined to stay together for the rest of their lives. Their family boat could not withstand the constant storms and crashed. Guy Ritchie went to England, and Madonna stayed with her children in the USA. Rocco Richie, the son of Madonna, does not leave the tabloids of the Western press, he became the hero of our article today.
After the divorce of parents
After Guy left the family, Madonna said that she would raise children perfectly herself. But this was said only for the press, and very soon, leaving the children for nannies, the singer rushed further to conquer the stage.
The children practically did not know her, because she hardly saw them. In addition to her own children, Madonna also has adopted ones. No one understands why she needed to adopt children from the orphanage, because she didn’t care about her relatives either. She looked at the world from the height of her pedestal, and the children grew up on their own.

You might think that noteverything is so bad
Those who witnessed the joint performances of Madonna with their children can say so. She showed the guys from the stage to the whole world, posted joint photos on Instagram. There was a moment when there were rumors that Madonna's son Rocco did not even have the opportunity to study normally, as he constantly spends time on tour with his mother. Yes, there was such a moment. Madonna took turns taking her children on trips around the world, not so that they could see other countries, but to be her assistants behind the scenes.
Madonna's son has cancer?
There was a time when Madonna brought eleven year old Rocco on stage to sing a song together. The audience was struck by the thinness of the boy, his pale skin. Moreover, the boy was completely bald and looked like a criminal, not the child of a successful singer.
Immediately there were suggestions that Madonna's son was seriously ill, he had cancer. This news spread all over the world, and the singer did not comment on this event in any way. Her silence was taken as confirmation of the fact. However, after a couple of years, the son of Madonna again appeared in sight, a photo of a thirteen-year-old guy amazed everyone. He was absolutely he althy, with plump ruddy cheeks, he became very similar to his father, director Guy Ritchie.

Difficult childhood
Madonna, although she practically did not take part in the upbringing of children, still tried to keep them in harsh conditions. Children under the age of fifteen were forbidden to use the Internet, to have a personal phone. These prohibitions also extended to viewingTV. Madonna wanted the children to obey her completely, read a lot, devoted all their free time to studying.
She also managed her studies in her own way: the guys really had a busy schedule, and their mother found out about their every achievement and success, as well as a miss, being several thousand kilometers from home. If the result did not satisfy her, she deprived her children and other joys.
Madonna took her children's diet seriously. She eliminated all sweets from the menu altogether, choosing a macrobiotic diet for the guys.

Why doesn't my son love Madonna?
Madonna posted her speech on the Internet that Rocco does not love her at all. She says that she is trying only for the good and good future of her children, does not spare her strength, earns them a worthy inheritance. And Rocco at this time posts terrible reviews about his own mother online, calls her names, says that he wants to run away from her.
Madonna's son really wrote on the Internet that he hates his mother, his life and everything connected with it. He called her names in every possible way, poured mud on her. Maybe it's just adolescence, hormones and all, but Madonna wrote that her son does not recognize her talent and he needs a mother who will always be there, standing at the stove to cook dinner.
Escape from mother
During the summer holidays, fourteen-year-old Rocco went to London to spend time with his father. As soon as he got to the territory of England, he immediately removed his mother from access to his social networks, blocked all her possibleapproaches to it.
When the summer was over, the son of Madonna and Guy Ritchie refused to return to the US to his mother, he said he would live with his dad. Madonna did not like this at all, and she decided to influence her son through her ex-husband. But Guy refused to give the child without his consent. On this occasion, the singer filed a lawsuit against the ex-wife, stating that he was holding the child on purpose.

Reasons for running away
As the insiders say, Rocco does not want to return to his mother's possessions for many reasons. The first is called her constant absence and terrible temper, and the second reason was the freedom acquired by the boy. He can calmly walk in the park, hug girls, play the guitar until the morning with new friends. The father understands youth and allows his son almost everything.
At the same time, reporters do not follow Rocco in droves with questions about his mother, all his current friends are real, and not those who are friends with him in order to get into the house of Madonna herself.
By court order
The process lasted for about a year, during which the fate of the guy was decided, his parents divided him among themselves. The teenager did not get any pleasure from this case, on the contrary, he was afraid that the court would decide to return him to his mother. He was very nervous about this, and for a fragile psyche, this is very bad.
However, his worries were in vain, the court, having considered the child's desire to stay in England with his father, took note of this fact. The solution was to leave the guy with Guy Ritchie, and Madonna could visit him. Herhad to come to terms with such a fate, and they celebrated their son's fifteenth birthday together.

Difficult teenager
All the experiences of the guy affected his character badly. Madonna's son Rocco has never had a calm disposition, and recent events have not affected his psyche in the best way.
Ritchie's neighbors, noticing his son with a cigarette in the yard, called the police. It turned out that the guy had marijuana, and its amount in the house could lead the youngster to a real term. Rocco was arrested, but still released, perhaps due to Guy's connections.
This wasn't the first time Rocco had been caught with drugs. There are plenty of pictures online of him smoking weed and drinking alcohol with friends. Perhaps the mother's iron mittens would not interfere now, or perhaps it was they who had the effect on the guy. Reached freedom and enjoying!
What will happen next with this teenager - time will tell.