Who is an intellectual. It needs to be known

Who is an intellectual. It needs to be known
Who is an intellectual. It needs to be known

Some people say: "He is a real intellectual!". Does this mean that a person is educated or smart, morally stable or a patriot? Let's figure out when this concept arose and what is the meaning of it.

Etymology of the word

intellectual is
intellectual is

"Intellectual" - this word has Latin roots. Literally translated as "knowing, understanding, thinking." It came into use in Russia at the beginning of the 19th century. In the cultural strata of society, it was originally a kind of synonym for the word "nobility", but later acquired a different meaning.

In the turbulent period of the change of epochs at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, the advanced and enlightened minds of the Russian Empire propagandized: "…forever to fight and forever to be deprived", "peace is spiritual meanness", "to live honestly means to fight and not be afraid to make mistakes" ". This worldview has updated the concept of the intelligentsia. Its representative, an intellectual, is a brave, resolute and honest person, a patriot and a courageous fighter for human rights. He is smart, fair, dedicated to his work. An intellectual is not a philistine, but an active and useful member of society, his life is inseparable from what is important forthe people of the cause. The meaning of this concept was a kind of alternative to the word "revolutionary".

Interpretation of this word in the 20th century in Russia and in the West

the word intellectual
the word intellectual

After the October Revolution of 1917, the country lay in ruins. For its revival, strong labor hands were needed, so the workers became a privileged class, and mental figures went into the shadows. Moreover, the word "intellectual" began to sound contemptuously. Now, calling someone that, they meant that a person is a parasite sitting on the neck of society, a lazy person and a rogue useless for society.

In developed foreign countries, this word also acquired a different meaning, but the vector of its renewal was completely different. In the West, "intellectual" is a synonym for the word "intellectual". It means people engaged in mental work. Scientists, teachers, doctors, artists and lawyers are intellectuals, regardless of moral values, they are not required to be the bearer of ideals.

Broad Russian soul

intellectual is
intellectual is

And what echo does this word find in the Slavic soul today? It is associated primarily with a well-mannered and cultured member of society, fair, not idle talk, capable of self-improvement and being an example to follow. An intellectual is an active and hardworking person, he is spiritually developed and pure of heart, conceit and arrogance are alien to him, he appreciates culture and knowledge.

A real intellectual can equally successfully engage in both intellectual activity andphysical labor. Only moral values are important, but not the type of activity. A steelmaker can be a true intellectual in his soul, and an artist can be an ordinary boor.
