Bro is a literary word or colloquialism? Let's figure it out.
Russian speech is rich and varied, has unique ways of expression in different social groups. In addition to the literary language, which strictly obeys the norms, it includes colloquial and dialectal forms, vernacular, slang. Such lexical saturation of our language allows us to express the smallest shades of thoughts and feelings, to make speech interesting, emotional and understandable in any environment. In this article, we will analyze the usage and meaning of the word "bro".

Who is called bro?
This word can be heard quite often in everyday life. To understand who a bro is, let's see what interpretations of this word exist in modern Russian.
- The very first meaning of this lexeme is gradually falling into disuse and is already considered obsolete, but is still widely used in some areas, therefore it is dialectic. In some regions, a bro is a cousin. In this sense, the word is not given a special emotionalcoloration. Example: “My brother Vasily, the son of his father’s elder sister, has decided to marry.”
- Also, siblings are often referred to as "bros". This is a stylistically reduced version, it is not included in the norm of the literary language. Example: “I was born before my brother by eight minutes, so I am considered the oldest.”
- Another colloquially reduced variation of the meaning of this word does not reflect kinship and has a figurative meaning. A bro is a like-minded, congenial person with whom interests coincide. This value rather shows the spiritual similarity of people or their common life. Example: “I have an army bro, I’m ready for him and into fire and into water.”
- For reduced vocabulary in Russian, special forms of address are characteristic, it is in this context that another colloquial modification of the meaning of the word "bro" appears. This variant has a familiar or friendly coloration. This is how they address any male person, be it a man, a young man or a boy. It should be noted that such a greeting is not used for an older person. Example: "Bro, can you give me a cigarette?"

The place of reduced vocabulary in speech
As we can see, the modern Russian language in most meanings defines the word "bro" as a vernacular.
Colloquial vocabulary is used by people in everyday life, everyday communication. It gives speech a tone of ease, negligence, if necessary, allows you to add emotional shades. The use of reduced vocabulary has always been considered a traituneducated part of the population, but along with the bookish language, it is widely used in literature, cinema, and on television to give the presentation the necessary color.

Bro, this is a fiasco
A video with this title has gained immense popularity on the Internet. The failure of a Shiba Inu dog, falling into the water under the comment of his owner: “This is a fiasco, bro,” touched and amused the audience, bringing people's love to the dog. Thanks to the use of this vernacular by the author of the video, we can judge the attitude of the owner towards his dog as a friend, a family member. This once again shows how the Russian language, with its variety of lexical means, allows you to accurately express the sensations and nuances of human perception.