Animal lovers will not remain indifferent at the sight of the Pampas cat. Although outwardly it resembles domestic purrs, there are noticeable differences between them. So, the pampas cat (photos shown on this page) has an unusual, expressive muzzle.
Description of the animal
Grass cat is another name for this animal - it is the same size as its domestic counterpart. Height at the withers is about 30 cm. The body itself is knocked down, about 75 cm long. Since its coat is too thick, the legs seem a little shortened. The head of the cat is large, with sharp ears. The transition from the forehead to the nose is slightly flattened. The nose itself is large. It is brown in color, often with a thin black border, as are the eyes. Fluffy, thick tail of the same length as a normal cat (25 cm). The animal weighs from 3 to 7 kg.
The Pampas cat has a brown color, but the shade depends on its habitat. It can be light wool in sand colors or any other up to dark brown, almost black. There is also a pattern that can be pronounced or almost invisible. On the spine, the shade is darker than the main color, and the tail is often decorated with dark stripes.

Behavior and lifestyle
The Pampas cat is a nocturnal animal that sees well and navigates in the dark. But sometimes the animals go for a walk or hunt in the daytime. These animals lead a solitary life. Each cat has its own territory, which it controls. Usually the borders of possessions extend for 30, and sometimes 50 km. These cats, like domestic cats, flee from dangers. And at the first opportunity they climb a tree. If there is nowhere to run or the animal encounters a rival, it raises its hair on end to visually increase in size and scare off the enemy. In relation to humans, these cats are often aggressive, so they are poorly tamed. In captivity, they can live up to 12 years.
The Pampas cat hunts on the ground, so rodents are mainly present in its diet. Also, fluffy animals can ruin the nests of birds that settle in the bushes. Often, birds come across in their paws. Sometimes the menu is diluted with insects and lizards. In rare cases, a grass cat may attack a poultry.

Puberty in these animals occurs at the age of 6 to 21 months. Also, presumably pampas cats breed like ordinary yard cats. Festivities begin from April to July. Sometimes they start hunting for a partner a little earlier. After mating, the female bears offspring for up to 85 days. Broods are small: only two or three kittens.
Pampas cat lives in South America. It can be found in Chile, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina. It settles in the foothills of the Andes, where it can climb to the top, the height of which reaches 5 thousand meters above sea level. In these places, they prefer to settle in grassy areas. These are steppes and pampas (fertile plains with flat relief). It is because of the habitat that the cats got their name. Animals do not like mangrove swamps, humid forests, thickets of dried thorny bushes, although occasionally they are found there.

Pampas cat: interesting facts and information
In the CIS countries, they learned about the grassy cat only today, since it was singled out as a separate species not so long ago. It is distinguished from the rest of its brethren by the structure of the skull and the features of the coat. But, despite this, some zoologists refuse to recognize the pampas cat as a separate species. Despite the fact that this animal has long been known in its homeland, there are no published detailed studies and observations about it. So, there are still no details related to the reproduction of these furry animals. The enemy of the Pampas cat are large birds of prey and animals, as well as a person who hunts them for their skins.