Yellow rose: the meaning of a beautiful flower

Yellow rose: the meaning of a beautiful flower
Yellow rose: the meaning of a beautiful flower

Fragrant and beautiful flowers always accompany a person on his life path. From birth to the last minutes of our stay on perishable earth, we admire delicate violets, noble roses, sophisticated gerberas, narcissists, meek daisies. Flowers have long been credited with healing properties and magical abilities. Some of them could get rid of a certain ailment, others could protect from the evil eye and evil forces, and still others could bewitch a loved one. However, there is such a thing as the language of flowers, which was widely used earlier, and it is not forgotten today.

yellow rose meaning
yellow rose meaning

Yellow rose, the meaning of which worries many today, is also present in floral etiquette. It is believed that the language of flowers was born in the East thanks to women. Beauties who are forced to hide their faces and feelings used flowers to convey their mood. Over time, a certain meaning was assigned to each plant, therefore, using flowers, it was possible to carry on a conversation and even make an appointment.

Flowers - yellow roses, tulips, a branch of lilac or jasmine, mimosa displayed different relationships, feelings, desires. It was important not only whichplants give, they paid attention to what time the gift was presented, in which hand they held the bouquet, how - with inflorescences down or up, whether there were leaves in the composition, with or without rose thorns. If a girl pinned a given flower to her dress, then a reciprocal feeling lives in her heart for a young man, and if she decorated his hair, then this was a warning.

bouquet of yellow roses
bouquet of yellow roses

Rose is considered the queen of all flowers. She was endowed with different meanings depending on the presence of thorns and leaves, the shape of the flower, shade, and also the stage of flowering. Beautiful girls were called roses, the Egyptian queen Cleopatra took baths with flower petals. In Rome, she was considered a symbol of strict morality and an emblem of courage. Legionnaires, going on a campaign, put on a wreath of fragrant roses on their heads to be filled with courage. And the rose was also a symbol of silence, reminding you not to loose your tongue in front of strangers.

In the nineteenth century, the language of flowers was mainly used to declare love. And it was important not only the meaning of a certain flower, but also a combination of different plants. Today there is a resurgence of interest in floral etiquette. The yellow rose was no exception. Its meaning is rather ambiguous, so some people refuse to give this flower a sunny shade. In fact, it means friendship, happiness, joy, positive emotions. If you received a bouquet of yellow roses from your loved one as a gift, don't worry, it has nothing to do with jealousy and betrayal. Although sometimes they may indicate betrayal, butit's more of an exception.

flowers yellow roses
flowers yellow roses

Contrary to popular belief, the value of a yellow rose is exceptionally good. The composition of it means admiration and admiration, respect, sweetness of family relationships. That is why bouquets of golden plants are often presented at various celebrations. And the yellow rose also has a meaning for people who have quarreled, being a sign of reconciliation.

Don't be afraid of delicate sun-colored roses. They carry a charge of divine energy, optimism, cheerfulness and well-being!
