Monuments of Lugansk: history and description

Monuments of Lugansk: history and description
Monuments of Lugansk: history and description

Each city has its own history and places that keep it. Often, walking through the streets of your favorite city, you can see that every detail has its own meaning, is attached to something and is its integral part. The sights that a tourist gets acquainted with and that a resident appreciates are a kind of visiting card of a settlement, which allows us to talk about the stages that have been passed in the process of its formation, turning points and memorable events. Among them there are also monuments - a way of honoring and ex alting those whose activities and merits both to a certain city and to the country are immortalized in the hearts and minds of people. The monuments of Lugansk and their history are a separate world that keeps the memory of the past.

Monument to the author of "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

The monuments of Lugansk depict a variety of people and time periods. Among them there is also a monument to the author of The Tale of Igor's Campaign. The name of this man is unknown, but for his great services to the Slavic people, his image was immortalized near the building of the Regional Universal Scientific Library named after M. Gorky.

monuments of lugansk
monuments of lugansk

The poem about the great campaignPrince Igor and his troops against the Polovtsians in 1185 The Tale of Igor's Campaign is one of the most valuable sources of information about Ancient Russia. I. Chumak, People's Artist of Ukraine and the author of this landmark of Lugansk, depicted the author of the poem in a sitting position with his hands folded on a book. There is a shield next to him. This monument is one of the most famous in the city, not only thanks to the merits of the one who is carved, but also for the conciseness and symbolism of his style.

Monument to Vladimir Dal

In 1981, the monuments of Luhansk were replenished with another one, which reminds the inhabitants of the city of the activities and origins of one of the most prominent Russian writers and ethnographers, Vladimir Ivanovich Dal. The author of the Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language was born in Lugansk, which was the reason for the erection of a monument to him on the 180th anniversary of his birth. He is located on English Street, which now bears his name.

monuments of lugansk photo
monuments of lugansk photo

Dal's family lived in Lugansk not so long, only three years, but this region forever remained in the heart of Vladimir Ivanovich, as evidenced by his pseudonym, taken by him in 1832, which sounded like the Cossack of Lugansk. On the monument, he is depicted as a wise researcher who is immersed in work with soul and body. I. Ovcharenko, V. Orlov and G. Golovchenko were the authors of this image of Dahl, which replenished the monuments of Lugansk. The description of it as "a concrete rock, almost four and a half meters high, with a granite facing and a copper knockout" really delights everyone.

Monument to Kliment Voroshilov

Many people are impressed by the variety of styles and genres possessed by the monuments of Lugansk. Among them stands out the monument to the great military leader, public figure of the Soviet era, Kliment Efremovich Voroshilov. Its history is part of the history of Luhansk, because not so long ago this city was called Voroshilovgrad. Starting from work at the locomotive plant, Kliment Efremovich became the recognized leader of the proletariat, commanded the army during the Civil War and crossed the Don steppes to protect Tsaritsyn.

monuments of lugansk description
monuments of lugansk description

His heroic personality was immortalized by A. Posyado and A. Dushkin in front of the city council building. The monuments of Lugansk, whose photos cannot fully convey all their majesty and the idea of the authors, keep the features of past generations. So the monument to Kliment Voroshilov, which is made in the form of a twelve-meter granite pedestal, conveys the severity and restraint of this man in his soldier's overcoat and true love for the city, which he welcomes.

Monument to Carl Gascoigne

Carl Gascoigne is a man who, although he was not born in Lugansk, and was not emotionally attached to him, but whose activities caused his image to be included in the monuments of Lugansk. In 1794, this Scottish engineer and industrial reformer in Russia gave the then small town an impetus to development, because the creation of a state-owned iron foundry is attributed to his merits.

Lugansk monuments and their history
Lugansk monuments and their history

It's been almost eight yearsconstruction of the plant, and upon its completion, Carl Gascoigne took over as director. Becoming one of the founders of the city, he received great respect and gratitude from future generations, who in 1995 installed his bust on a five-meter column. In all its glory of the era of classicism, the image of a purposeful pioneer, developed by A. Redkin and G. Golovchenko, was erected near the building of the local history museum.
