Red claw Australian crayfish: description, cultivation, maintenance and reproduction

Red claw Australian crayfish: description, cultivation, maintenance and reproduction
Red claw Australian crayfish: description, cultivation, maintenance and reproduction

Many lovers of aquarium exotics would like their waters to be inhabited not only by fish, but also by Australian red claw crayfish. These are not very large underwater inhabitants that may surprise with their unusual coloring. But before deciding on such an acquisition, some seek to learn everything about cancers. Red claw blue crayfish has its own characteristics of maintenance and care, they will be discussed in this article.

Australian cancer
Australian cancer

Nature Habitats

This colorful underwater resident is also called Yabby Red Claw. It can be found in still waters in Australia and New Guinea. Since he is a freshwater inhabitant, he settles in ponds, quiet, small rivers, and sometimes he is found in puddles. Some claim to have seen this "traveler" in flowing waters, but in fact he only chooses small streams and other similar places with minimal current. In view of suchunpretentious qualities of crayfish, it is suitable for inexperienced aquarists.

External characteristics

The main color of the Australian crayfish is deep blue, and yellowish "freckles" are scattered all over the shell. The color of the connections between the segments can be not only blue, but also red, orange, pink. However, the saturation of the shades will depend on the hardness of the water in which the Australian crayfish lives. To get a bright color, it is better to keep it in hard water. If it is soft in composition, the cancer will turn brown, although the blue tint will remain noticeable.

Australian red claw crayfish
Australian red claw crayfish

In nature, they can grow up to 20 cm, and their weight sometimes reaches 500 g. But at home, crayfish are a little short of this size. The females grow even smaller. In addition, males grow a flat "claw" on the outside of the claw, often red, but can be lighter.

Pet personality

Despite its large size, the Australian red claw crayfish is considered one of the most peaceful. The description of this creature showed that its color is affected by the hardness of the water. But this circumstance also affects the aggressiveness of cancer. A harsher environment may make it more hostile.

Despite this, the Australian crayfish is capable of peaceful coexistence with fish, and with those who are larger than him, he even lives in the same shelter. But at the same time, they often do not get along with their brethren, and sometimes they engage in cannibalism, eating young animals. Too aggressive individuals can prey on smallfishes. In addition, if there are too many males in the aquarium, active crayfish will eat their “rivals” during molting.

These inhabitants can be attributed to nocturnal animals, and they spend the day half asleep. During daylight hours, they may appear in order to have a snack or if they are about to molt (for this they need free space). But if the cancer crawled out not for these purposes, perhaps this is a signal that something is wrong in your reservoir.

farming australian crayfish
farming australian crayfish

Australian crayfish are creative creatures that can arrange aquarium decorations in their own way. They also use their claws to dig in the mud and make a new hole that will become their refuge.

Australian Red Claw: Keeping in an Aquarium

This type of crayfish is much easier to care for than its counterparts. In order for your pet to be calm and not nervous, he needs a 200-liter aquarium. It is also worth remembering that one pair requires 150 liters of space. Keep them better in hard water, although they can live in softer water.

The aquarium must be decorated with bright little things, it can be colorful pebbles or artificial flowers. They are necessary for the division of the territory. In addition, crayfish should have many possible hiding places on the territory, otherwise conflicts between brothers will begin. All inhabitants love to have several houses at once in their possessions. These can be minks, snags, they are very fond of pipes (ceramic), pots. It should be noted that large stones are notinterested. Also, in order for them to dig their holes, they need a sufficient layer of soil.

The desirable condition for the Australian blue crayfish to feel comfortable is getting out of the water. So they have the opportunity to warm up and breathe. But if you have other pets, like cats, they shouldn't have access to crayfish crawling out of the water.

Australian red claw breeding
Australian red claw breeding

Besides everything, there should be space at the bottom where the cancer can freely shed, dropping its old shell. It is worth noting that these pets live for about five years.

Neighbourhood in the aquarium

It is advisable to run small fish into the water. In addition to diversifying your fauna, there is another reason. After cancer, there is a lot of waste that settles in the water. Over time, these residues can cause bacterial outbreaks. But, for example, guppies or corridors are able to clean them up after crayfish. Such a neighborhood can bring inconvenience only to the fish, because they overeat from the inability to control themselves. Or they might get scratched by crayfish for stealing their food.

On the other hand, if guppies die from overeating, the Australian crayfish will become an orderly. So, for the neighborhood it is better to acquire a small fish that breeds quickly. Large fish can eat small crustaceans. Snails and shrimps should not be bred in the same aquarium with crayfish.

Australian red claw crayfish
Australian red claw crayfish

Vegetation in the aquarium

Australian crayfish love vegetation,so whatever they can get, they eat. But you can decorate a home pond with plants that stick to the surface. For a constant supply of greenery, it is better to start a donor aquarium.

Clidiflora lasts the longest of all plants. Duckweed also spreads quickly, so that the crayfish do not have time to eat it. In addition, on a proven reservoir in the summer, you can stock up on thread. Young crustaceans like to swarm in this plant, gradually eating it. But when bringing string from a pond, be careful not to infect the aquarium.

This type of crayfish is not too demanding for the purity of water.

all about crayfish red claw blue crayfish
all about crayfish red claw blue crayfish

Water temperature

Although the Australian crayfish endures fluctuations in temperature, it is still better not to let it fall below 18 ° C: with a long drop in degrees, the pet may die from hypothermia. The most comfortable temperature will be in the range of 20–26 ° С. If the summer heat comes, the crayfish can withstand 30 ° C, but in this case there should be enough oxygen in the water.

Feeding crayfish

Young crayfish are not too picky about food, but at the same time they are fickle in the choice of menu. Despite the fact that they are vegetarians by nature, these creatures are not averse to tasting a frog, small fish, snails. But the diet for your pet must be made, taking into account its menu in natural conditions. They usually have oak or beech foliage on a daily basis. This "dish" for Australian crayfish is considered a delicious delicacy. In addition, the foliage is realantiseptic, without which the he alth and immunity of cancer will decline. If the diet is missing leaves, your pet will become susceptible to disease.

But besides this, you can dilute your pet's menu with frozen food, peas, earthworms, various vegetables, snails, fish food (with mineral supplements and calcium).

Australian blue crayfish
Australian blue crayfish

It is better if there is a place in the aquarium where you can put fallen leaves, hay, tea and other remains of plant origin. Although these components are not eaten as quickly, the crayfish will be strong and he althy.

What not to feed

Despite the fact that Australian crayfish can eat everything, there are foods that they are better off not offering. Crayfish do not eat banana peels, grated raw beets, carrots, potatoes. In addition, they spoil the water. Cancer apples are not eaten at all. However, there are foods that are eaten perfectly, but at the same time they spoil the condition of the water. These include: boiled egg, cottage cheese, bread, raw meat or minced meat. The last two products can be thrown a little. It is rational to give bread if there are fish in the aquarium.

Gender characteristics

For Australian Red Claw breeding to be successful, it is important to learn how to identify males that are ready to breed. This is usually indicated by a flat protrusion on the claw. This is a red growth (the intensity of the color depends on the hardness of the water). This ledge is not formed from birth, but only after the cancer becomes sexually mature. At the moment when the maleready to copulate, his protrusion will take on a richer tone that will be different from his usual coloration.

The female can be identified by her neat claws. Also, the size of the female is slightly inferior to the male.

Crayfish breeding

Just like keeping, breeding and raising Australian crayfish is not as laborious as it might seem. An important condition is an aquarium of the required size.

To stimulate the desire for mating games in males and females, it is better to move them from each other to different aquariums for a week. After seven days, the couple is united, and the "lovers" have several times increased sexual activity.

At the end of mating, the female lays eggs under the abdomen. She bears eggs, and then larvae from 8 to 9 weeks. The duration of this period depends on the temperature of the water. At the end of gestation, about a hundred crustaceans appear in the aquarium.

It is necessary to transfer young animals to other tanks. But in order for the offspring to be preserved, a lot of shelters must be provided in the aquarium for crustaceans. By the way, after the young animals have been relocated, they need to be closely monitored. They grow quite quickly, and you should have time to plant them in size.

These crayfish do not molt at the same time, so there can be both large and small individuals from one female. This phenomenon is natural, and gradually their size will even out. But until this happens, it is important to settle large and small crustaceans in different aquariums.
