Humanity has always sought to perpetuate its best representatives. This tradition has been preserved since ancient times. It was then that man began to create huge monuments. And today there are creations of human hands that are impressive in their size. Among them is the tallest monument in the world. About him and others like him will be discussed in the article.
Whose is the tallest monument in the world?
Before giving the palm, we note that the heroes who have found their embodiment in the form of giant statues, as a rule, are deities. For example, only about ten Buddha statues are among the highest. Sometimes these are collective images or figures of prominent figures who left a mark on the history of their people, country or the whole world.
In such an incarnation of a revered or, at times, beloved hero, there is a hidden desire for him to remain in our lives even after his death. But at the same time, it is also obvious - to keep his image in the memory of not one people or generation, but many who are coming after him. All of them are monuments.culture of his era.
Buddha Monument
Today, the highest sculpture on earth is the Buddha of the spring temple. Its height is 128 meters. The monument is quite young - he is only thirteen years old. It was erected in China, in a province called Henan, which is located in the Pingdingshan district.
Buddha of the spring temple owes its name to a hot healing spring, which is located nearby. Its name literally translated into Russian means "hot spring". This fact is also confirmed by the 60-degree water of the spring.

In addition to the world-famous name, there are also such as Buddha Vairochan ("the one that personifies the wisest"), and Buddha Foshan (on behalf of the temple located here).
The Chinese are very proud of their creation and are striving in every possible way to maintain superiority in height. That is why the monument is constantly gaining height. But since it is practically quite difficult to do this from above, the restless Chinese make up for it from below, gaining Buddha's height at the expense of pedestals. Initially, it was only a lotus flower, twenty meters high. Then a 25-meter pedestal was added. Later, two more steps were built up, fifteen meters each. Fearing competition from India, which also built its tall Buddha, the Chinese transformed the hill at the foot of the monument into a huge pedestal. The ascent to it consists of twelve spans, and the total number of steps is equal to the number of days in a year.
Monument of the future
This should be the mostthe tallest monument in the world, and its construction began in 2013 in India, in the state of Gujarat. The monument, which will reach a height of 182 meters, and together with the pedestal will rise to all 240, will immortalize one of the Indian politicians - Vallabhai Patel. His name is better known in the world as Sardar. In translation, this word means "leader". So Patel called the Indian people for those invaluable merits that made it possible to preserve the integrity of India as a state. Perhaps that is why the name of the monument is the statue of Unity. It will rise above the Indian river Narmada. You can get to it by boat.

So in India they decided to pay tribute to the national hero and at the same time remind contemporaries what a real politician should be like. The launch of the project was announced by Narendra Modi, Chief Minister of Gujarat. As the leader of the Indian People's Party in 2013, he was just preparing to run for parliamentary elections and was named among the candidates for the post of prime minister.
The success of his party in the 2014 elections was obvious. This was preceded by a huge work of both party members and Modi himself. In May 2014, Narendra Modi became the Prime Minister of India. There is hope that, having taken the coveted seat, the politician will continue the announced construction and remain true to his election promises.
Memory of Jesus Christ
Christians have their tallest monument in the world. It is located in the Polish town of Swiebodzin and was built in 2010, although a proposal for construction was received2001-m.

It was initiated by one of the local priests - Sylvester Zavadsky. Later, in 2006, local councils, given that the townspeople chose Jesus Christ as their patron, decided to turn him into the largest monument. However, its construction started only in 2009. And already in the fall of 2010, it was completed.
The height of Jesus from Swiebodzin is 53 meters. In terms of its size, it bypassed the world-famous Brazilian statue of Jesus (30 meters).
Tallest monuments
One of the tallest monuments in the world is the Victory Monument located in the heart of Moscow on Poklonnaya Hill. Its height is more than 141.8 meters. These dimensions were not chosen by chance. They symbolize the duration of the entire Great Patriotic War - ten centimeters for each day, which in total amounted to a figure of 14,180 centimeters. Today it is the highest monument in Russia and the second in the world.
Preceded by the Washington Monument, which reaches 169 meters in size.

The Victory Monument was opened in 1995, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the event of the same name, and is part of the entire Victory Memorial Complex.
Design of the obelisk deserves attention. It is presented in the form of a trihedral bayonet, the surface of which is covered with continuous bas-reliefs. They depict warriors, military scenes and inscriptions of the names of cities subjected to fascist attacks. The material for the obelisk wasspecial steel that does not corrode.
At a height of more than a hundred meters, a figure of the goddess Nike, symbolizing Victory, is fixed on a bayonet. At the same time, such an original execution of the obelisk is also very problematic due to the fact that the statue located at a great height shifts its center of gravity and requires special reinforcements to ensure the stability of the thousand-ton monument. This is done by a whole service, located in the bowels of the hill on which this monument rises.

The most famous tall monuments
Among them is the world-famous statue of Jesus Christ in Brazil, the Statue of Liberty in the USA, the Motherland in Russia and Ukraine. These historical monuments have already become widely known far beyond the borders of their states. The territory in which they are located has become a wonderful addition. For example, the Brazilian Jesus stands on Mount Corcovado, which offers stunning views of the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro. His figure with arms spread wide seems to be trying to embrace the whole world. Thanks to this, from a distance, the outlines of the statue resemble a cross.
The world-famous Statue of Liberty in the United States has become a kind of symbol of this country, although it was originally presented to the state as a gift from French citizens. The figure of this statue is 46 meters high.
Domestic sculptures are no less interesting in this respect. The Motherland Monument in Kyiv is also one of the highest. The height of this sculpture from the foot to the tip of the gun is 62 meters. Somewhat less thanthe size of the famous Volgograd monument, which is called "The Motherland Calls." Its height is 52 meters.
All these monuments of culture and history were considered differently when compared. It should be noted that, as a rule, the dimensions of the sculpture take into account the height of the pedestal on which it is located. When comparing monuments, the latter was not taken into account.